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Memorable Quotes


Veteran Member
The Book of Quotations, edited by Fred Shapiro, has these beauties on it's list of best memorable quotes of 2007.

Feel free to add any quotes you find funny, stupid, insane, astute or otherwise memorable.

"There's only three things he (Republican presidential candidate and former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani) mentions in a sentence: a noun and a verb and 9/11." --

Sen. Joseph Biden speaking at a Democratic presidential debate.

"I'm not going to get into a name-calling match with somebody (Vice President Dick Cheney) who has a 9 percent approval rating." -

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, a Democrat.

"I think as far as the adverse impact on the nation around the world, this administration has been the worst in history."

--Former President Jimmy Carter in an interview in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette newspaper.


Well-Known Member
Those are good, Rhonda. Like Jimmy Carter's quote; seems the only President with balls enough to speak the truth is an EX-president, unfortunately...


"Those who tell you that man is unable to perceive a reality undistorted by his senses, mean they are unwilling to perceive a reality undistorted by their feelings. "Things are as they are" are things as perceived by your mind; divorce them from reason and they become 'things perceived by your wishes."

Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged


"In Iran we don't have homosexuals like in your country." _ Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, speaking at Columbia University in New York.


Veteran Member
"In Iran we don't have homosexuals like in your country." _ Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, speaking at Columbia University in New York.
Actually, I believe that quote is in the top 10 of the book I mention. ;) Hard to believe a contemporary world leader is that mentally stunted isn't it?


Hard to believe a contemporary world leader is that mentally stunted isn't it?

He doesn't want there to be any homosexuals in Iran, evidently. You can tell that, by his treatment of the poor Iranian homosexuals. Hes a horrible little tyrant. I never have trusted small people


Veteran Member
He doesn't want there to be any homosexuals in Iran, evidently. You can tell that, by his treatment of the poor Iranian homosexuals.
And, there won't be any more gays if he can succeed in executing them all.

Hes a horrible little tyrant.
Yes, indeed.

I never have trusted small people
I'm suddenly happy once again to be tall. ;)

More laughable George W. Bush quotes of 2007:

"And there is distrust in Washington. I am surprised, frankly, at the amount of distrust that exists in this town. And I'm sorry it's the case, and I'll work hard to try to elevate it." --interview on National Public Radio, Jan. 29, 2007

"Mr. Prime Minister, thank you for your introduction. Thank you for being such a fine host for the OPEC summit." --addressing Australian Prime Minister John Howard at the APEC Summit. Later, in the same speech: "As John Howard accurately noted when he went to thank the Austrian troops there last year..." --referring to Australian troops as "Austrian troops," Sept. 7, 2007


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
"Those who tell you that man is unable to perceive a reality undistorted by his senses, mean they are unwilling to perceive a reality undistorted by their feelings. "Things are as they are" are things as perceived by your mind; divorce them from reason and they become 'things perceived by your wishes."

Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

Rand strikes me as uniformed either by physics or psychology.

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
If we go back to the beginning we shall find that ignorance and fear created the gods; that fancy, enthusiasm, or deceit adorned or disfigured them; that weakness worships them; that credulity preserves them, and that custom, respect and tyranny support them in order to make the blindness of men serve their own interests. If ignorance of Nature gave birth to gods, then knowledge of Nature is calculated to destroy them.

- Baron d'Holbach


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
I never have trusted small people

I'm suddenly happy once again to be tall. ;)

Yeah, yeah, yeah.........I know. The only reason why Randy Newman wrote the song "Short People" was because of his brief rendezvous with little me.

I realize that I ought to act better in order to boost the reputation of little people. But, shoot, I'm having too much fun. :D



Admiral Obvious
"I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because some people out there in our nation don't have maps and I believe that our education like such as in South Africa and Iraq and everywhere like such as and I believe that they should our education over here in the U.S. should help the U.S. or should help South Africa and should help Iraq and the Asian countries so we will be able to build up our future for us."
-- Lauren Upton, South Carolina contestant in the Miss Teen America contest, when asked why one-fifth of Americans are unable to locate the United States on a map.

Top quotes of 2007 - MSN Video


Veteran Member
Quotes from the news world:

Bill O'Reilly "is a self-made man who loves his creator."
TV critic Marvin Kitman.

“That poor, pathetic man.”
Barbara Walters on Donald Trump.

“There's no point in having a fight with someone who looks like an idiot.”
Keith Olbermann on Bill O'Reilly.

“Turning a camera on an event is not journalism; it's technology.”
Ted Koppel.

"We're going to be a channel for America -- not for old white men with money."
Neil Cavuto describing the new Fox Business Channel.

"Those were combative questions. Women should not be asking tough questions."
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to Diane Sawyer.

"I'm the father."
Nancy Grace on Anna Nicole Smith's infant.

"If my goal was to make (Bill) O'Reilly go nuts, I have succeeded."
Keith Olbermann in Rolling Stone.

"This is the best local news story you could possibly have."
WNBC Assignment Editor Peter Bunin describing rats at the Taco Bell.

"I think they were completely legitimate questions."
John Edwards on Katie Couric's "60 Minutes" interview.

"The single most difficult thing about my job:
waving at the kids in the driveway when I'm headed to Iraq."
"60 Minutes" correspondent Scott Pelley.

"I can't get anyplace with you people."
Don Imus to The Rev. Al Sharpton.

"Sometimes good journalism is bad public relations."
NBC News President Steve Capus.

"How long are we going to take this crap?"
Veteran producer for the CBS Evening News.

"She ****** me off."
HBO Chairman Chris Albrecht explaining why he beat up his girlfriend.

“I'd rather not comment on my personal life.”
Milwaukee news anchor Caroline Lyders on American Idol pal Taylor Hicks.

“Too little high-quality entertainment and too many people eating bugs.”
FCC Commissioner Michael Copps describing today's TV.

“The decline of Western civilization as we know it, and we're watching it live.”
TMZ's Harvey Levine on the pursuit of Paris Hilton.

"When a reporter claims his news is 'fair and balanced,' it probably isn't."
ABC's Charlie Gibson.

"Bill O'Reilly certainly not. Geraldo Rivera certainly not."
Rupert Murdoch on whether Fox News reflects his personal political views.

"I don't think we have an obligation to be objective."
Cleveland WOIO General Manager Bill Applegate.

"I'm coming after you. I'm gonna hunt you down. And I mean it."
Bill O'Reilly to "every corrupt media person in this country".

"So, how are you crazy *****es?"
Meredith Vieira on her return to "The View".

"You want to be entertained? Go to the circus, please."
Jim Lehrer cautioning against mixing news with entertainment.

"There's a meanness that has taken hold of the country."
NBC's Lester Holt.

"The TV business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway
where thieves and pimps run free and good men die like dogs."
Hunter S. Thompson.

"I don't give a f*** who you are. I am a reporter, you f***ing dyke."
KYW anchor Alycia Lane to a New York City police officer.


Done here.
[FONT=arial, helvetica, sans serif]
"The next King, Henry VI, was only one year old and was thus rather a Weak King; indeed the Barons declared that he was quite numb and vague. When he grew up, however, he was such a Good Man that he was considered a Saint, or alternatively (especially by the Barons) an imbecile.
[/FONT][FONT=arial, helvetica, sans serif]Walter Carruther Sellar and Robert Julian Yeatman)[/FONT]

[FONT=arial, helvetica, sans serif]* * *[/FONT]

"What actually holds a husband through thick and thin is a girl who is fun to be with. And any girl who has had nothing to eat since nine o'clock this morning but three hard-boiled eggs will be about as jolly and companionable as an income-tax inspector.

"So I say, ladies, find out why women everywhere are switching from old-fashioned diets to the modern way: no exercise, no dangerous drugs, no weight loss. (And what do they mean, 'ugly fat'? It's you, isn't it?) For that tired, run-down feeling, try eating three full meals a day with a candy bar after dinner and pizza at eleven o'clock."
[FONT=arial, helvetica, sans serif] (Jean Kerr)[/FONT]

[FONT=arial, helvetica, sans serif]* * *
"Thank God, the bridge has broken down which has so long separated the English and the Irish people."[FONT=arial, helvetica, sans serif] (John A. Costello)[/FONT]

[FONT=arial, helvetica, sans serif]* * *[/FONT]

"It got so cold I put on those sox you nitted me. I wont any more though. I guess my feet are going to look like corderoy the rest of my life."
[FONT=arial, helvetica, sans serif] (Edward Streeter)[/FONT]

[FONT=arial, helvetica, sans serif]* * *[/FONT]

[FONT=arial, helvetica, sans serif]"That which doesn't kill us is gonna wish it had." (I can't remember where this is from.)[/FONT]

[FONT=arial, helvetica, sans serif]* * *[/FONT]

"'After seven years they can't get you for anything,' Sylvie said, and seven years had passed, but we both knew they could always get you for increasingly erratic behavior."[FONT=arial, helvetica, sans serif] (Marilynne Robinson)[/FONT]


Veteran Member
If we go back to the beginning we shall find that ignorance and fear created the gods; that fancy, enthusiasm, or deceit adorned or disfigured them; that weakness worships them; that credulity preserves them, and that custom, respect and tyranny support them in order to make the blindness of men serve their own interests. If ignorance of Nature gave birth to gods, then knowledge of Nature is calculated to destroy them.

- Baron d'Holbach
That quote is sincerely one of the best I've read in a long time. Bravo! :bow:


Well-Known Member

“In my lifetime, we've gone from Eisenhower to George W. Bush. We've gone from John F. Kennedy to Al Gore. If this is evolution, I believe that in twelve years, we'll be voting for plants.”

-Lewis Black


Done here.
Quotes from the late, great Molly Ivins:


"It's hard to argue against cynics -- they always sound smarter than optimists because they have so much evidence on their side."

"The first rule of holes: when you're in one, stop digging."

"What stuns me most about contemporary politics is not even that the system has been so badly corrupted by money. It is that so few people get the connection between their lives and what the bozos do in Washington and our state capitols."

"Being slightly paranoid is like being slightly pregnant - it tends to get worse."

"I believe all Southern liberals come from the same starting point -- race. Once you figure out they are lying to you about race, you start to question everything."

"Although it is true that only about 20 percent of American workers are in unions, that 20 percent sets the standards across the board in salaries, benefits and working conditions. If you are making a decent salary in a non-union company, you owe that to the unions. One thing that corporations do not do is give out money out of the goodness of their hearts."

"I should confess that I've always been more of an observer than a participant in Texas Womanhood: the spirit was willing but I was declared ineligible on grounds of size early. You can't be six feet tall and cute, both. I think I was first named captain of the basketball team when I was four and that's what I've been ever since."

On Congressman Dick Armey: "If ignorance ever goes to $40 a barrel, I want drillin' rights on that man's head."

On Congressman Jim Collins: "If his IQ slips any lower we'll have to water him twice a day."

On Ronald Reagan: "
This is the man who proved that ignorance is no handicap to the presidency."

On George H. W. Bush: "Personally, I think he's further evidence that the Great Scriptwriter in the sky has an overdeveloped sense of irony."

On George H. W. Bush: "Real Texans do not use the word 'summer' as a verb."

On Bill Clinton: "If left to my own devices, I'd spend all my time pointing out that he's weaker than bus-station chili. But the man is so constantly subjected to such hideous and unfair abuse that I wind up standing up for him on the general principle that some fairness should be applied. Besides, no one but a fool or a Republican ever took him for a liberal."

On George W. Bush: "If you think his daddy had trouble with 'the vision thing,' wait till you meet this one."

On George W. Bush: "Next time I tell you someone from Texas should not be president of the United States, please pay attention."

On the presidential election of 2000: "
It's like having Ted Baxter of the old 'Mary Tyler Moore' show running for president: Gore has Ted's manner and Bush has his brain."

On the Texas Legislature: "
As they say around the Lege, if you can't drink their whiskey, screw their women, take their money, and vote against 'em anyway, you don't belong in office."

On Bill Moyers: "
One time in the Johnson years, LBJ called on Moyers to say the blessing at a dinner. 'Speak up, Bill,' Lyndon roared. 'I can’t hear you.' Moyers replied, 'I wasn’t speaking to you, sir.'"

"It is possible to read the history of this country as one long struggle to extend the liberties established in our Constitution to everyone in America."

"As Jim Hightower observes in his excellent new book, 'Thieves in High Places: They've Stolen Our Country and It's Time to Take It Back,' what they're really stealing is the very idea of this country, the idea that there's a common good, that we're all in this together, that we all do better when we all do better."

On The New York Times: "I was miserable, at five times my previous salary. The New York Times is a great newspaper; it is also no fun."

"You have to have fun while you're fighting for freedom."

"So keep fightin' for freedom and justice, beloveds, but don't you forget to have fun doin' it. Lord, let your laughter ring forth. Be outrageous, ridicule the fraidy-cats, rejoice in all the oddities that freedom can produce. And when you get through kickin' *** and celebratin' the sheer joy of a good fight, be sure to tell those who come after how much fun it was."

On what ended up killing her: "
Having breast cancer is massive amounts of no fun. First they mutilate you; then they poison you; then they burn you. I have been on blind dates better than that."

From her last column: "We are the people who run this country. We are the deciders. And every single day, every single one of us needs to step outside and take some action to help stop this war. Raise hell. Think of something to make the ridiculous look ridiculous. Make our troops know we're for them and trying to get them out of there."



Done here.
Quotes from Kong Fuzi (Confucius):

An oppressive government is more to be feared than a tiger.

* * *

He who learns but does not think, is lost.
He who thinks but does not learn is in great danger.

* * *

In a country well governed, poverty is something to be ashamed of.
In a country badly governed, wealth is something to be ashamed of.

* * *

I hear and I forget.
I see and I remember.
I do and I understand.

* * *

It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop.

* * *

The superior man is distressed by the limitations of his ability; he is not distressed by the fact that men do not recognize the ability that he has.

* * *

By nature, men are nearly alike; by practice, they get to be wide apart.

* * *

Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.

* * *

Women and people of low birth are very hard to deal with. If you are friendly with them, they get out of hand, and if you keep your distance, they resent it.

* * *

Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart.

* * *

Only the wisest and stupidest of men never change.

* * *

Study the past if you would define the future.

* * *

Everything has its beauty but not everyone sees it.