I do not know what you think about religions or any religion in particular, but just off the top of my head what if the religions are actually religions from God, and Jesus really does greet people in the afterlife? I actually believe there are spirit guides, holy souls who come down from higher levels (spheres) and assist those who are less spiritually developed, but I also believe it is possible that Christians will see Jesus and those of other religions will see whatever Prophet/Messenger/Holy Man they believed in. It is not a given they will see them, and I do not think everyone will see them, but those who are at higher levels will be more likely to see them. Maybe Jesus greets newcomers just to help them feel comfortable and then goes back to His own high place?
Well, people might see the "god" or religious figure of their beliefs during an NDE, but I doubt that will be the case if they pass their final judgment and get to enter the spiritual universe or "afterlife". For in an NDE there's usually some message, instruction, or just a hint that there is "something" beyond their normal physical existence, so it is best served to them in some way that they are more familiar with. But it's beyond my capabilities to view what others experience in NDEs thru their own perspective, so I can only speculate on what they actually did or did not really see.
As to being greeted in the "afterlife" by the "god" or religious figure of their beliefs, I seriously doubt it. For by the time they have spiritually evolved enough to pass their "final" judgment, they should already have enough spiritual experience and understanding to have dropped all of the false man made "god" constructs. That, and they should also be in full accord with the True God's nature, laws, and plan for ALL souls, so they can "hit the ground running" in taking their chosen part in helping out ALL of the souls still in the physical universe/realm, or a few other specialized assignments. So I just don't see how it would work out that they would still be admitted into the spiritual universe/realm clinging to a false religious beliefs that has nothing to do with what I just described. Now again, it's beyond my capabilities to view what others see, or think they see, or don't see when they DO get to enter the spiritual universe permanently, but from everything I DO know, I just don't see how they would be allowed to have such false beliefs.
As for that *bright light* people say they see, the jury is out as far as I am concerned. I suppose people attribute that light to whatever preconceived ideas or beliefs they have.
That's what it seems to be. Now while I try not to read anything spiritual related so as to not let things influence my own spiritual experiences or the interpretation of them, I did digress once in reading some NDE/OBE stories because someone claimed they read some that were similar to mine. And while I think they were just messing with me as I didn't find any at all like mine, I did read several who just guessed that the "white light" MUST have been "god" or "Jesus".
So what do you think is the *value* of
not having any prior beliefs before we die?
I definitely think that religious beliefs could be a hindrance, especially if people cling to doctrines and dogma that has no value in the spiritual world, or a religion that was not even true, as they believed it. This was pointed out in the book I cited in the OP:
“A century earlier, Andrew Jackson Davis reported that many souls continue to subscribe to the same religious beliefs they held in the physical world. He referred to this sphere, or section of the sphere, as Altolissa. “Jews still believe in the doctrine of their fathers – Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; the Roam Catholics hold the same views they did before death; and there are other sects in Altolissa who think and believe in the same things and forms of faith they learned on earth,” he stated, adding that they are so far below the ‘higher planes’ that this is required in order to make them feel ‘at home.’ However, all eventually evolve toward a single understanding of spirit.”
Well, we ALL have our beliefs or atheist non-beliefs on spiritual matters and the "afterlife". It's just the insanely off base man made religions/mythologies that I have a problem with, and try my best to make them understand that they have been led astray and WHY this is so.
But those who actually WORK to seek spiritual understand and use their rational thinking, being able to compare what they believe with what they know about the world around them to see if their beliefs fit or not, and keep on CHANGING their beliefs as new information and/or experiences comes to light, or drop some beliefs that do not fit somehow, it is they who will make the greatest progress.
My material world is falling apart right now
, so I will get back to what post I can when I can.
Try duct tape, that fixes everything except stupid people.