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Masturbation: To Sin or Not to Sin?


before i became a Christian, i matusbated quite a lot, honestly. never saw anything wrong with it, enjoyed it, and didn't see how self-pleasure had anything to do with God.

after my conversion, though, the desire to do so just kind of fled on its own. can't explain it, except through the work of the Holy Spirit. the Bible tells us that everything we do, we should do for the glory of God, with our hearts, focus, and mindfulness upon Him, that we might please Him and glorify Him, and draw closer to Him with everything we do.

can a person pleasure themselves to the glory of God? when i used to, it was somehing i did solely for myself, involved all kinds of fantasies which had *nothing* to do with the kind of sex acts we're told God blesses (i.e. ex within marriage), etc. as a Christian now, i don't masturbate, don't really want to, and can not personally reconcile self-pleasure as being a worshipful act. when my husband's not around, i miss him. but these days, i don't fantazize about him, i just wait and enjoy his real-life company when i come home.


Depends Upon My Mood..
I just dont see it as any more self indulgent than going for a jog to help maintain your health.Or listening to your favorite song to lift your mood.

Just because it feels good doesnt mean its not good for you.And I think that God wants us to take care of our bodies.



Berachiah Ben Yisrael

Active Member
No where is it written in Torah that it be a sin to masterbate. Oh but one can, has and will infer, devise or dream up some sort of opposition to truth.

Berachiah Ben Yisrael

Active Member
Onan died because he broke the ancestral law, that a brother of one who has died childless, is required to go into his brothers wife to who the dead brother had become one, and to sire a child for his brothers posterity, this Onan refused to do, and for this reason and this reason only, did God terminate his life.


Deu 25:5 If brothers dwell together, and one of them die, and have no son, the wife of the dead shall not be married outside to a stranger: her husband's brother shall go in to her, and take her to him as wife, and perform the duty of a husband's brother to her.
Deu 25:6 It shall be, that the firstborn whom she bears shall succeed in the name of his brother who is dead, that his name not be blotted out of Yisra'el.
Deu 25:7 If the man doesn't want to take his brother's wife, then his brother's wife shall go up to the gate to the elders, and say, My husband's brother refuses to raise up to his brother a name in Yisra'el; he will not perform the duty of a husband's brother to me.
Deu 25:8 Then the elders of his city shall call him, and speak to him: and if he stand, and say, I don't want to take her;
Deu 25:9 then his brother's wife shall come to him in the presence of the elders, and loose his shoe from off his foot, and spit in his face; and she shall answer and say, So shall it be done to the man who does not build up his brother's house.
Deu 25:10 His name shall be called in Yisra'el, The house of him who has his shoe untied.

I see that he could have just refused and all that would have happened is he would have had his shoe loosed and got spit in the face. No but he went in and had sexual relation’s with that woman (no pun intended J ) and refused to complete what he had already started as to the understanding of his brothers wife as well as others involved like his Father. He broke a contract by accepting the terms but then backing out of the deal once he got what he wanted. He had to pay and he did with his life. He used the words of the Most High deceitfully

Berachiah Ben Yisrael

Active Member
matthew 5:27 it says "You have heard that it was said, 'You shall not commit adultery;'
Matthew 5:28 it says "28 but I tell you that everyone who gazes at a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her already in his heart.

Therefore if you masturbate you are committing adultery.

There be only one way for a man to commit adultery and that is to commit an act of sex with another man’s wife. Yahshua was speaking if one look’s on a married woman and commits some sexual act, and yes to masturbate while looking on or thinking about another man’s wife, is adultery. It’s not the thought alone but rather the thought along with an act that makes it sin. You would be thinking of an abominable act as you committed an act. The act then becomes sin.


Lord of Ents
Really considering it sinful to allow sperm to go to waste would mean that you would either have to have sex every day for procreation, or masturbating every day and donating your sperm to a sperm bank, both of which are absurd.

Berachiah Ben Yisrael

Active Member
What if you think about men instead?

If you are a married woman and the man is not your husband, or if you are a man, then It’s not the thought alone but rather the thought along with an act that makes it sin. You would be thinking of an abominable act as you committed an act. The act then becomes sin.
Really considering it sinful to allow sperm to go to waste would mean that you would either have to have sex every day for procreation, or masturbating every day and donating your sperm to a sperm bank, both of which are absurd.
I'm 14. Do you suggest i break the law and get a girl knocked up?

I can either masturbate or ruin the sheets one night. Masturbating proves to be the better of the two...


Well-Known Member
How is it any less "letting human seed go to waste" to simply allow your sperm to be broken down by your body after a few days?

If sperm truly is "G-d's sacred and divine potential", then isn't the only righteous course of action to engage in procreative sex every other day from puberty until death?
Ah yes but then we would probably reproduce asexually as colonies of clones and sprout roots. Wouldn't that be boring!:rolleyes:


Depends Upon My Mood..
I'm 14. Do you suggest i break the law and get a girl knocked up?

I can either masturbate or ruin the sheets one night. Masturbating proves to be the better of the two...

I dont even compare the two..Getting a "girl knocked up" when you are 14 is brutal...Actually you wouldnt even be "breaking the "law"

I was going to say something..But I cant..Because Im angry and mad..and I'll get in big trouble if I say it..



Deut 13:1

Well-Known Member
No where is it written in Torah that it be a sin to masterbate. Oh but one can, has and will infer, devise or dream up some sort of opposition to truth.

Well, I don't know about that, but let's see where this conversation goes...

I see that he could have just refused and all that would have happened is he would have had his shoe loosed and got spit in the face. No but he went in and had sexual relation’s with that woman (no pun intended J ) and refused to complete what he had already started as to the understanding of his brothers wife as well as others involved like his Father. He broke a contract by accepting the terms but then backing out of the deal once he got what he wanted. He had to pay and he did with his life. He used the words of the Most High deceitfully
If that's the case - why didn't his younger brother Shelah also get killed for not providing Tamar a child? He may not have had sex with Tamar, but according to your quotation of verses, he should have provided the child. I think the key difference is that Onan pulled out and committed the ha-sh'cha'tat zerah.

Also, Niddah 13a should tell you all you need to know about masturbation for men in Judaism. :eek:

Berachiah Ben Yisrael

Active Member
Originally Posted by Berachiah Ben Yisrael
No where is it written in Torah that it be a sin to masterbate. Oh but one can, has and will infer, devise or dream up some sort of opposition to truth.

Well, I don't know about that, but let's see where this conversation goes...

See what I mean. lol :rolleyes:

If that's the case - why didn't his younger brother Shelah also get killed for not providing Tamar a child? He may not have had sex with Tamar, but according to your quotation of verses, he should have provided the child.

Gen 38:14 She took off of her the garments of her widowhood, and covered herself with her veil, and wrapped herself, and sat in the gate of `Enayim, which is by the way to Timnah; for she saw that Shelach was grown up, and she wasn't given to him as a wife.

Is there a reason for the text to say that she had not been given? Who's property was she that she had to be given at that time? Who was her head at that time and place? Get real man.

I think the key difference is that Onan pulled out and committed the ha-sh'cha'tat zerah.
......as well as............
Also, Niddah 13a should tell you all you need to know about masturbation for men in Judaism. :eek:

These issues are only the imaginations of the elders through their oral traditions and are not found in the Torah given to Moshe' at Sinai. If this is what one wants to believe then so be it but don't try and force this nonsense on me. :areyoucra


Well-Known Member
Well, I don't know about that, but let's see where this conversation goes...
If that's the case - why didn't his younger brother Shelah also get killed for not providing Tamar a child? He may not have had sex with Tamar, but according to your quotation of verses, he should have provided the child. I think the key difference is that Onan pulled out and committed the ha-sh'cha'tat zerah.
Also, Niddah 13a should tell you all you need to know about masturbation for men in Judaism. :eek:

When Tamah the daughter of Levi, married into the tribe of Judah, she was subject to Judah the head of that tribe as was his youngest son Shelah who was sinnless in not taking Tamah to sire a child for his brother, without the explicit direction of his father Judah who, out of fear of losing his youngest son as he had his two older sons Er and Onan because of their connection to Tamah, did not give. And because Tamah, knowing that a woman is saved through bearing children, had played the part of a harlot in order to bear a child to the Tribe of Judah, her actions were concidered as righteous, because it is not what we do, by which we are Judged, but God, who sees into the hearts and minds of all, makes his judgments on why we do the thing that we do.

I wonder whether Judah would have been better off Mastubating, rather than going into his daughter in law, Tamah?
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