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Love as a multidimensional universal force.


Well-Known Member
Everything we do is for love,or a form of love.As such our behaviour is determined completely by those whom we love or associate with.

The prime love bond is with the mother,then family or friends or groups from there on in,depending upon whom you hold dearest to you.

For instance,you would behave a certain way when with your mother,which is different from the way you would behave when you are out with friends,which is different from the way you would behave in a church.etc,etc,etc.

Right down to the fact that when you are in the company of thieves it is immoral NOT to steal.

Ecstatic self love is required to be within you for healing or even just functioning properly according to your dna.This is also useful for determining worth of *truth's* or scrutinising documents which are *Holy*.

This can be learned very easily & could be very interesting if it is tried & proved to everyone's complete satisfaction.

If anyone is interested in going over this document with me I would be very happy to hopefully fully identify & exhibit the value of ecstatic self love,& leave you to determine the dimensions that this can resonate upon.The more the merrier.

Anyone up for the challenge?

Try me and prove me.(right or wrong:D)




If anyone is interested in going over this document with me I would be very happy to hopefully fully identify & exhibit the value of ecstatic self love,& leave you to determine the dimensions that this can resonate upon.The more the merrier.

Anyone up for the challenge?

Try me and prove me.(right or wrong:D)



Of which document do you speak?


Guardian of Asgaard
Everything we do is for love,or a form of love.As such our behaviour is determined completely by those whom we love or associate with.

The prime love bond is with the mother,then family or friends or groups from there on in,depending upon whom you hold dearest to you.

For instance,you would behave a certain way when with your mother,which is different from the way you would behave when you are out with friends,which is different from the way you would behave in a church.etc,etc,etc.

Right down to the fact that when you are in the company of thieves it is immoral NOT to steal.

SO when you're with a group of rebelious youths who have fascinations with Mayhem (band) its immoral not to torch churches? Interesting concept, are you saying we are influenced by our peers in such a way that we do what is necessary to maintain the mentality of the group in fear of isolation or exclusion?


Well-Known Member
It is very much Willamena,completely,everything will stand up to close scrutiny.....yes Darkendless,exactly,until they are dragged before a court & a whole new set of dark love rules are imposed upon them by justice & the Mr Big of the prison they end up in.Same rules apply as football hooligans,in a gypsey camp,army,civic state,fascist state,anything completely without fear or prejudice bar none.....you name it,I cannot think of one single exception to the rule?It is a Universal rule,true to nature,true love.

Personally speaking I am a civilian in a civic state which can be closely examined in another thread.I am good on the all inclusive civic state,strength in diversity all in love.

I can't get near a computer long enough to explain the *mandala*.It is easily done,will get 10 minutes today.

It involves Shiva,although is accredited to his Egyptian Brother Anubis for some reason unknown to me.Definately Shiva,the big blue guy.
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Well-Known Member
Liber 369: The Grimoire of Axis
Author Unknown
Wed Dec 14 1994
"... the mandala of Anubis, actually exists on at least four dimensions at once. Progression of complexity from simplicity is geometrically accelerated and ramified."

Why it is attributed to Anubis I am unaware,it is definately more Lord Shiva in my experience.

A mandala is a *perfect* object which can pass through itself,around itself,within itself,without itself....some buddhists devote their lives to building mandala's,testing them,proving them then destroying them.This is a *mandala* composed of words,I know it from every angle I know,have tried & proved it.

I see similarities in a Mandala construction & the Greek key(labrynth of Pan),which can be applied to our morals so as to become perfect,like Da-Vinci man guy with the circle around him.....someone has it on an Avator here.......man can be stripped down to bare dna(mandala/greek key) when perfect,without being destroyed........then put back together newly perfected on a different level.

Any input from anyone,especially mandala buddhists,would be greatly welcomed in love,as it may further aid my understanding......

I am happy to answer any questions,observations & input arising from what has been said so far before we proceed?



I regard the document simply as old knowledge brought to light,someone may be able to better define it.All I know is that it works for me & may do for others.
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Everything we do is for love,or a form of love.As such our behaviour is determined completely by those whom we love or associate with.

Anyone up for the challenge?

Well..... for starters I love and associate with myself first & foremost.
Out of that love and reflection of self
comes that bond(s) of love and connection with others of "complimentary" type.
Sometimes when another has given up much for me,
I cut them an amazing amount of slack, even though we are clashing "types".
But still my behavior will never be determined by them,
though possibly "altered" (if only superficially & for a time) to "keep the peace".
Still, even there, push me hard enough to be who I am not,
and I will exit your world to preserve my self, and my happiness.
Back once again to love of self first.

Those I love out of joy and respect & wonder,cycle that back to me,
and would never "expect" me to "behave" a certain way "for them".
(else, they would not be "my type");)

The unique and treasured connection there results in a desire to share life with them,
and we INFLUENCE one another's existences,
as (in the sharing) we create what we create TOGETHER.
As/in an exchange. an exchange of Love and Magic.

But perhaps, and quite likely, I did not understand the question.

Try me and prove me.

I think I'll just "Try you". :flirt:
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Well-Known Member
You are perfect Ultra-violet,to thine own self be true.as it is within so it is without(outwith)the same rules apply in the microcosm(within) & the macrocasm(expanded).

If you are true to yourself,many a good friend can become a common enemy & vice-versa.

Such is desire & *intent* which you describe so fully,beautifully & rather eloquently if I may say.:)

To thine own self be true is all I would ever ask or expect of anyone.

In great love,


(by trying me you would indeed,prove me-as I prove you undeniably)xxx
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Well-Known Member
SO when you're with a group of rebelious youths who have fascinations with Mayhem (band) its immoral not to torch churches? Interesting concept, are you saying we are influenced by our peers in such a way that we do what is necessary to maintain the mentality of the group in fear of isolation or exclusion?

Well these guys are extremists,of course,still their actions are dictated by their own *gang* rules for love & respect among the members.The more they are excluded,the more extreme they could maybe become until such times as they have a voice.

It could be that if they have a voice then they would die or seem stupid & their actions undertaken in ignorance?

Or maybe they have valid points,I dunno.......Of Scotlands three Great Abbeys(Touristine) only one remains intact,the rest having been destroyed by the people.As well as this many other smaller Abbeys were destroyed,one I visited last year on the Black Isle still had the scorch marks on the walls,kinda shaped like Monks.

Hate is a form of love,dark love.

I do not know anything about the band & would neither condone nor exalt church burning,preferring civic duties instead.

How do they justify Church Burning?Churches so wealthy while the people are in poverty?What have church members/clergy done to deserve this?


Well-Known Member
"... the mandala of Anubis, actually exists on at least four dimensions at once. Progression of complexity from simplicity is geometrically accelerated and ramified. As all maps of Self are ultimately false, nevertheless, some are useful to elucidate certain truths, and so are Holy. The Book of Anubis, though Holy, is subject to these limitations."
In the beginning was the Self. Like a circle whose bound is never known; ecstatic and super-abundant is its "feeling." Whose center is ever fed by its boundless aura. Like unto no other, super-abundant, self-nourishing, procreating only onto itself, everbecoming more itself. By the immensity of its unknown bound, this formlessness is the archetype of form. This Holy formlessness is the fuel of its center, its freedom, its infinitude. And, verily, this center is the primal belief of the formless, the desire of the Self. And verily, this formlessness is the primal belief of center, the Vision of Self.
Time and motion and evolution are the perceived effects of the super-abundance of Self, the Ever-Becoming One.
No thought or conception can reach this Self for it precedes conception and forms. Nothing is outside this Self in its primal oneness; as empty belief, as ecstatic Self-love.
Therefore, are all selves, entities, beings, and things its ramifications, its multitude of beliefs and forms.
In its primal ecstasy of Self-love, Self has conceived of itself its duality. "For I am divided for love's sake." Yes, it has conceived of itself its force and form, its Will and Imagination, its primal duality for "love's sake." For the primal unity is the essence of ecstatic love as the experience, the emotion.
And the primal duality is the original means of its expression.
Beliefs are "forms" of Self, containing and expressing desire. Desire or Will is bound in belief.
As Self conceives it creates dual beliefs of greater complexity, and of necessity, greater intelligence to unify the components of belief. Intelligence is the ability for components of a belief to intereact.
As conception creates dual beliefs of greater and greater complexity, first structure, then life, then intelligent life is built up. But the component beliefs of the sphere (or system) of living, intelligent beliefs are small and many in their capacity to believe."

Anyone still with it so far,can be a tough read so wee bitesize chunks if you like?Any observations of self?
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Well-Known Member
ok,here is the lot in it's entirety.........bon chaunce mes ami's

As conception creates dual beliefs of greater and greater complexity, first structure, then life, then intelligent life is built up. But the component beliefs of the sphere (or system) of living, intelligent beliefs are small and many in their cap acity to believe.
The first belief is division, producing duality (Will and Imagination). The second belief is synthesis, expressed duality, producing tetragrammaton. By this process complexity and intelligence are built up from Self.
Eventually beliefs reach a sphere of organic "life" and intelligence. What we usually call "ourselves" (Identity) is a complex and intelligent belief.
Yea, and here is a great mystery. For in its ever newness, Itself's ever-becomingness, It has accumulated its past forms of belief, it has stored these in Itself. For memory is the essence of Soul, its order intelligence and continuity. And in the multitude of beliefs that is self's manifold expression of desire, what we call "ourselves" and other selves, and these past beliefs and incarnations of Self exist in the memory of Self called Soul.
Memory is the essence of what we call the "subconscious" and is one and the same with desire energizing a belief and becoming accessible to intelligence.
Memory and the subconscious exist in the successive spheres of belief that start just outside "yourself" and extend concentrically out and back.
Self's force is the energy of its desire, self-desire ever leaping into form. Ever energy is encoded, containing information, ever desire becoming belief. Ever is belief surrounding self as it's ever-changing body, and this multitude of beliefs and forms all have Self for their center, yea, they all have the same Self for center. But the multitude of diverse and reacting forms/beliefs give the impression of multitudinous self and myriad entity to intelligent beliefs.
Simple beliefs are of large capacity to believe though relatively unintelligent. Complex beliefs are of small capacity to believe though intelligent.
Capacity is "sacrificed" to intelligence and vice-versa. The primal dualities are the parents of all, while "we" build machines in a small corner of the universe.
Vital Beliefs are all those forms of belief (being forms of Self) that are not perceived by "ourselves" (a complex, intelligent belief) as being Self.
Therefore what we usually call "ourselves" is a complex, intelligent belief, capable to some degree of believing in turn. But we can only truly believe one thing at a time, for thoughts (being the name that we, having been believed give the beliefs that we in turn believe), are dual and conception has occurred.
We are only free to believe before conception has occurred. This is in relation to the sphere of complexity we are in at the time of conception. In each unity of belief there is only enough energy to awaken (make real or vital) one of the dually arising beliefs at the moment of conception. Even though in time they may alternate, they cannot exist simultaneously.

Ask yourself, "is it raining outside?" In the moment before you look you are free to think that either is or it is not. Once you look you are free to believe only one or the other. In quantum physics this is known as the collapse of the state vector.
This is the relationship of a complex, intelligent belief to a less complex and vital belief of encoded energy in physical forces. This less complex belief is considered objective phenomena while "ourselves" seem subjective in respect.
Suppose, then, that as we look at the rain we think, "I wish it were not raining." That is we desire from a complex, subjective belief to affect a change in a simpler, vital belief.
Experience has shown us that we cannot, in the normal state, believe effectively in opposition to a simpler, vital belief. For though the simpler, vital belief has less intelligence, it has more capacity to believe than a complex belief. We might be able to use our "power" or "medicine" which is intelligence to stop the rain, but as yet intelligence has not developed the means. We might persist, desire being strong enough, and attempt to develop the means, but in all probability it would have stopped raining of itself long before we had developed the means, or, we would have ceased to desire the change.
"Ourselves," as a complex belief actually exists on all the spheres of complexity/simplicity at once. As belief progresses from sphere to sphere, as complexity increases, more and more energy is bound up to maintain the complexity of the belief. This energy bound to complexity is what we call intelligence. Therefore, complex beliefs are less and less aware (immediately) of other beliefs as Self. For energy must be available to belief for it to become "real," that is, Self.
The formula of Magick is that energy must reach the sphere of a belief preconceptual to the belief desired. This requires that complex beliefs become simple. Degrees of simplicity equals availability of energy and capacity to believe. In fact, they are the same!
To try to energize a belief without reaching the required simplicity is either totally unsuccessful or exhaustive of the belief that is trying to affect the change. This exhaustion is a desired state as it frees the energy necessary to charge the new belief, but the new belief must be coded in terms not immediately intelligible or much or all of the energy will be re-focused to maintain the rational structure in which the desire is formulated, and will again tie up the energy (desire). Symbols are better than intelligent thought. Sigils are more potent yet for this purpose.
Care should be taken in the means of exhaustion so that the complex is not permanently damaged but simply exhausted.
Sigils may be made in a variety of ways. Unfamiliar languages, coded music, enumerations, special geometrics, mudras (provided they are not too "intelligible"), and many others. (Use your living imaginations).
By these means we may acquire the capacity to believe "it is not raining" (or whatever) or better yet "the sun is shining" or "the air is dry." It is not wise to use a negative of the belief we wish to change as energy may affect the positive rather than the negative, i.e. the "raining" rather than the "not".
Symbols are useful to make accessible to our belief knowledge, information and/or experience of other beliefs as we may desire. Symbols are forms either pictorial and accessible to intelligence or arbitrary and intelligent by constant use in intelligent systems. Energy made available through exhaustion and linked to a symbol reformulates in intelligence (within a complex belief) and is experienced "subjectively." Subjective beliefs are components of complex beliefs. Complex beliefs are preconceptive in relation to subjective beliefs. Therefore, subjective beliefs can be affected by "thought" i.e. the energy bound by intelligence.
What are called affirmations are used to energize (through exhaustion) one subjective belief as opposed to another, as beliefs always exist as dual. To constantly repeat to ourselves "I am happy" will bring about the desired happiness provided that one is capable of focusing though effectively and energetically and that there is no hidden conflict with a more vital or simple belief.
Some affirmations of a complex belief are usually undetected. These include such things as moral codes, aesthetics, of an intelligent belief conglomerate/system, i.e. "culture." Be not ruled by a hidden belief.
To affect the "objective" world of vital, simple beliefs requires total exhaustion of the intelligent belief "ourselves" - a kind of total oblivion, ecstasy or "death" of ourself and the released energy informing an unintelligible symbol or sigil.
"You will perform great works, though they not be known. By being the true self all things come of their own momentum.
"Verily, I am where you put your pen, and I am in the setting sun. When you look and search for me, you look only for yourself - your self free from the association you make.
"When you look for me I am the Empty Places. When you be, I am there, ever-becoming, ever taking fresh forms.
"You divide yourself by a process of reflection from me and are ever empty, searching, desiring. Revert, then, to a time before divisions - a time of wholeness and joy.
"Wind yourself like the serpent coiled to spring. But when you strike, let go. Let go of all. Let go of self and then shall your will no longer suffer from opposition. For what is there to oppose?
"In the silence that is death new life is born, and those embracing death are free.
"New tools I make from the crucible of your soul. Let light come from darkness, ever fresh, let it take form and serve its purpose, then let its death be its reward.


Well-Known Member
Now you have studied the mandala of ecstatic self love & know the multi dimensional aspect to this you can now apply it to all *religious*(and thus holy) documentation with fresh perspective,to see the truth in all things,in great love.



Rather than do the whole quote thingy, I'll post my responses in bold to differentiate the two authors.

ok,here is the lot in it's entirety.........bon chaunce mes ami's

As conception creates dual beliefs of greater and greater complexity, first structure, then life, then intelligent life is built up. But the component beliefs of the sphere (or system) of living, intelligent beliefs are small and many in their cap acity to believe. The first belief is division, producing duality (Will and Imagination).

What is the first belief?
What produced the first belief?

The second belief is synthesis, expressed duality, producing tetragrammaton. By this process complexity and intelligence are built up from Self. Eventually beliefs reach a sphere of organic "life" and intelligence. What we usually call "ourselves" (Identity) is a complex and intelligent belief.
Yea, and here is a great mystery.

Yea, and here is a great question. If complexity and intelligence are built up from Self, but Self is a complex and intelligent belief, then which came first, complexity and intelligence (the chicken), or self (the egg)? Do you not see how these two propositions are contradictory?

For in its ever newness, Itself's ever-becomingness, It has accumulated its past forms of belief, it has stored these in Itself. For memory is the essence of Soul, its order intelligence and continuity.

So if Jim takes a whack to the head and loses his memory, does he lose his soul?

And in the multitude of beliefs that is self's manifold expression of desire, what we call "ourselves" and other selves, and these past beliefs and incarnations of Self exist in the memory of Self called Soul.
Memory is the essence of what we call the "subconscious" and is one and the same with desire energizing a belief and becoming accessible to intelligence.

If memory is the essence of Soul, and memory is the essence of “subconscious” then is the “subconscious” the Soul, or are these two different beliefs? I’m not sure that you understand what the term “subconscious” even means.

Memory and the subconscious exist in the successive spheres of belief that start just outside "yourself" and extend concentrically out and back.

If belief starts outside of the Self, how is it that the self is a “complex and intelligent belief”? One of these things is not like the other. Which one of these things is not like the other?

Self's force is the energy of its desire, self-desire ever leaping into form.

So whatever you desire, comes to exist? It leaps into form? Now I’m starting to piece the puzzle together, and it looks an awful lot like Subjective Idealism. So let me ask you this:
If the subjectivist is correct in assuming that the perceived is the perceiver and all is illusion, how is this any different than the materialist who says the perceiver is the perceived, and all is matter? Would the universe be any different to the subjectivist than to the materialist, when each believe that the universe is made of one stuff?

Ever energy is encoded, containing information, ever desire becoming belief.

If all is belief, then what is energy encoded upon?

Ever is belief surrounding self as it's ever-changing body, and this multitude of beliefs and forms all have Self for their center, yea, they all have the same Self for center.

Ah yea, I was right….Subjective Idealism.

So where did this same Self center come from? Did it just magically appear from nothing? And can it imagine a rock so heavy that even it could not lift it?

But the multitude of diverse and reacting forms/beliefs give the impression of multitudinous self and myriad entity to intelligent beliefs.
Simple beliefs are of large capacity to believe though relatively unintelligent. Complex beliefs are of small capacity to believe though intelligent.

Your whole post is relatively unintelligent, and now since your self and my self are the same Self, you are ridiculing your own beliefs in bold print.

Capacity is "sacrificed" to intelligence and vice-versa. The primal dualities are the parents of all, while "we" build machines in a small corner of the universe.
Vital Beliefs are all those forms of belief (being forms of Self) that are not perceived by "ourselves" (a complex, intelligent belief) as being Self.

The perceiver can not perceive its self. So how does this Self come to possess the Vital Belief that there is such a thing as Self?

Therefore what we usually call "ourselves" is a complex, intelligent belief, capable to some degree of believing in turn. But we can only truly believe one thing at a time, for thoughts (being the name that we, having been believed give the beliefs that we in turn believe), are dual and conception has occurred.

How does a belief believe? This is all starting to sound like the “Who’s on First” routine.

We are only free to believe before conception has occurred.

You have to perceive before you can conceive. Can you imagine a new basic shape? Can you imagine a new animal that is not a composite of known animal parts? Can you imagine a musical note that can not be found on a piano? Why not? Earlier you claimed that anything you desire magically pops into form.

This is in relation to the sphere of complexity we are in at the time of conception. In each unity of belief there is only enough energy to awaken (make real or vital) one of the dually arising beliefs at the moment of conception. Even though in time they may alternate, they cannot exist simultaneously.

I’m going to end this post here. It is obvious that the author of this text that you have quoted does not have the slightest idea about philosophy or linguistics. I feel like I just spent my time playing dodge ball with a retarded four year old, and suddenly I pity the fool. Or is that you feeling pity? Or maybe it’s the big giant head feeling pity…


Well-Known Member
This is how the self forms,and the ever growing you.:)

"... the mandala of Anubis, actually exists on at least four dimensions at once. Progression of complexity from simplicity is geometrically accelerated and ramified. As all maps of Self are ultimately false, nevertheless, some are useful to elucidate certain truths, and so are Holy. The Book of Anubis, though Holy, is subject to these limitations."
In the beginning was the Self. Like a circle whose bound is never known; ecstatic and super-abundant is its "feeling." Whose center is ever fed by its boundless aura. Like unto no other, super-abundant, self-nourishing, procreating only onto itself, everbecoming more itself. By the immensity of its unknown bound, this formlessness is the archetype of form. This Holy formlessness is the fuel of its center, its freedom, its infinitude. And, verily, this center is the primal belief of the formless, the desire of the Self. And verily, this formlessness is the primal belief of center, the Vision of Self.
Time and motion and evolution are the perceived effects of the super-abundance of Self, the Ever-Becoming One.
No thought or conception can reach this Self for it precedes conception and forms. Nothing is outside this Self in its primal oneness; as empty belief, as ecstatic Self-love.
Therefore, are all selves, entities, beings, and things its ramifications, its multitude of beliefs and forms.
In its primal ecstasy of Self-love, Self has conceived of itself its duality. "For I am divided for love's sake." Yes, it has conceived of itself its force and form, its Will and Imagination, its primal duality for "love's sake." For the primal unity is the essence of ecstatic love as the experience, the emotion.
And the primal duality is the original means of its expression.
Beliefs are "forms" of Self, containing and expressing desire. Desire or Will is bound in belief.
As Self conceives it creates dual beliefs of greater complexity, and of necessity, greater intelligence to unify the components of belief. Intelligence is the ability for components of a belief to intereact.
As conception creates dual beliefs of greater and greater complexity, first structure, then life, then intelligent life is built up. But the component beliefs of the sphere (or system) of living, intelligent beliefs are small and many in their capacity to believe."

I was wanting to do this in small pieces,you are perfect.:) asking all the right questions ..

First belief is love (or attraction),both labels.

of the chicken & the egg,as well as the god or the powers,the universal answer to all great & small is they arrived in tandem,or appear to have as they always existed just not within our sphere of resonation as everything is energy.

The carbon based life form to which Jim's soul or consciousness is attached malfunctions,or cannot channel the universal flow of energy as well as it should.

I am well intouch with my subconscious,it has educated my consciousness as best it can as I have allowed or sought....this leads to a better or mature crown chakra.

The self expands & gets better linked.

Desire is simply a better label than *hunger*,the one you use in another thread.more balanced & focused.

Energy is encoded in DNA,your *program* to which you forever divide to multiply in accordance with it's lifegiving capacity & as far as you are able to tap into & realise.


Darkwater, you are completely missing the point by continuing in circular logic, so let’s try a few questions at a time.

1. “In the beginning was the Self”

This proposition indicates that there was a creation of “Self”. So from a void of absolute nothingness, “Self” appeared. How do you get something from nothing?

2. The chicken and the egg “arrived in tandem,or appear to have as they always existed just not within our sphere of resonation as everything is energy.”

It’s either one or the other. Either “Self” magically appeared out of a void, or it has always existed. If it has always existed, then p1 (proposition 1), “In the beginning was the Self” is false. If “Self” has always existed, then there was no beginning. So which is it?

Did S appear out of a void, or did S not have a beginning?

3. “The carbon based life form to which Jim's soul or consciousness is attached malfunctions,or cannot channel the universal flow of energy as well as it should”.

You’ve already made the proposition (p2) that “everything is energy”, so the “carbon based life form” would also have to be made of energy. You’re confusing dualism with monism, and with this assertion are disproving your own argument.

P2 “everything is energy”
P3 “a damaged carbon based life form can not properly channel energy”

Both of these can not be true. Either the carbon based life form is energy, or it is not. If it is energy, then it is not a conduit that can channel energy, but energy itself. If it is something other than energy then p2 is false.

4. “Energy is encoded in DNA”

Again, this goes against p2. If everything is energy, then DNA is energy. You are asserting dualism again. Either DNA is energy or DNA is something other than energy that energy can then “encode” itself upon.

We’ll leave it at that for now, as one must first build the base of a pyramid before they move on to the top. I am however, quite curious as to your use of the words “conscious” and “subconscious”. If it is your will, feel free to define these terms for later debate.

P.S. It’s nice to see that your emotions are not getting in the way of debate here. Forum discussions do not need to be “Monks with swords”.


Well-Known Member
Should you wish to refer to the *Vast Untapped Reservoir of the Great Unmanifest* aka the black fields of Void as nothing then technically you are correct.

Once *atom* is split our 3.13XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX dimension is the lesser part of the whole.4rth dimension brings in the concept of duration aka the symbol for time/ thingummy ring(will tidy up later)
5th dimension brings in an alternative reality based on decisions,all the way up to a 10d view which we should maybe look at seperately(I am rusty though will get up to speed very quickly) .

For the purposes of answering your question,Self was made manifest(in love) from the great unmanifest,the vast untapped reservoir of Void/Source energy.Everything has come from this *source*,everything shall return to it(even ashes & dust).

(2) There is nothing new under the sun,just sometimes it appears as new to us as we bring *it* within our sphere of resonation,we notice it.Similarly we can banish it,nevertheless *it* remains constant just in a more *pleasing* form.

Ever heard of Wild ChIckens?where do they exist in the wild or ever existed?

a Wild Housecat?Wildcat is much bigger

What came first,the Prince of Darkness or his Powers.........both arrived,in tandem,as we noticed them & began to label them as far as we are able to Ken.

(3) Obviously there are different kinds of energy,depending upon resonation.Stone is energy,diamond,coal,all life as we know it are just energies acting according to blueprint/dna held together by ecstatic self love or universal law of attraction(same thing).

You are receiving your first building blocks,acting according to your dna by scrutinising thoroughly. :)

Our *world* is the snapped at the 3.14xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx level,the Astral remains *intact* so work upon your *intuition*,have your subconscious educate your consciousness to accept this as far as you can & *travel* it.

If you meet a*being of greater duration* feel free to share any insight....ask it/him/her who you are speaking too. :)

Great Love



For the purposes of answering your question,Self was made manifest(in love) from the great unmanifest,the vast untapped reservoir of Void/Source energy.Everything has come from this *source*,everything shall return to it(even ashes & dust).

Void: A state of non existence

Energy: The capacity of a physical system to do work.

The very definition of energy requires a “something”. The very definition of void requires “nothing”.

You’re simply applying which ever misused word best suits your beliefs, but to top it off you’ve managed to combine them in the logical impossibility of “Void/Source energy”. These are direct opposites. If X=Void, then X can not = Source energy. It’s as simple as that.

You can not have a reservoir of Void. Void is not a tank of invisible gasoline, its absolute nothingness. So assuming that Void is the word that you do not understand, we’ll continue with your prior assertion that energy has existed forever. This is in direct opposition of “in the beginning was Self”. If energy has existed forever, there was no beginning.

Now we both agree that “In the beginning was the Self” is false.

(2) There is nothing new under the sun,just sometimes it appears as new to us as we bring *it* within our sphere of resonation,we notice it.Similarly we can banish it,nevertheless *it* remains constant just in a more *pleasing* form.

Indeed we have confirmation that “In the beginning was the Self” is false. If there is nothing new under the sun, and I assume you mean this figuratively, then Self could never have been new. Now we are getting somewhere.

(3) Obviously there are different kinds of energy,depending upon resonation.Stone is energy,diamond,coal,all life as we know it are just energies acting according to blueprint/dna held together by ecstatic self love or universal law of attraction(same thing).

Prove to me that a stone is energy.

Once *atom* is split our 3.13XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX dimension is the lesser part of the whole.4rth dimension brings in the concept of duration aka the symbol for time/ thingummy ring(will tidy up later)
5th dimension brings in an alternative reality based on decisions,all the way up to a 10d view which we should maybe look at seperately(I am rusty though will get up to speed very quickly) .

Earlier in the thread I asked if you could imagine a new basic shape. You did not reply with a “Eureka!”, so I assume that you were unable to do so. Well here you have a blueprint for imagining a new basic shape. Start with a one dimensional shape, and using the art of geometry draw me up a 10 dimensional shape.

This should be a simple task, just bring one into your “sphere of resonation”, and then draw it.

Our *world* is the snapped at the 3.14xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx level,the Astral remains *intact* so work upon your *intuition*,have your subconscious educate your consciousness to accept this as far as you can & *travel* it.

This may very well point us to the source of your beliefs.

Intuition does not equate to truth. I’ll have to assume that you’ve read Plato’s Republic, and understand what intuition is, but I’ll guide you to a nifty drawing that will instantly show you that intuition and truth do not go hand in hand.

Step 1 – go to the web page known as google. (This would be much easier if the forum would allow me to post links).

Step 2 – click the word “Images” at the top of the page.

Step 3 – type “checkershadow-AB” into the search box. (Use the quotation marks)

Step 4 – click “search images” and there will appear a page with a number of sites with the same picture on it. The picture is a checkerboard with a green cylinder on it. It makes no difference which page you choose as it is the picture that you want to look at.

Do you see how your intuition leads you to believe something that is not true? It is necessary to use your analytical skills to confirm whether or not what you are perceiving is illusory. If you leave it up to your fantasies, when the supreme truth does come to you, it will be something along the lines of, “I, Darkwater, am the most spiritually enlightened person still living in my mothers basement.”


Well-Known Member
For the purposes of answering your question,Self was made manifest(in love) from the great unmanifest,the vast untapped reservoir of Void/Source energy.Everything has come from this *source*,everything shall return to it(even ashes & dust).

Void: A state of non existence

Energy: The capacity of a physical system to do work.

The very definition of energy requires a “something”. The very definition of void requires “nothing”.

You’re simply applying which ever misused word best suits your beliefs, but to top it off you’ve managed to combine them in the logical impossibility of “Void/Source energy”. These are direct opposites. If X=Void, then X can not = Source energy. It’s as simple as that.

You can not have a reservoir of Void. Void is not a tank of invisible gasoline, its absolute nothingness. So assuming that Void is the word that you do not understand, we’ll continue with your prior assertion that energy has existed forever. This is in direct opposition of “in the beginning was Self”. If energy has existed forever, there was no beginning.

Now we both agree that “In the beginning was the Self” is false.

(2) There is nothing new under the sun,just sometimes it appears as new to us as we bring *it* within our sphere of resonation,we notice it.Similarly we can banish it,nevertheless *it* remains constant just in a more *pleasing* form.

Indeed we have confirmation that “In the beginning was the Self” is false. If there is nothing new under the sun, and I assume you mean this figuratively, then Self could never have been new. Now we are getting somewhere.

(3) Obviously there are different kinds of energy,depending upon resonation.Stone is energy,diamond,coal,all life as we know it are just energies acting according to blueprint/dna held together by ecstatic self love or universal law of attraction(same thing).

Prove to me that a stone is energy.

Once *atom* is split our 3.13XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX dimension is the lesser part of the whole.4rth dimension brings in the concept of duration aka the symbol for time/ thingummy ring(will tidy up later)
5th dimension brings in an alternative reality based on decisions,all the way up to a 10d view which we should maybe look at seperately(I am rusty though will get up to speed very quickly) .

Earlier in the thread I asked if you could imagine a new basic shape. You did not reply with a “Eureka!”, so I assume that you were unable to do so. Well here you have a blueprint for imagining a new basic shape. Start with a one dimensional shape, and using the art of geometry draw me up a 10 dimensional shape.

This should be a simple task, just bring one into your “sphere of resonation”, and then draw it.

Our *world* is the snapped at the 3.14xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx level,the Astral remains *intact* so work upon your *intuition*,have your subconscious educate your consciousness to accept this as far as you can & *travel* it.

This may very well point us to the source of your beliefs.

Intuition does not equate to truth. I’ll have to assume that you’ve read Plato’s Republic, and understand what intuition is, but I’ll guide you to a nifty drawing that will instantly show you that intuition and truth do not go hand in hand.

Step 1 – go to the web page known as google. (This would be much easier if the forum would allow me to post links).

Step 2 – click the word “Images” at the top of the page.

Step 3 – type “checkershadow-AB” into the search box. (Use the quotation marks)

Step 4 – click “search images” and there will appear a page with a number of sites with the same picture on it. The picture is a checkerboard with a green cylinder on it. It makes no difference which page you choose as it is the picture that you want to look at.

Do you see how your intuition leads you to believe something that is not true? It is necessary to use your analytical skills to confirm whether or not what you are perceiving is illusory. If you leave it up to your fantasies, when the supreme truth does come to you, it will be something along the lines of, “I, Darkwater, am the most spiritually enlightened person still living in my mothers basement.”

Quoting retarded Oxford whatever definitions wil only make you look stupid & 1 dimensional....Oxford dudes are backward & have no clue as to the basis of the language they are seeking to define for a start.

You are clutching blind given a very poor point of perspective.

There is positive & there is negative,there is also all states of matter in between positive & negative,to include neautral.All is energy.

There is black & there is white.There are also all shades of grey in between which you do not account for.

There is darkness & light,also the far vaster area of shadow which you do not discount.

There is everything & there is nothing,there is also everything in between the everything & nothing which you are sadly not accounting for.

I am everything(so far as I can understand or are conscious of) & I am nothing,I am also everything in between this everything & nothing.

Energy is everything & energy is nothing,it is also everything in between the everything & nothing.

You have Solar source energy & you have spiritual source energy,both can be harnessed & both flow from source.Source is the constant state of the gods,like a perpetual state of orgasm is one way to describe this to a 3d blind/blinkered such as your are making yourself out to be,having somehow lost the brains or Noesis/instinct you were born with?

As such you shall be more worried upon your return to Void than you were being made manifest from this.As such you make good food for those who shall have profit as well as pleasure at your passing.:D...go figure.....

You come into being in ecstatic self love made manifest from the vast untapped reservoir of void/source energy,this is a truth which alligns with a greater truth,as you realise yourself(or notice things,having greater capacity to notice things) you can come into being or fully realise yourself,as you have the potential too as you stare into the abyss(I am doing my best to keep you intact which is not easy-this meeting can go 3 ways & I would lay off the *yer maw* insults,these are my speciality :drool:)

You have probably figured duration by now so you can think 4d(a greater truth,proving all other maps of self false),Schrodinger's unfortunate cat teaches you duality(showing previous truths to be false),Ockham's razor teaches you that Shrodinger's cat is,although a truth,again false as there is fact plurality,not duality.As there could be many outcomes of this crossroads you have reached.There is no point in my continuing past this *truth* or false map of self at this stage until you can figure stuff for yourself or re-allign.:shrug:...as your capacity increases(ramifies exponentially,in love)

I mention Pie as the person who can recite the entire number views it as a beautiful landscape.As well as being able to recite it in it's entirety,he can read it & spot exactly where a single figure is out of place,as it appears to him as a blot on a beautiful & perfect landscape........this is what Pie is,a beautiful astral landscape signifying the end of your dimension & the commencement of another astral dimension which you have not yet realised,and as such will wander clumsy,stupid,dogmatic & ignorant.

The 3 levels of the thought process are Pistis,dianola & noesis,you churn out dogma & shall ever be led by the nose in a pistis fashion...until you *realise* that you should never take anyones word for anything,know thyself.

mew,he says blah,blah,oxford morons say blah blah....it is all trash,know thyself.

It is Saturday lunchtime here,I'm just back from my eldest son's soccer match which I viewed with my middle son,baby staying at home with my wife.

Been working all week so I haven't had time to fully answer your points,you have given me plenty to hang yourself with.

Resonate with energy of stone,go reeeeeaaaaallllllll lowwwwwwwwwwwwww.First false map of self of stone best described by the Greeks,the arrow energy remaining constant whether stationary or in flight.

We Scots love a guy who is not scared to show his ignorance,which is maybe why I like you so much.



You crack me up.

If once, just once you could provide some evidence of this fantasy world that you are so emotionally attached to then we could begin a learning process on both ends of the debate. The most ignorant thing that any truth seeker could possibly do, is to think they know the truth.

I’ve merely been playing the advocate here Darkwater, questioning the “truths” you hold so dear. Yet time and again you return with more rubbish, twisting words to mean whatever suits your cherished beliefs. That Oxford comment is the tops! You are truly a master of the Queens English. Perhaps I’ll use that as a signature quote at this forum.

At this point I think it is best to let this thread be. When you’re ready for intelligent debate, I have started a new thread with the title, “know thy self?”. I would be happy to see you reply with well thought out responses, but please, leave your delusions at the door.

P.S. If you own an Oxford, look up the word “delusion".:p


Well-Known Member
In the land of the blind the one-eyed man is considered to be crazy,so ty Mr A.

I consider it to be an unusual request to *follow you*,maybe it is not?only one way to find out I suppose.

It would have been nice to dissect the mandala piece by piece from the beginning,maybe we should return one day.:)

Although the chaps at Oxford & elsewhere outnumber me significantly I can very happily kick the sh*t out of one & all evry day of the week & twice on a Sunday until we reach common ground.

Chaucer is a trash talking upstart,Samuel Johnston is a heroic braindead moron according to his remit(pay peanuts-get monkeys).

& everything else inbetween.

They tend to avoid me as I rip to shreds their dogma & tear them a new *perspective* (or much much worse :) .)

So nice to meet a gentleman such as yourself who can stay true to his word.

If you meet Buddha on the road,kill Buddha.

best regards,


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