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Meeting three Biblical people of your choice, what would you ask them?


Agnostic Pantheist
After typing my answer in a similar thread that was recently posted, before submitting my post I noticed that it was placed in the Christianity DIR. So I've decided to post my answer here, and give a chance to members who are not of Christian denominations (and those who are) to participate.

So the question again. If you could meet three people from the Bible (could be protagonists, antagonists... use your imagination), who would they be and what would you ask them?
My answer:


I would ask him about the cosmopolitan landscape in the Northern Kingdom, after the split to two kingdoms of Judah and Israel. As Elijah challenged the royalty of the Northern Kingdom and the pagan Phoenician priesthood they invited, what was his impression of the way that the Northern Kingdom functioned? how did it fare compared to the Southern Kingdom of Judah?
I would ask if all his exploits were planned or did he simply improvised as he went along?


As a member of the Jewish nobility taken captive to the Babylonian court, Daniel had surreal encounters and experience with Babylonian and later Persian royalty and their elites. I would ask him about the religious landscape in Babylon and that of the Persians. What drove King Belshazzar to use the sacred vessels from the Temple of Jerusalem blasphemously for drinking in the feast he threw for his nobles? What the atmosphere in the Babylonian court was like as this act presaged the downfall of the king and the Persian conquest of their kingdom?
I would then ask Daniel about his time in the Persian court. How did the Persian officials succeeded through bureaucratic means to pass a decree forbidding the worship of any god for 30 days?

That's two for now. I'll revisit the thread. ;)


Jehovah our God is One
I would like to ask Abel what prompted him to offer a blood sacrifice to God. And i'd also like to ask him how he developed faith in Jehovah and what sign God gave him to let him know that his offering was favoured.

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
Saul: I would ask him to present his side of the story.

Omri: Ditto.

Zeruiah: I would ask her about herself and her political relationship to her younger brother.


What? Me worry?
Moses. I would ask him how he, after having a direct face-to-face with I Am, could ever be angry at anything.

Esther. I would want to know her feelings about winning the equivalency of a 'wet T-shirt' contest.

David. I would ask him if he, in hindsight, though Bathsheeba was worth it.


Well-Known Member
Bilaam's donkey. Wouldn't it be cool to meet a talking donkey?

In all seriousness, I would like to have met the whole sanhedrin in Jesus' time, Jesus, Mary, and Joseph so we could clear a few things up.

Maybe run a few DNA tests, you know... just get to the bottom of things.
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Job to ask why he took gods undeserved punishment and convince him to rebel against such an awful god.
Satan to ask him all about leaving heaven.
Lot to ask if he resents god for killing his wife who didnt deserve to die.


Active Member
I suppose:

David: I would ask how often he wrote Psalms, and to talk about the importance of that in his life.

Adam: I would ask, if he knew what procreation was before the fall, and if he felt it would just be him and Eve for their life before the fall.

Zechariah: I would explain who Jesus is, and ask if he felt that was what God promised him would come. It would be fascinating to compare his reaction to that of other Jews when it comes to the topic of Jesus I suppose.


Active Member
I have to say, if I could zap through time for a day, it would be rather fascinating to witness a grand wild party in the height of Babylonian times spoken of in the bible :) I am imagining lots of color, glitz, sex, alcohol, revelry, etc...


The three Biblical people of your choice...


I think I'd be too overwhelmed to ask Elijah or Moses a question... or Jesus for that matter.. once in Their presence my power of speech would likely be suspended...

More likely I'd like to visit with Balaam and enquire if he is treating his donkey better.. or maybe visit with the Lord's brother James and ask him about his life with Jesus and see if he had some notes transcribed in Aramaic...hmmm finally maybe I'd like to visit the Lord's anointed Cyrus and take in the grandeur of his court...


He who struggles with God
1.) Jesus I want to write a gospel according to his own words and how he feels about christians today and in the past.
2.) Jacob, seriously the man wrestled with God(or an angel of God) all night till near sunrise and had him at a STALEMATE until the use of superpowers to cripple him temporarily.
3.) The devil I want to ask him his position in the grand scheme of things. Is he a God approved tempter or a fallen angel who once went under the alias of Lucifer son of the morning who tortures humanity?


Jesus,but who wouldn´t.
Followed by Abraham and David.
Actually there are many others besides them.
But I guess those would be at the top of my list.


Fatalist. Christian. Pacifist.
Eve- Ask about all the other events that must have gone on in God's presence.

Elisha- Ask him about Elijah (2 prophets, one stone). Ask him about their relationship, and the miracles they performed.

Jesus- Ask him about the future.


Why would anyone want to meet Satan?.
Do you think he would really tell you the truth and nothing but the truth?.
Or will he much like he did in the case of Eve,only speak in half-truths.
I guess that you believe that we all pray to and worship the very same God?.
If so,remember Satan likened himself to the "Most High",thinking he was worthy
of the worship that was reserved for only the "Most High" himself.
When in fact,much like human beings,is/was a creation of God.
And were you one day actually to meet Satan,you´ll wish you hadn´t.
And those who imply he doesn´t exist,or ever existed,are actually one´s he´s already,
blinded from seeing the truth and won over without as much as a fight or even a struggle.
Tell a lie long enough,and eventually people will soon begin to believe it as truth.
In fact,his getting people to believe he doesn´t exist ranks right up there with his being
able to tempt Eve into sinning against God,if not higher.
He is not our friend people,but rather,our adversary.