No where does it say death +plus+ any after death post-mortem penalty.
Since ' death ' is the total asking price for sin than anything past death would be double jeopardy.
I'm glad G-d does not treat people like
you think that they should be treated.
I could torture you for 50 years, causing immense suffering to you, and all that would happen to me is a painless death?
Hmmph. Your idea of justice is awful.
A lot of people are going to be very disappointed .. G-d is not a person, nor is G-d an imbecile.
A human being has no right to torture anybody, despite having been treated badly.
However, G-d does not torture people either. He doesn't have to.
People are quite capable of doing that to themselves.
Jesus criticised beliefs of Sadducees, like yourself. They too denied that souls are immortal.
G-d is immortal, and our souls return to Him.
I notice you don't answer my questions .. you just repeat your Bible quotes interpreted through sectarian dogma.
..just because mankind don't like something, or can't understand it, they make up something that seems good to them.
You change "eternal fire" into oblivion. How lovely. G-d is a walkover. He let's people escape from justice.
That's not my experience in life, and I have no reason to believe that it will be after death, either.
It would not be consistent with the reality that we find ourselves in now.
i.e. one in which exist both pleasure
and pain