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Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (the anti-christ)


Veteran Member
Chavez and Mahmoud (Nuclear war in the making)

Hitler and Mahmoud (similar posture/positioning)

Sick caricature/marriage of Hitler and Mahmoud

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Agnostic Pantheist
Hitler was also displayed as an obsurd caricature...


Then why would you post that article in the first place?

you are all over the place, relax for a bit, before we enter the next stage of Armageddon :rolleyes: (which is btw a lovely place in Israel, not to be confused with an apocalypse)


Veteran Member
Then why would you post that article in the first place?

you are all over the place, relax for a bit, before we enter the next stage of Armageddon :rolleyes: (which is btw a lovely place in Israel, not to be confused with an apocalypse)
Scriptures tell us that this nuclear war that is brewing will backfire. Instead of Israel being destroyed, it will be Iran and all her allies who will be destroyed.

Israel will be spared, will all those nations who support Israel.

Thank God Obama supports the defense of Israel.

I'm all for Obama and his commitment to defend Israel at all costs.

ABC News: Obama Defends Israel but Says Military Strike on Iran ...

Obama: U.S. would defend Israel in attack, 'nuclear or otherwise ...

Obama defends Israel | Middle East Conflict
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J Bryson

Well-Known Member
Where in the Bible does it mention nuclear warfare? Not a vision that could be interpreted as nuclear warfare if you tilt your brain to the side and squint a little, but nuclear warfare?


Veteran Member
So then Hitler was the anti-Christ...right?
There are "many" anti-christ's, throughout history, I'm focusing on the "final" anti-christ in this thread.

Hitler was "an" anti-christ, but not the final one.

1 John 2: 18
Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.

2 John 1: 7
For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.
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Guardian of Asgaard
Scriptures tell us that this nuclear war that is brewing will backfire. Instead of Israel being destroyed, it will be Iran and all her allies who will be destroyed.

Israel will be spared, will all those nations who support Israel.

Thank God Obama supports the defense of Israel.

I'm all for Obama and his commitment to defend Israel at all costs.

ABC News: Obama Defends Israel but Says Military Strike on Iran ...

Obama: U.S. would defend Israel in attack, 'nuclear or otherwise ...

Obama defends Israel | Middle East Conflict

Lets be frank, scripture tells you what ever the hell you want it to tell you. If your congregation wanted to, you could claim that the economic recession was revealed to you by God in Chapter: Verse "such and such."

Its sickening that religious authorities can exploit scripture to deface people. Sure im not a fan of the Iranian president and i couldn't trust him as far as i could throw him, but at least his people are dying in the streets. So he must be doing something right. It really does disturb me that you can do this and think you're pulling a favour. If your scripture revealed this to you than i think your scripture must be flawed.


Admiral Obvious
There are "many" anti-christ's, throughout history, I'm focusing on the "final" anti-christ in this thread.

Hitler was "an" anti-christ, but not the final one.

1 John 2: 18
Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.

2 John 1: 7
For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.
And you honestly think that the dude in the OP will unite all the world?

Seems to me that that is a stretch, even for you.


Veteran Member
Where in the Bible does it mention nuclear warfare? Not a vision that could be interpreted as nuclear warfare if you tilt your brain to the side and squint a little, but nuclear warfare?
The Bible Codes give the details of where Nuclear destruction will take place, in Iran and Jerusalem.

Nuclear war is also evident on the surface text of the Bible, if you really read it.

This is a great outline for the end times based on the surface text of the Bible. Ken Raggio teaches the Seven Trumpets of Revelation

Bottom line: Jesus wins.

We already know the outcome of this coming Nuclear war, because of very specific Bible Codes. Iran is totally destroyed by a Nuclear bomb.

The Jews living in that area have been warned to get out.
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Guardian of Asgaard
The Bible Codes give the details of where Nuclear destruction will take place, in Iran and Jerusalem. Nuclear war is also evident on the surface text of the Bible, if you really read it.

This is a great outline for the end times.

Ken Raggio teaches the Seven Trumpets of Revelation

Bottom line, we (Christian's, Jews, believers in God, good etc.) win.

We already know the outcome of this coming Nuclear war, because of very specific Bible Codes. Iran is totally destroyed by a Nuclear bomb.

If you really read the bible, its also a killer recipe for Beef Chow-mein:yes:


Veteran Member
Sad case of exploiting the victims of the Nazis for personal superstitions.
This time the Lord will defend Israel and completely destroy all of Israel's enemies.

Scriptures depict an enormous blood bath, which is the blood of Israel's enemies that will be spilt.

Revelation 14: 20
And the winepress was trodden without the city, and blood came out of the winepress, even unto the horse bridles, by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs.
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Veteran Member

I mean: :eek::eek:

Please say you didn't just go there...
It's very simple, a war between Iran and her allies and Israel and her allies will ensue.

Nothing complicated about that. It's all in the Bible codes and in the Bible.

Yes, I did just go there.

Mahmoud and Israel have set the stage for a future conflict. In the end good overcomes evil. It's not that complicated.
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Admiral Obvious
It's very simple, a war between Iran and her allies and Israel and her allies will ensue.

Nothing complicated about that. It's all in the Bible codes and in the Bible.

Yes, I did just go there.

Mahmoud and Israel have set the stage for a future conflict. In the end good overcomes evil. It's not that complicated.
Seems to me that Israel was setting the stage for future conflict long before Mahmoud was even born...


Guardian of Asgaard
This time the Lord will defend Israel and completely destroy all of Israel's enemies.

Scriptures depict an enormous blood bath, which is the blood of Israel's enemies that will be spilt.

Revelation 14: 20
And the winepress was trodden without the city, and blood came out of the winepress, even unto the horse bridles, by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs.

Wow i didn't see the word Israel in there anywhere, you're making this up as you go.


Well-Known Member
Tell me FFH why is it bad to want to unite the world? I would like to see a more united world, does that make me an anti-christ too? Why aren't you looking at North Korea? They actually already have a nuclear weapon. Also the old guy is ready to die and is handing his kingdom down to his 26 year old son. They are also about to test again. Why Iran? Why not Pakistan or India or....


Veteran Member
1 John 2: 22
Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.

1 John 4: 3
And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.

2 John 1: 7
For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.

The quote below is from the opening post video/text...

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (a "deceiver" and an "anti-christ"), is speaking here in this quote. He pretends to believe in Christ, but he doesn't believe in Christ as his Messiah, just as a prophet.

"We believe Jesus Christ will return, together with one of the children of the revered Messenger of Islam and will lead the world to love, brotherhood and justice.

"The responsibility of all followers of Christ and Abrahamic faiths is to prepare the way for the fulfilment of this divine promise and the arrival of that joyful, shining and wonderful age.

"I hope that the collective will of nations will unite in the not too distant future and with the grace of the Almighty Lord, that shining age will come to rule the earth.

FFH speaking: These are the writings of a false prophet, a deceiver, and an anti-christ.
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Veteran Member
Tell me FFH why is it bad to want to unite the world?
One thing comes to mind very strongly...Tower of Babel...

Christ never came to earth to "create peace" to "unite the nations". Just this characteristic alone proves that Mahmoud is an anti-christ.

Christ said...

Matthew 10: 34
Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.

We presume a person that comes in the name of peace is presumably a peaceful man at heart, this is not always the case, In fact, the exact opposite is sometimes true. A deceiver and an anti-christ, is outwardly peaceful, but inwardly he/she is bent on destroying whomever he will, physically, economically, politically, etc. for his/her own gain. We obviously didn't learn our lesson with Hitler.

I would like to see a more united world, does that make me an anti-christ too? Why aren't you looking at North Korea? They actually already have a nuclear weapon. Also the old guy is ready to die and is handing his kingdom down to his 26 year old son. They are also about to test again. Why Iran? Why not Pakistan or India or...
Iran has the wealth, power and closest positioning to effectively wage war and strike Israel with a nuclear weapon.
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