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Man 'Created' words


you perhaps 'feel' existence

and that is how to prove the absolute beyond any shadow of a doubt

where doubt arrives in when opinions (which very from every other persons 'feelings') become isolated by the use of words

because the formula (NAME) has never been understood pure to most all opinions

but equally, 5 apples is 5 apples to all mankind

names may change for the fruit, the count (experience of) exists equally

to combine the knowledge of mankind, reveals the name of God

that is what the evolution of knowledge is for

as well, that is the promise left in most every religious belief or hope; for our very souls 'to understand'

have faith in whatever God you choose, 'the truth will be known' (i believe that is one item we all as human being can agree on)

and them who discount the core of 'hope' ............ oooops?!?!?

It also depends how you understand things. What is 5 apples to a Buddhist? A Buddhist might consider those "apples" as just "things" which are perceived by the "mind" as being separate and distinct from the whole. There is only One existence but there are many perceptions of it. What is five apples to a worm? If there is a Universal language, then it would be a language that all creatures and things could understand. A language that even a rock could understand. The language of existence.


Active Member
In english you "have" sex - materialistc
In french you make love

and the 'good' will continue, the 'less than' will fade

so as man creates the illusions by the use of words, natures rules will always win

kind of a religious evolution, if you think about it, and we just in this period

and with the internet, showing how 'raw doggin' and 'love' could be saying the same thing.

it is why i like the term, 'light is life'
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Active Member
It also depends how you understand things. What is 5 apples to a Buddhist? A Buddhist might consider those "apples" as just "things" which are perceived by the "mind" as being separate and distinct from the whole.

each have an opinion, but if he gets hungry, let him know he has folks around the world with both feet on the ground. (give him one of the apples to eat)

There is only One existence but there are many perceptions of it.
points of view. we each stand in a different spot.

defining? As well many learned words, frames of reference, applicability to them words: each tribe speaks of love in many different ways, but at the experience of love, each are a part of the same experience the consciousness feels

What is five apples to a worm?
breakfast, lunch and dinner.

If there is a Universal language, then it would be a language that all creatures and things could understand.

The instinctive know their path naturally. The conscious are quite diverse based on what they learned.

so to return to benchmarks makes the best sense to allow that universal language be felt:

"man can walk, just expose the path" (consciously speaking, each can feel what is true)

That was the point you made earlier. Words are what speaking folk use to convey between each other; the feeling (conscious awareness) is what perfects reality to becoming aware. The words may mean different things to different people but the experience felt is ooosually the most correct.

i love this last part of your post

A language that even a rock could understand. The language of existence.
that was a poetic way of seeking truth

yes, that universal language is all that matters

then peace can be experienced

for to enable words, nature, math and the inner feelings to "combine" within the single correct rendition; to have a sort of owners manual

then responsibility would not be an oppressive imposition but the personal experience of each to live 'good' by choice

simply to know the truth enables the experiences of life without loss: (heaven)

all any human being has ever wanted is to know, is the truth

and no single rendition has finished the duty........... but many of them (mankind) have contributed!

what combines them is nature (existence as a whole)

to express nature in all areas that can combine allows acceptance by the soul

it enables each to be happy and equally aware of truth

now imagine beginning the child with truth on the first pass

nature, words, math, philosophy........... the children are the future... our very lives to continue; what do you feel is true about these words?
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