Veteran Member
The moment you believe "my way is the highway (for all others too)" judgmental, belittling arrogance has rooted in your mind, which is kind of incurable (as per definition of arrogance: which implies 'I know best already', even what is best for others, hence hard to reverse).Christians on average appear less tolerant of atheists than atheists are of Christians, why is this?
Arrogance = lack of Love, compassion, empathy
Hence, naturally most Christians, are less tolerant and even more judgmental (hostile thoughts/beliefs) than those who respect (do not belittle) others their views, opinions, beliefs. Proven by evangelizing and proselytizing they do
Understandably Jesus teaches (Christians) 'thou shall not judge'. But judging others is a trap all humans seem to have problems with to abstain from: seems a human challenge to overcome this