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Major transitions in evolution


Veteran Member
I think the earth and Earth are two separate words in Hebrew and that is just an accurate way of translating them. I could be wrong though, never studied Hebrew.
In Genesis 1:1 and 1:11 "earth" (small "e")is a translation of the Hebrew אֶרֶץ
And in Genesis 1:10 "Earth" (capital "E")is also a translation of the Hebrew אֶרֶץ


Active Member
In Genesis 1:1 and 1:11 "earth" (small "e")is a translation of the Hebrew אֶרֶץ
And in Genesis 1:10 "Earth" (capital "E")is also a translation of the Hebrew אֶרֶץ

Thanks for the info. I wonder if the word has more than one meaning, like some English words, and the context makes it clear. Again, without knowing much of any Hebrew I can only speculate.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
I'm sorry but fossils aren't evidence of macro-evolution. There are no fossils in the whole world that show an ancestor / descendent relationship to any other fossil. They only show a mosaic of features to other fossils. That's all a transitional fossil is, one that shows a mosaic of features to another one. How can people still fall for this hoax?

Yeah, like you are a mosaic of features between your parents. And yes, there are a lot of fossils that show an ancestor/decedent relationship. From complete Foram records to smooth transitions in Trilobites, early horses and so on.

for example:
Parallel gradualistic evolution of Ordovician trilobites



Active Member
Parallel gradualistic evolution of Ordovician trilobites... I can't believe I just looked up an article from 1987.

Apparently the trilobite fossil records shows within species variation then the record drops off.

Fossils Older Than Dinosaurs Reveal Pattern Of Early Animal Evolution On Earth

ScienceDaily (July 26, 2007) — The abundant diversity of characteristics within species likely helped fuel the proliferation and evolution of an odd-looking creature that emerged from an unprecedented explosion of life on Earth more than 500 million years ago. University of Chicago paleontologist Mark Webster reports this finding in the July 27 issue of the journal Science.

"From an evolutionary perspective, the more variable a species is, the more raw material natural selection has to operate on," said Webster, an Assistant Professor in Geophysical Sciences at Chicago.
Paleontologists for decades have suspected that highly variable species evolved more rapidly than others, said Nigel Hughes, Professor of Earth Sciences at the University of California, Riverside. "Various studies have approached questions pertaining to it--but this is the first to convincingly document it in any group," Hughes said.
Most studies have focused on variability between species rather than within them, but in his Science paper, Webster analyzed 982 species of trilobites, ancient relatives of spiders and horseshoe crabs. "They're segmented little creatures, very beautiful to look at," Webster said. "They catch the eye of a lot of amateur collectors, and professionals like myself tend to get hooked on them very easily."
Extinct for 250 million years, trilobites once were the most common creatures in the world's oceans. Trilobites ranged in size from nearly microscopic to more than a foot long, though most of the 17,000 known species measured from one to four inches. "They were very diverse. That, in combination with their abundance as fossils, means they're ripe for studying evolutionary patterns in very old rocks," Webster said.
Trilobites were among the creatures that emerged 500 million years ago, during what paleontologists call "the Cambrian explosion," or "the Cambrian radiation." Before this time, life on Earth was limited mostly to bacteria, algae, single-celled organisms and only the simplest animal groups. But during the Cambrian Period, more complex creatures with skeletons, eyes and limbs emerged with amazing suddenness.
"The paper is relevant to the big question of what fueled the Cambrian radiation, and why that event was so singular," said UC-Riverside's Hughes of Webster's study. It appears that organisms displayed "rampant" within-species variation "in the 'warm afterglow' of the Cambrian explosion," Hughes said, but not later. "No one has shown this convincingly before, and that's why this is so important."
Webster has hunted trilobites from the northwest highlands of Scotland to the deserts of the American Southwest. He specializes in the olenellids, the oldest, most primitive trilobite group ever to evolve. The olenellids also show a great deal of variation within species.
"That led me into thinking there's something weird about these very primitive Cambrian trilobites that you don't see in other ones," he said.
The only way to verify his hunch was to conduct an analysis that combined the data compiled in previously published reports. "It's too much for one person to look at a thousand trilobite species," Webster said.
So for his Science study, Webster combed through 68 previously published studies of trilobites, searching for descriptions of evolving characteristics that could be incorporated into his analysis. After eliminating studies that were inappropriate for inclusion, 49 still remained.
He focused on actively evolving characteristics. The trilobite head alone, for example, displays many such characteristics. These include differences in ornamentation, number and placement of spines, and the shape of head segments. His findings: Overall, approximately 35 percent of the 982 trilobite species exhibited some variation in some aspect of their appearance that was evolving. But more than 70 percent of early and middle Cambrian species exhibited variation, while only 13 percent of later trilobite species did so.
"There's hardly any variation in the post-Cambrian," he said. "Even the presence or absence or the kind of ornamentation on the head shield varies within these Cambrian trilobites and doesn't vary in the post-Cambrian trilobites."
Paleontologists have proposed two ideas to account for why variation within species declined through time. One is ecological. In the very early Cambrian seas, fewer organisms existed than today, which meant that they faced less competition for food. "You didn't really have to be tightly specialized to make a living in the Cambrian," Webster said.
But as evolution gave rise to more varieties of organisms, ecological communities became more diverse. "You had to be very fine-tuned to your particular niche to make a living and to beat out competitors for a limited resource."
The genomic hypothesis offers a second explanation for the decline of within-species variation over time. According to this idea, internal processes in the organism were the key factors. Various developmental processes interact with one another to control the growth and formation of body parts as any organism progresses from egg to adult.
"It's been suggested that early on in evolutionary history, in the Cambrian Period, the degree to which these different developmental processes interacted with each other within the organism was a lot less," Webster said. "As a result, the constraints on what the final organism looked like were relatively low."
Both hypotheses are equally viable in light of Webster's latest findings. "We need to tease apart what's controlling this pattern of high within-species variation. There's a lot more work to do," he said.


Active Member
Yes, many researchers are unable to reach a consensus on the classification of fossils, particularly those in the human line. This find below demonstrates that modern human features do not necessarily indicate human ancestry. The representation in the article is obviously not human yet shares some features. There is much research available illustrating that morphology, particularly facial morphology, is linked to diet and environment. If the creature spoken to below was dated more recently, it also would have gone into the homo line because of it's 'modern' features. However, modern features do not illustrate ancestry at all and they date back 12 million years.

So I agree with you in that the 'homo' line of fossils could well be illustrating nothing more than the diversification and adaptation of non-human primates.

New Hominid 12 Million Years Old Found In Spain, With 'Modern' Facial Features

ScienceDaily (June 2, 2009) — Researchers have discovered a fossilized face and jaw from a previously unknown hominoid primate genus in Spain dating to the Middle Miocene era, roughly 12 million years ago. Nicknamed "Lluc," the male bears a strikingly "modern" facial appearance with a flat face, rather than a protruding one. The finding sheds important new light on the evolutionary development of hominids, including orangutans, chimpanzees, bonobos, gorillas and humans.

Anoiapithecus displays a very modern facial morphology, with a muzzle prognathism (i.e., protrusion of the jaw) so reduced that, within the family Hominidae, scientists can only find comparable values within the genus Homo, whereas the remaining great apes are notoriously more prognathic (i.e., having jaws that project forward markedly). The extraordinary resemblance does not indicate that Anoiapithecus has any relationship with Homo, the researchers note. However, the similarity might be a case of evolutionary convergence, where two species evolving separately share common features

It's finds like this that show how easy it is to arrive at incorrect hypothesis re lineage.


Resident Liberal Hippie
It's finds like this that show how easy it is to arrive at incorrect hypothesis re lineage.

Both hypotheses are equally viable, in light of Webster’s latest findings. “We need to tease apart what’s controlling this pattern of high within-species variation. There’s a lot more work to do,” he said.
Trilobites rich in evolutionary data

It's finds like this that show continuous evidence for the Theory of Evolution and our expanding knowledge of mechanism behind Evolution.


Active Member
Thanks Evolved yet? That link is a good read on the subject. If I have interpreted it correctly, it's saying there are too many separate species, some of which are very similar and perhaps should be classed as the same taxon.

I think Wiki may be reflecting the research you quoted.

Early trilobites show all of the features of the trilobite group as a whole; there do not seem to be any transitional or ancestral forms showing or combining the features of trilobites with other groups (e.g. early arthropods).[16] Morphological similarities between trilobites and early arthropod-like creatures such as Spriggina, Parvancorina, and other trilobitomorphs of the Ediacaran period of the Precambrian are ambiguous enough to make detailed analysis of their ancestry far from compelling.[47][39] Morphological similarities between early trilobites and other Cambrian arthropods (e.g. the Burgess Shale fauna and the Maotianshan shales fauna) make analysis of ancestral relationships difficult.[48] However, it is still reasonable to assume that the trilobites share a common ancestor with other arthropods prior to the Ediacaran-Cambrian boundary. Evidence suggests significant diversification had already occurred prior to the preservation of trilobites in the fossil record, easily allowing for the "sudden" appearance of diverse trilobite groups with complex, derived characteristics (e.g. eyes).[23][42]
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evolved yet?

A Young Evolutionist
Thanks Evolved yet? That link is a good read on the subject. If I have interpreted it correctly, it's saying there are too many separate species, some of which are very similar and perhaps should be classed as the same taxon.

I think Wiki may be reflecting the research you quoted.

Early trilobites show all of the features of the trilobite group as a whole; there do not seem to be any transitional or ancestral forms showing or combining the features of trilobites with other groups (e.g. early arthropods).[16] Morphological similarities between trilobites and early arthropod-like creatures such as Spriggina, Parvancorina, and other trilobitomorphs of the Ediacaran period of the Precambrian are ambiguous enough to make detailed analysis of their ancestry far from compelling.[47][39] Morphological similarities between early trilobites and other Cambrian arthropods (e.g. the Burgess Shale fauna and the Maotianshan shales fauna) make analysis of ancestral relationships difficult.[48] However, it is still reasonable to assume that the trilobites share a common ancestor with other arthropods prior to the Ediacaran-Cambrian boundary. Evidence suggests significant diversification had already occurred prior to the preservation of trilobites in the fossil record, easily allowing for the "sudden" appearance of diverse trilobite groups with complex, derived characteristics (e.g. eyes).[23][42]
May I ask what type of old-earth creationist are you?
Gap Creationist
Day-Age Creationism
Progressive Creationism
Intelligent Design

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
It's finds like this that show how easy it is to arrive at incorrect hypothesis re lineage.
Finds like this show why we don't construct lineages based on single features but on dozens or hundreds.



These are very imaginative drawings, but there is no evidence for macroevolution. The Bible is the only true source of knowledge.

No, seriously, nice post. Frubals! :)

There is no such thing as macro evolution

uneducated creationist invented that


If the bible is true and literal no animal could have lived on those "floating islands".

its not true and not ment to be taken literally

it has never been a history book.
the bible is a source of lies, to protect those lies creationism was invented.

you have a nice little myth

the sun does not revolve around the earth
earth is roughly 4.6 billion NOT 6000 years old
there was no great flood
tower of babal is false many languages were spoken before
we are not inbreed from adam and eve, adam was NOT 900 years old
earth, man, animals, stars, sun, ect ect was not made in 6 days,

First of all, where does the Bible say that the sun revolves around the earth, and second, I would like to discuss each of these points by having you present your arguments and then I can do my best to answer them. Is this plausible?


I'm sorry but fossils aren't evidence of macro-evolution

no such a thing as macro evolution

How can people still fall for this hoax?

im glad your pope has more knowledge then you, he tells you that the science behind evolution has merit.

no the myths you follow


First of all, where does the Bible say that the sun revolves around the earth

wiki under galileo Galileo Galilei - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Biblical references Psalm 93:1, 96:10, and 1 Chronicles 16:30 include text (depending on the translation) stating that "the world is firmly established, it cannot be moved." In the same manner, Psalm 104:5 says, "the Lord set the earth on its foundations; it can never be moved." Further, Ecclesiastes 1:5 states that "And the sun rises and sets and returns to its place" etc

By 1616 the attacks on the ideas of Copernicus had reached a head, and Galileo went to Rome to try to persuade the Catholic Church authorities not to ban Copernicus' ideas. In the end, Cardinal Bellarmine, acting on directives from the Inquisition, delivered him an order not to "hold or defend" the idea that the Earth moves and the Sun stands still at the centre

Is this plausible?

why not pick one and give a answer.

First I think you need to read genesis a little closer. Its pretty much jacked up and contradictory.

sun on the fourth day ??? but yet he states "let light be made" on the first day

this little example goes in to show how the bible is a man made myth, WRITTEN by man for man.


Guardian of Asgaard
First of all, where does the Bible say that the sun revolves around the earth, and second, I would like to discuss each of these points by having you present your arguments and then I can do my best to answer them. Is this plausible?

With regard to the age of the earth:

A young Earth (less than a a few hundred million years old) is childsplay. Depending on where you live, most of the undisturbed earth and rocks have formed over hundreds of millions of years.
With my job, i need to know regional geology in order to be able to make informed decisions about the type of soils we may encounter in a number of different situations. It has also been experimentally demonstrated that 6inches of soil or there abouts takes approximately 9000 years to develop through sedimentation. Given that my house is currently sitting on 3.4m of soil and then bedrock (another story), well im sure you can do the maths there.
Where i am there are lot of inorganic clay deposits which is weathered bassalt. This process takes upwards of 100 million years.

Do i need to keep going or do you get the picture?

In regards to Noahs Flood:

Lets start with the basics. Where did the water come from and where did it go?

To be sciencish, the infiltration of water into soil under the weight of the water caused by such a high magnitude flood would have destroyed the soil horizons leaving (most likely) a sign for geologists to see.