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Master Path - Gary Olsen


Active Member
Society around me in Mesquite Tx is conservative Christian and in no way am I going to try and get their viewpoint or acceptance. I do love my Christian sisters. We've agreed not to talk about religion.


I get it. That is a problem though. Everyone should feel comfortable to talk about their beliefs and their non-beliefs but based on circumstance many people just can't. It could affect our jobs, lives and general welfare.



Ahau, I only recently became aware of your last post. Sometimes I get an new post alert email to this thread but other times I don't.
Thanks for the reference to Judith. I am going to look her up as well , but do keep me updated on what you discover.

Recently I have come across someone called Franco Pier Marcenaro who is widely acclaimed for being a genuine param sant satguru. His master Kirpal asked him to bridge the eastern sant mat teachings with teachings of Jesus. When he was seven he had a visitation from Sawan Singh explaining his mission in life. Currently he is much esteemed world wide as a master of the highest order. He gets amazing results with light and sound experiences during imparting what he calls the Universal Meditation technique (surat shabda yoga) and there are many testimonials on his site of people seeing radiant form and hearing the sounds of the spiritual planes.

What I find really refreshing about him is his level of integrity , simplicity and purity, no control or manipulation or narcissistic display. He also doesn't charge any money and totally sustains himself by his work pension. He states that any master who charges is not a genuine master. His base is a monastery in Italy but travels the world imparting the teachings. He is at Schoolofspirituality.org. Lots of videos and can buy his books very inexpensive, not plagiarized as far I can tell.

As long as I am still at the stage where I'm not sure if I need a living master or not it wont hurt to find one as "perfect as possible"

Hi Chloe,

I very much appreciate the part where you talk about the testimonials of people actually experiencing things directly in their own consciousness. People who are always talking about money and outer things like the cost of lessons don't realize that the true path is within. The way you can tell if you are moving in the right direction in your own spiritual path is by how you are changing as a person. If you like the person you are becoming moment to moment than that's the best sign you are on the right path for YOU.

With regards to inner experiences, they are there to enlighten and provide guidance. It can be tempting to reach for anything that resembles easy miracles on the outside, but a true path requires dedication and focus to move forward. It's a bit like going to school: those students who do their homework will do well and learn good habits that will serve them later in life, while those who refuse to do their homework are always blaming others and wondering why their lives are not structured they way they would wish. They will complain about things like not having enough money without ever realizing the value of honest, hard work.

I think this is true of the posts in this thread as well. It's not difficult to see the motivations of those posting. Why are some people trying so hard in this thread to insult others? The truth is the truth, stating it with loving intentions is sufficient. People who stoop to personal attacks do so because they are insecure and some part of them desperately needs to be "right" or else they will have to face the fact that they are scared. They are scared because they realize they don't have the answers on the inside and don't like the way their own lives are heading. For me personally, I like to follow what I call the "trail of laughter". If there is love and joy in your pursuit, then it's a great sign. If you feel being taken advantage of and are not experiencing anything on the inner planes after giving a serious, honest effort, then of course that path is not appropriate for you.

Many people do not even acknowledge there is anything "real" other than the physical life. They deal in absolutes and want to categorize everything conveniently as true and false. But life isn't that way; everybody is at a different point in their journey so different things will be appropriate at different times (and different lifetimes!)

The true master is within. You won't know if you're following a Sat Guru until you meet him inside your own consciousness. It almost doesn't matter which outer master you pick if it leads to the results you want. But some people are not willing to do the work of centering and stilling their minds in order to attain these results, so "it must be my master's fault!" It reminds me of those students who would get their parents to complain to the school board about a teacher when it was the student who refused to complete assignments and would lie about it.

To summarize, the best way to know if you're on a true Light and Sound path is seeing the light and hearing the sound. I can testify that these words are NOT metaphors or some kind of emotional reverie. You literally see light and hear sound. It's something you can directly experience for yourself--it's not a hallucination or a drug-induced trip. After you do, it becomes impossible to question the veracity of your own personal spiritual practice. And once again, the point of a true path is NOT just to see and hear, but to learn, and become. Not so much that you are not already part and parcel of the divine, but rather a journey towards REALIZING what you already are.
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New Member
Hi Vichar

I very much appreciated your post to me. It stopped me in my tracks and made me reflect over some things and to come to new insights and resulting decisions. I was getting too complacent with feeling confused and researching gurus and not moving ahead in a focused way. Also, your post was amazingly synchronous at the time I received it. As well I had an amazing inner experience which otherwise would not have happened if you had not posted.

I agree with you that many posts on this thread appear trivial, nonspiritual or argumentative and sarcastic. However there are also a significant number of exchelas who have been very devoted and "have done their homework", yet walked away after many years feeling duped. I felt sad for them and worried for me. I came to this forum for more insight into masterpath and especially wanted to hear chelas testimonials for evidence of its effectiveness. Yet, you were about the only one that offered some details of your inner experiences and growths in consciousness and joy and this has been very helpful for me and im sure others. Why don't others come forward as well.?

You spoke of knowing a true light and sound path. The path I am looking for is the one that is the best catalyst for a more solid conscious connection to the spiritual current for myself. Years before I even was aware that there was such a thing as a light/sound path I started seeing inner/outer light and occasionally hearing sounds. Possibly, because I was doing new age stuff at the time and was having many other kundalini like symptoms. Now on masterpath the sound has become more pronounced and fills the whole head. I realize it is a lower sound along the way, but at least its an indicator that I am interiorizing better. I cant deny having many other amazing inner experiences, dreams, and energetic downloads while on mp. The mp teachings, whether plagiarized or not, seem basically sound to me. Yet in spite of all this I have remained in a condition of mistrust for a long time. I have determined to leave mp several times but it just never felt right inside to do so and so I remained a kind of an immobilized chela.

I can see you are having a satisfying experience on mp with growth in consciousness and joy and a connection to the spiritual current. I am genuinely happy for you. You didn't allow yourself to become confused/conflicted but approached with a scientific mindset and a loving attitude and discipline, you set out to prove it for yourself. People like myself allow themselves to get distracted by stuff that doesn't really matter. Example: I was looking for certainty that the guru is a true satguru and not just a spiritual teacher before I could really give myself to the discipline. However, its not about what Gary really is or is not. Its about me and what what I am discovering about myself and how I am connecting to the spiritual current. Im really getting this now and feel a sense of freedom.

You are right in saying that "the particular guru doesn't even matter". IMO the deciding factor in spiritual growth is the degree of ones desire and intention to grow and how well one follows their inner guidance. My inner guidance has brought me to mp, so I assume there is something here I need to pay attention to and grow from for now. So I continue with mp, but now with a greater sense of empowerment which I so much needed, and I am getting better results from the spiritual excercises as a result. I am reading over what I just wrote and smiling because it sounds so Pollyanna like but nonetheless, it is all true.


New Member
If you like the person you are becoming moment to moment than that's the best sign you are on the right path for YOU.
Liking yourself is the best sign you're on the right path?

With regards to inner experiences, they are there to enlighten and provide guidance.
Are you positing that your posts are enlightened guidance?

I think this is true of the posts in this thread as well. It's not difficult to see the motivations of those posting.
You think, therefore it's true? What is your motivation?

People who stoop to personal attacks do so because they are insecure and some part of them desperately needs to be "right" or else they will have to face the fact that they are scared.
Do you & your master disparage those who leave or speak out against your teaching?

They are scared because they realize they don't have the answers on the inside and don't like the way their own lives are heading.
How do you know what another person realizes? Or the answers they have on the inside?

The true master is within. You won't know if you're following a Sat Guru until you meet him inside your own consciousness.
Do you only recognize the validity of others inner experiences whey they align with your outer teachings? Describe your meeting of a 'sat guru inside your own consciousness.'


New Member
It almost doesn't matter which outer master you pick if it leads to the results you want.
If, 'it almost doesn't matter,' what is the significance of your master?

To summarize, the best way to know if you're on a true Light and Sound path is seeing the light and hearing the sound. I can testify that these words are NOT metaphors or some kind of emotional reverie. You literally see light and hear sound.
Describe the literal light and sound you have seen.