There are plenty of people I'd love to meet in person. Madhuri, UV and Adramelek in particular, since we tend to talk quite easily online. I also think Circle One would be a riot on a night out.
That would be a real fun group right there Shyanekh!
As long as Madhuri wouldn't mind hangin' around all us Pagans and LHPers at once.
That little gathering definitely needs (St)Tigeress as well though. :yes:
Shyanekh, you have NO idea
When I first saw this thread, I was actually thinking about you. Don't know you too well, but I bet you'd be an absolute blast to have some drinks with.
I'd also have to meet Nepenthe, because he is my music and film soul mate.
UV, because she's my lady all the way.
Mystic, because I'd love for her to dominate me
And we'd have a lot of fun with the boys.
And Sunstone, because he I love him so incredibly much and I owe a lot of my sanity to him.
Oh, and Monta, to hear that ridiculous Cork accent of hers, and to go shoe shopping.