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Meat is Murder, Dairy is Rape.

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Active Member
Hey are you part of PETA too?

What do you say about people who eat meat when it is all they can afford or get their hands on? It's fine sitting on your high horse telling people that they aren't allowed to eat meat or dairy. I'm sure you have no problem getting hold of vegan stuff, but what about people who can only obtain meat or dairy?

Green Gaia

Veteran Member

I am re-opening this thread, but it will be watched very closely. All personal, off topic and rude posts and any posts that quoted these posts have been removed.

I will reiterate what Michel said:

Please refrain from making personal comments about each other. Please also refrain from Pm'ing further remarks concerning this thread which you know would not be allowed in the forum.

May I remind everyone about Rule 4: While debating and discussion is fine, we will not tolerate rudeness, insulting posts, personal attacks or purposeless inflammatory posts. We will allow faith to be debated and discussed by a member only when there is no hostile, rude, or insulting opinion of another's faith. These restrictions to an open debate or discussion also apply to material linked and/or quoted from another site. Our decision is final in these matters.

This does not only cover religious beliefs.

Any further trouble in this thread will result in it being closed indefinitely.



Following Christ
Magurk said:
...I can sincierly say that if you eat meat and dairy, you are a murderer.
You are certainly entitled to your opinion, and I'm going to agree with you.:eek: Such is the nature of the food chain. Some animals eat grass or other plants, and other animals eat those animals. Humans, being omnivorous eat some of both.

One tip that you might want to ponder...if you want to influence people to consider going vegan, you might try a less combative approach. Stating opinions as if they were fact and calling people who disagree with you names is going to give them ammunition to write you off as a lunatic. At that point, your persuasive power diminishes greatly. :)

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
Magurk said:
The statement is true.

I as an avid Vegan, i cannot understand why people eat meat or dairy. You can easily retain the same nutrients through a natural and more peacefull way of life. I ask people why they eat meat and dairy, and they say that its "personal choice." But the animals you exploit have no choice, they are made to live in fear and are later exploited of their resources. I can sincierly say that if you eat meat and dairy, you are a murderer.

As others have stated, you are entitled to your opinion and I applaud your personal convictions to not eat meat and dairy products. However, beating others over the head with your beliefs and calling them names when they don't agree with you is no way to get them to listen to what you have to say or take your seriously.

Let me ask you, do you grow and produce all of your own foods? If not, if you buy them at the grocery store, you may be contributing to mistreatment of humans who are forced to work long hours on farms for little pay. The point being, if you don't personally produce your own food, you don't know whose life was impacted, postively or negatively, in producing that food, and it doesn't matter if it's pork chops or carrots that's being produced.


The Great Master Bates
Fundamentalism breeds no sense of irony.

Vegans willing to commit murder to further their cause is a classic example of irony. Just like pro-lifers murdering doctors.


oh come on,yes good on you for not eating meat or having dairy stuff. i am sick of people telling me what not eat . i shall eat meat till as they say the cows come home and i hope thats soon mmmm steak n milk


The cake is a lie
Magurk said:
And yes i will force veganism onto people, its standing for something right and something that needs to be recognized.
Soon I will be getting chickens (Rhode Island red, most likely). If I didn't fear for their safety (some of our cows have been attacked by coyotes), I'd let them be completely free range. As it is I'm planning to build a sizeable pen (at least 15' x 15' for 6 chicken, plus a coop). I'm not going to feed them that crap with antibiotics and a ton of corn and protein that forces them to lay before their bodies are ready for it.

What is my crime? I'm not going to have a cock around them. How am I harming them by giving them a decent amount of space, sunshine, fresh air, nice greens to peck at, and taking their infertile eggs instead of letting them stink up the coop?

Please, stop making the rest of us look bad. Not everyone feels the need to force their ideals on others. I honestly see "I'll make you be vegan!" as no less disgusting as "I'll make you be (member of religion or lack thereof)!"

Maybe if the veg* community started a bit of compassion instead of "I'll make you!", we'd be taken more seriously.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I realise that meat eating may not be the best choice, but I'd rather eat the meat from a store, and know it is being put to use, than have it go to waste. Even early tribes, who were very close with nature, would kill an animal for many things, including meat. I also know many people who have worked at a meat processing plant, and if I understand them correctly, the quality of the meat depends greatly on how the animal is killed. If they are frightened, tense and stressed, the meat will be tough and low quality. If the animal is relaxed (drugs are used for this), then the meat will be tender and higher quality. And McDonalds, supposedly, is very picky about how the animals are treated.
But how diary is rape, I do not know. Sure, it can be considered sexual harassment at most, but that would depend if the cows consider that area sexual or not. And since some cultures don't have an emphasise on breasts being sexual, I am going to guess it is learned behavor, and a cow won't be thinking "bad touch."


Magurk said:
I can sincierly say that if you eat meat and dairy, you are a murderer.

Give it to us raw! :149:


I missed post number 42. This post has been edited...


The cake is a lie
Shadow Wolf said:
And McDonalds, supposedly, is very picky about how the animals are treated.
McDonald's doesn't control how the animals are treated, since they don't raise them. As someone that comes from a farming community, I can tell you with certainty that the people around here in the meat business (chickens in particular) think higher of dirt than the standards for how to treat their animals.

Let's just say there's a reason that meat's ground up before being made into a burger or nugget.


Maybe if the veg* community started a bit of compassion instead of "I'll make you!", we'd be taken more seriously.
To be fair, vegan loudmouths (like loudmouths of most ilk) still tend to be disporportianately insistant on how "all vegans think exactly like them". Righteous indignation is a pretty fun hobby, apparently. I might take up yelling "meatie" at those foolish enough to engage the vegan militancy for kicks, myself.


evearael said:
As a mother who just nursed for a year, and a woman who has been raped, and as a vegetarian, I can say that dairy is certainly not rape.

:clapThis is a quality post! :clap


Buttons* said:
no personal attacks Nate :p

Well he called me a murderer and rapist. :149:

The OP is not an argument, but an attempt to throw stones at those of us who enjoy red meat and beer. It is an attack on our very humanity. I should be able to club a poor innocent cow like a barbarian, eat the steak, make my clothes from her hide, glue from her hooves, a canteen from her stomach, strings from her sinews without some wacko calling me a murderer. If he wants to know what murder is, why I oughtta...

I edited the post because I didn't see post # 42. I read the OP and had brainlessly assumed that the MODs would just allow us to insult eachother.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
angellous_evangellous said:
:clapThis is a quality post! :clap

Thank you; it is a shame that that should have to come from someone who has had to suffer rape.........


Well-Known Member
As far as meat goes, I really don't care if someone eats meat... if the animal was treated in a humane manner. Americans do eat too much meat and reduction would be good for the health of the country at large. As it has already been stated, we are not herbivores, and a healthy vegan diet is simply inaccessible to the populous at large. We are animals with big brains. Eatting another animal is no worse than a wolf eatting a bunny, perhaps even better since we have the ability to reduce the cruelty of the process.


The cake is a lie
angellous_evangellous said:
Well he called me a murderer and rapist. :149:
"He started it" is not an acceptable excuse for violating RF rules.

No more personal attacks in this thread.
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