You asked for the Turing test. It has been passed. As I said, its not considered a very good test for AI as humans are easy to fool. This is the GO playing and Deep Mind types of AI are the kind of machines one would consider to have matched and exceeded the intelligence and learning abilities of humans. The self-driving car system is also a case in point.Not really.
No, A 'Supercomputer' Did NOT Pass The Turing Test For The First Time And Everyone Should Know Better
Further, a line from the page you linked "We are therefore proud to declare that Alan Turing's Test was passed for the first time on Saturday." This validates my point that a conscious being will have to validate (fate or true) the result.
And finally emulation is not self consciousness. (Note: We can discuss "Buddhi, Manas, Ahankar, and Chitta separately in another thread. Because intelligence is not only the intellect).
Regarding your contention that only conscious people can certify others are conscious, that is not a good argument. Entities possess some property P by virtue of their nature of configuration. Another entity can know this fact only by interacting appropriately with the entity in question. It's not a question of certification, but rather a question of knowing that which something already has.
Not saying that Turing test does any such thing. It's not an appropriate criteria. The best way to know an intelligent system is to observe it function in a challenging open ended environment, self driving cars would be a good candidate.
Anyways, if you are betting that humans can't create conscious machines, I believe that you will be proved wrong in a few decades. However, I am curious as to why you think we can't create conscious machines?