when luther called for the reformation of the Catholic Church when he saw the corruption and abuse of indulgences, he was right. The church was in bad shape and the fact that they tried to kill him doesnt help their case... However, after Prince Frederick "kidnapped" Luther, Luther translated the Bible to German. There is a couple of problems with this. 1) It cannot be translated directly from Greek because there are many important words that can be translated differently and Luther made sure that he translated all of them into a form that supported his theology. 2) Luther believed that the translation of the Bible to the language of his peoplewould make it so that everyone could read the Bible and see that his interpretation was more right than the Catholic understanding. He was very naive to think this, because people think in different ways and if given freedom to interpret the Bible freely, then everyone is going to have different biblical understandings. Luther also had a serious problem with the way that he called people heretics. For instance: Luther said that in an effort to reform universities, that all works by Aristotle should be banned for their heretical non-Christian sayings and biliefs. Luther is an idiot who was trying to get attention when he said this, because when Aristotle was alive, Christianity didnt exist yet, so of course his teachings weren't Christian. And my final point, if Luther believes the bible should be interpreted in a more literal sense then how the Catholic Church interprets it, why does he believe in the Holy Trinity? It is not once mentioned in the Bible and yet without it he wouldn't be Christian, so Luther contradicts his own teachings by having a belief not listed in the Bible.