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Luciferianism 101

Eni Alihm

Lucifer is a collective name for Spiritual Freedom, it is about Gnosis. It may be easier to think of this as a philosophy embracing the Luciferian Principle instead of a religion worshiping a Fallen Abrahamic Angel.
I will attempt to explain.

Non-Theistic Luciferians, as myself, are not concerned about Abrahamic symbolism, we follow the Jungian theory of archetypal images such as devils, gods, demons, angels etc., and that they can be used as symbols towards stirring the Psyche in order to assist the momentarily change in our objective universe. This is ritual as we all know it.

The term Lucifer in fourth century Latin was a name for Venus, the Morning Star. The Latin word Lucifer is composed of two words: lux and lucis, (meaning "light") and ferre, which means "to bear" or "to bring." So, the word Lucifer translates to "Bearer of Light/Light Bringer".

The word Lucifer is found in the Christian bible (Isaiah 14:12)
How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning star! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
. . . and has been incorrectly understood to mean the Fallen Angel, when in fact it is referring to the King of Babylon
"I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star."
Lucifer is not an Adversary as the word Satan (Shaiten/ha-satan) describes. Lucifer is the 'Bringer of Light' in other words Lux Lucis / gnosis, truth and Divine knowledge. Luciferian Principles bring us the Truth and our Freedom of Will, shows us the way to either be One with God/Objective Universe or to be a god ourselves (apotheosis).

Luciferians do not worship Satan or Lucifer for that matter, we worship our Higher Self. The Adversary is a trans-cultural archetype which existed long before Christianity began in the form of Samael, Ahriman and the feminine aspect being Lilith.

Through the Luciferian principle, humanity first climbed down from the trees and it has represented the flow of progress ever since. But Lucifer may be more than a metaphor for rebellion, enlightenment and advancement - as the pure creative and motive light, Lucifer may actually be the key to life itself!

The DNA within the nuclei of all cells of living creatures contains biophotons or ultra-weak proton emissions - in other words, light! A dynamic web of light constantly released and absorbed by the DNA connects cells, tissues and organs and serve as the organism's main communication network.

"Lucifer is on the move inside you and me, chattering between cell and cell, rousing the cohorts of the life-force, keeping us alive and wonderful. Every man and woman is a star - and we know we have our own inner light. -Lynn Picknett "Secret History of Lucifer"


Diex Aie
Staff member
Premium Member
No knew knowledge for me here, I'm afraid :p
Nicely written post though.

Iti oj

Global warming is real and we need to act
Premium Member
Did you see the over view thread? Do you agree with this dirs future overview?
@ work more latter new bro.

Eni Alihm

I just wanted to get the core beliefs established, I'm sure those Luciferians as yourself Rival already know the premise. (you might be interested in my latest researching between Mercury and Lucifer?)

After reading through several threads it seemed as if there were many confused with what Luciferianism is and isn't. Of course this is my personal understanding and is certainly not an infernal gospel.


Diex Aie
Staff member
Premium Member
Actually many of us on here condemn the term 'Luciferianism' because 'isms' have doctrines and so forth, but Lucifers (as we tend to say) are not about doctrine &c.
Just sayin'; Doors seemed pretty convinced of this too, if I remember.
Well, that's it basically put anyway.

Eni Alihm

Actually many of us on here condemn the term 'Luciferianism' because 'isms' have doctrines and so forth, but Lucifers (as we tend to say) are not about doctrine &c.
Just sayin'; Doors seemed pretty convinced of this too, if I remember.
I never considered that, good point.


Well-Known Member
Why is the theistic interpretation at odds with the idea of archetypes? Jung drew deeply from Mandala symbolism in constructing his theory of archetype. Mandalas concern collections of deities as provisionally 'real' beings as anthropomorphic aspects of the sublated awareness of cosmic forces and aspects of the Self (viz., the diagrams of union of the macrocosm and the microcosm; the universe and the individual).

This concept is also well-represented in Western esotericism, which appears to share much the same root. For example:


The above, from Manly P Hall's The Secret Teachings of All Ages, is deeply connected with the ancient tradition of theistic Luciferianism.

This, to me, strikes nearer the heart of deity-magick. There is no actual conflict between the theistic view and the view of deities as invoked aspects of Self and Other in an internal alchemy of self-suggestion.

- A gnostic Luciferian.

Eni Alihm

There is no actual conflict between the theistic view and the view of deities as invoked aspects of Self and Other in an internal alchemy of self-suggestion
I agree . . . I'd frubal you but I'm not allowed two in a row!

Eni Alihm

from the Catholic Encyclopedia:


(Hebrew helel; Septuagint heosphoros, Vulgate lucifer)
The name Lucifer originally denotes the planet Venus, emphasizing its brilliance. The Vulgate employs the word also for "the light of the morning" (Job 11:17), "the signs of the zodiac" (Job 38:32), and "the aurora" (Psalm 109:3). Metaphorically, the word is applied to the King of Babylon (Isaiah 14:12) as preeminent among the princes of his time; to the high priest Simon son of Onias (Ecclesiasticus 50:6), for his surpassing virtue, to the glory of heaven (Apocalypse 2:28), by reason of its excellency; finally to Jesus Christ himself (2 Peter 1:19; Apocalypse 22:16; the "Exultet" of Holy Saturday) the true light of our spiritual life.

The Syriac version and the version of Aquila derive the Hebrew noun helel from the verb yalal, "to lament"; St. Jerome agrees with them (In Isaiah 1.14), and makes Lucifer the name of the principal fallen angel who must lament the loss of his original glory bright as the morning star. In Christian tradition this meaning of Lucifer has prevailed; the Fathers maintain that Lucifer is not the proper name of the devil, but denotes only the state from which he has fallen (Petavius, De Angelis, III, iii, 4).

Eni Alihm

Apotheosis and Individuation . . . separating from the objective / material universe / god and becoming a god yourself. Sounds very lofty and egocentric, I know, but when put into psychological, philosophical terms, it is not irrational in the least bit.

Apotheosis (from Greek "to deify"; in Latin deificatio "making divine") is the glorification of a subject to divine level. In theology, the term apotheosis refers to the idea that an individual has been raised to godlike stature.

Individuation (Latin: principium individuationis) is the process through which a person becomes his/her 'true self'. Hence it is the process whereby the innate elements of personality; the different experiences of a person's life and the different aspects and components of the immature psyche become integrated over time into a well-functioning whole. Individuation might thus be summarized as the stabilizing of the personality.

Twig pentagram

High Priest
Apotheosis and Individuation . . . separating from the objective / material universe / god and becoming a god yourself. Sounds very lofty and egocentric, I know, but when put into psychological, philosophical terms, it is not irrational in the least bit.

Apotheosis (from Greek "to deify"; in Latin deificatio "making divine") is the glorification of a subject to divine level. In theology, the term apotheosis refers to the idea that an individual has been raised to godlike stature.

Individuation (Latin: principium individuationis) is the process through which a person becomes his/her 'true self'. Hence it is the process whereby the innate elements of personality; the different experiences of a person's life and the different aspects and components of the immature psyche become integrated over time into a well-functioning whole. Individuation might thus be summarized as the stabilizing of the personality.
I like your style. :cool:


Well-Known Member
Some would say that the process of apotheosis is generated by actualizing the boundless potential which lies in the realization that no substantive process of becoming actually occurs, and apotheosis is itself impossible: one cannot become pure beingness; one cannot become what one already is.

In other words, the self-born, together-born union, is effected most powerfully by realizing the impossibility and superfluousness of attempting to unify the inherent monad.

It is, instead perhaps, an elimination of the illusion that purports the situation to be otherwise.

Expressed in mystic poetry of the Trika-Kaula tradition:
O Lord, you have made us the sole sovereign in the throne of highest bliss
Your grace confers upon all the being-ness which is beyond becoming
Restoring our nature as your Self, we have thus beheld our original face
Together as one
The first line is very derivative of Dnyaneshwar's Amritanubhav.

I see this in the Luciferian traditions as well, particularly those derived from Gnosticism and further elaborated in the medieval esoteric manuals. Lucifer is held as the original divine nature which, though occluded, births the dawn of Self-Awareness.
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Premium Member
I wise man, who shall remain nameless, once said - "The only Truth is that of Being". What does this mean? Well, that is something you've got to figure out for your selves.

Gnothi seauton!

Eni Alihm

Some would say that the process of apotheosis lies in the actualizing the boundless potential which lies in the realization that no substantive process of becoming actually occurs, and apotheosis is itself impossible: one cannot become pure beingness; one cannot become what one already is.
I don't feel like a pure being, isn't this the feeling that has launched dozens of religions? I feel like what I believe we are, the children of a Duality and our GrandParent being the Monad, the non-dual pure Being/Essence - Self.

In other words, the self-born, together-born union, is effected most powerfully by realizing the impossibility of unifying the inherent monad.
Would you elaborate on this more?

I see this in the Luciferian traditions as well, particularly those derived from Gnosticism and further elaborated in the medieval esoteric manuals. Lucifer is held as the original divine nature which, though occluded, births the dawn of Self-Awareness.
I like it . . . Lucifer/Mercury/Hermes - the Heralds of the Dawn!


Well-Known Member
In other words, the self-born, together-born union, is effected most powerfully by realizing the impossibility of unifying the inherent monad.
Would you elaborate on this more?

What I mean is that the greatest means lies is apprehending the ultimate futility of means; going beyond all means to the end that is before the before. One cannot become being; the power of being is inherent, the ground of being is the innermost Self-Awareness.

I hear you fully on the subject of being children of a duality.

This poem might shed some light on that matter:

I bow to the holy intercourse
Of the primordial male and female
Parents of all that is, all who are
So vested are they in their creation
They they are it, and those who inhabit it
And nothing too, being beyond
Far, far, far beyond such things
Gone, gone from being
Gone, gone from doing
Yet all that does be
All that be doing

They are entwined in all things,
The great stars, nebulae and void
Ornaments of the cosmos
To the smallest particles
Which are not really particles at all
Nor even waves
Waves rise to kiss the sea of light
And the farthest shore is empty; void
Fully empty; one with all
Everything that is or ever was
And always will be, unshackled from time
By the razor of those not involved
An alchemy of completion
Indistinguishable from emptiness

In so many patterns, in so many guises
They come together, having always been so
Two primal forms beyond shape, one being, emanations without count
Two mouths speak but one word, expression without limit
With a single forked tongue they kiss

It cannot be said that they do not exist
Yet neither do they exist as such
They are beyond our petty semantics and conjecture
Existence and non-existence they wear as we do clothes
Casting off both raiments to be with one another
Even duality and nonduality are adornments
Of their adoration
Their desire for one another is quenched
In unquenchability, being not a desire at all
But oneness

Iti oj

Global warming is real and we need to act
Premium Member
Actually many of us on here condemn the term 'Luciferianism' because 'isms' have doctrines and so forth, but Lucifers (as we tend to say) are not about doctrine &c.
Just sayin'; Doors seemed pretty convinced of this too, if I remember.
Well, that's it basically put anyway.

Lol me too. We let jason talk us out of using that in the dir. Since he did have a valid point. Its a prefrence thing i guess.


Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
Actually many of us on here condemn the term 'Luciferianism' because 'isms' have doctrines and so forth, but Lucifers (as we tend to say) are not about doctrine &c.
Just sayin'; Doors seemed pretty convinced of this too, if I remember.
Well, that's it basically put anyway.
