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Men have authority over women


Well-Known Member
Genesis 3:16

Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.

This was a curse on women from God. Because we know that childbirth is still painful, the curse must still be in effect. So Christians must accept that, when married, men and women are not equal partners. The man is in charge.

If you don't have a problem with men having authority over women, then you are a true Christian. If you think men and women should be equals in marriage, you're not a true Christian.

[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif][FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]“These are the words the LORD spoke concerning Israel and Judah: [/FONT][/FONT]

[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]‘ ‘This is what the LORD says: 'Cries of fear are heard--terror, no peace. [/FONT]

[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Ask and see: Can a man bear children? [/FONT]

[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Then why do I see every strong man with his hands on his stomach like a woman in labor, [/FONT]

[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]every face turned deathly pale?’’” [/FONT]

[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]~~ Jeremiah 30:4~6~~[/FONT]

As a student of mysticism, I've learned to view religious texts, such as the Bible, like onions: the texts having many layers/multiple meanings. In the most mundane sense, the verse(s) that you refer to may or may not make much sense throughout the ages. However, if such texts, like the Bible, are to be considered of divine origin, then they must be able to adapt to the level of evolution of the reader(s).

An example of a seemingly mundane-level-interpretation of our world is shown in the apparent contradiction in the verse above (that I posted). To be able to perceive the validity of such a statement (as written in Jeremiah 30) and adapt its meaning to a current construct, the reader(s) may find themselves resorting to the esoteric nature of the text and/or the intent of the writer. ...And that is how I view most, if not all, of the Bible.

Understandably, you posed this thread to Christians. And while reading the responses, I was reminded of this saying "Can man be more moral than God?" I believe if people are to spiritually evolve--while yet clinging to ancient literature that opposes the level of evolution of modern mankind--, then the texts' interpretations need to evolve as well.
In my humble opinion, you have to read the Bible as a whole. Get the "Big" picture so to speak and look at the context in which words were said. Also one would do well to know the history of the peoples in the Bible and they're culture and customs.
That would probably be the best way of getting an accurate meaning from the Bible.

If not...people can just take what verses they want from the Bible and twist it and turn it to they're own heart's desire.


That or they could read the bible, know the history behind the cultures, and realize what it really is. One big semi-fictional book that has so many contradicting statements that obviously it was not written through god’s inspiration. That is unless you think god is incapable of dictating a book without errors. Considering what god is supposedly capable of, that should be a simple feat. Oh well, to each there own.

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
So people don't care if God is sexist as long as the husband treats his wife correctly?

Much the same way no one seems to care that God allows slavery as long as the slaves are treated correctly.

Christianity is not a politically correct religion. We don't change the rules every week to satisfy the masses. If you expect our religion to change, you better move along, there is nothing to see here.

If you think that God has put an undue burden on you to practice this religion, be glad that you have freedom of religion. Having a problem with this issue is the same thing as telling a seven day adventist that you are not giving up your big mac's.

Comply with the tennants of a religion or choose another religion. Now if you want to change a religion, it is not going to happen and all the P/C bull crap in the world is not going to be worth squat when the rapture occurs.


Semper Perconctor
Christianity is not a politically correct religion. We don't change the rules every week to satisfy the masses. If you expect our religion to change, you better move along, there is nothing to see here.

Yep, you heard it here, folks. Treating women as equals is merely political correctness. It's not like women actually are just as human as men are or anything.

Those who follow God, love God and honor God don't feel He's sexist. Respectfully, I think this is your problem.

So if my father murders someone but I still love him he's not really a murderer?

I agree....majority rules. :)

Majority doesn't dictate truth.

So you're saying that God is sexist because he didn't create men and women exactly the same?

He's sexist because He wishes to make wives subordinate to husbands. I'd like to see one Bible verse that says that husbands should obey their wives.

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
Yep, you heard it here, folks. Treating women as equals is merely political correctness. It's not like women actually are just as human as men are or anything.

OK, nice rhetoric. Perhaps if we were to have invented a religion, you remarks would hold water. If you have a problem with this, I suggest you take it up with GOD and quit trying to throw stones at our religion.


Semper Perconctor
OK, nice rhetoric. Perhaps if we were to have invented a religion, you remarks would hold water. If you have a problem with this, I suggest you take it up with GOD and quit trying to throw stones at our religion.

It's really scary to me that when I point out that your religion teaches sexism you don't actually care. You merely say, "Tough. Get out of our way."

I'm not going to sit and watch as women are pushed into this stereotypical gender role of the "weaker sex." Would you like me to stand aside and sprinkle rose pedals at your feet as you do whatever you please?

Your God is sexist and you don't give a damn. That's terribly sad.


Premium Member
Our God is not sexist. Jesus taught women as well as men. Mary (there were more than one Mary,too), Martha, The Woman at the Well. After Jesus rose again the first person to see him was a woman (Mary Magdalene). There was a Judge in the book of Judges called Deborah, who ruled the Israelites for a time. Don't forget about Esther, who saved all her people. And there are many more examples. If you think He is sexist, I certainly can't tell you otherwise and have you believe, because people believe what they want to.;) (and yes, that includes me).
I could quote one sentence out of a Harry Potter book (or any other book) but you would not understand it without reading the whole book. Wouldn't the same be true of the books of the Bible?

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
It's really scary to me that when I point out that your religion teaches sexism you don't actually care. You merely say, "Tough. Get out of our way."

I'm not going to sit and watch as women are pushed into this stereotypical gender role of the "weaker sex." Would you like me to stand aside and sprinkle rose pedals at your feet as you do whatever you please?

Your God is sexist and you don't give a damn. That's terribly sad.

No, you are upset because the religious right has as much power as it does and our religion is standing in the way of your minority agenda.

Our religion is about getting married one time for life and if you think our women are going to stand for being mistreated, you are mistaken. As the head of my household, that means the burden and responsibility is on my shoulders. As a servant of Christ, I am to put myself last and my family first. It is a responsibility not to be treated lightly. True Christian men do not mistreat their women or hold anything over them.

How long do you think my wife of over 30 years would stick around if she was mistreated? She respects me because I have earned that respect. After you have been married as long as I, perhaps you might be in a position to tell me something about having a sucessful marriage.

No one is forcing our religion on you. Your attacks and insults to my God is offensive to me. I will pray for your eternal soul.


Semper Perconctor
Our God is not sexist. Jesus taught women as well as men. Mary (there were more than one Mary,too), Martha, The Woman at the Well. After Jesus rose again the first person to see him was a woman (Mary Magdalene). There was a Judge in the book of Judges called Deborah, who ruled the Israelites for a time. Don't forget about Esther, who saved all her people. And there are many more examples. If you think He is sexist, I certainly can't tell you otherwise and have you believe, because people believe what they want to.;) (and yes, that includes me).
I could quote one sentence out of a Harry Potter book (or any other book) but you would not understand it without reading the whole book. Wouldn't the same be true of the books of the Bible?

You ignore the scripture I provide and counter with your own as if that somehow makes the problem disappear. If I find a verse that says God hates children and you find a verse that says God loves children to counter it then you assume you've proven me wrong. My verses didn't just evaporate. These sexist verses are still there and you're not addressing them. You're just changing the subject.

No, you are upset because the religious right has as much power as it does and our religion is standing in the way of your minority agenda.

I'm upset and frightened. I like how you cleverly snuck the word "agenda" in there just to cheap-shot my views.

Our religion is about getting married one time for life and if you think our women are going to stand for being mistreated, you are mistaken. As the head of my household, that means the burden and responsibility is on my shoulders. As a servant of Christ, I am to put myself last and my family first. It is a responsibility not to be treated lightly. True Christian men do not mistreat their women or hold anything over them.

Once again my words are getting twisted. I never said mistreated. I just want to know why your wife can't be the head of your household. Would you be alright with her being the head of your family? Would you take her last name as your own if she wanted you to?

No one is forcing our religion on you. Your attacks and insults to my God is offensive to me. I will pray for your eternal soul.

Did I ever claim you were forcing your religion on me? No. I claimed your religion and your God promotes sexism. You don't care, though.

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
Once again my words are getting twisted. I never said mistreated. I just want to know why your wife can't be the head of your household. Would you be alright with her being the head of your family? Would you take her last name as your own if she wanted you to?
My Wife could be the head of our household and would make a good one. I already hold this position however and there can only be one head of household. If I die first, she would be the next in line for that position. No, I would not take my wives name
Did I ever claim you were forcing your religion on me? No. I claimed your religion and your God promotes sexism. You don't care, though.

You are right, I don't care and neither does my family. It's not an issue for us.

When the holly ghost comes into your life, that is the true head of the household.


Semper Perconctor
My Wife could be the head of our household and would make a good one.

Well, I'm glad that you would be willing to go against God's will on this point, at least.

You are right, I don't care and neither does my family. It's not an issue for us.

When the holly ghost comes into your life, that is the true head of the household.

If you're happy, so be it. I'm still going to try and raise awareness in unmarried Christians about this issue. For too long sexism has been traditional. It's time for a change.


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
I consider my husband to be the head of our household, but in no way does he have authority over me. We consider each other to share authority in the home.

Well, I see that perhaps a Buddhist answer to this might not be applicable, but I'm seeing some parallels here with how Christian women who respect their husbands as the head of the household don't see themselves as being oppressed. I can empathize with them.

The way we work it in our marriage in another metaphorical way is that in our "car" my husband takes the driver's seat. But, first things first, I tell him where I want to go, so he defers to me to make that desire known. He makes the decision on how to get there. I defer that power to him. It's kind of like never suggesting to stop the car to ask for directions. ;)

There have been a few times when I - the maverick that I am - will just take the wheel myself.........and there have been a few times when he's put his foot down and refused to take us where I want to go simply because he doesn't think it's good for the family. He's not a tyrant, and I'm not a quiet, submissive, quivering little wifey. If anything, he would swim through shark infested waters to get me a glass of lemonade if I would so choose.

We've had a good marriage so far, and I've heard some of the advice coming out of some circles where a wife should act like the stereotypical "submissive" wife.......I've actually tried this out of curiosity and my husband was insulted by it! His response to my little experiment?

Where's my wife and what did you do with her? I married a woman with a backbone and a brain!



bible truth

Active Member
In my humble opinion, you have to read the Bible as a whole. Get the "Big" picture so to speak and look at the context in which words were said. Also one would do well to know the history of the peoples in the Bible and they're culture and customs.
That would probably be the best way of getting an accurate meaning from the Bible.

If not...people can just take what verses they want from the Bible and twist it and turn it to they're own heart's desire.


Hi Darnell,

You have reached to crossroads and the fork in the road. Your post is very insightful. Do you find spiritual enlightenment through?

1. The Bible alone (all 66 books interpreted as one - systematically).


2. The four Mormon Books + LDS apostolic succession authority

Depending on your answer, you will come out with a different gospel and a different Christ. Do you want to share your answer with us?


Hi Darnell,

You have reached to crossroads and the fork in the road. Your post is very insightful. Do you find spiritual enlightenment through?

1. The Bible alone (all 66 books interpreted as one - systematically).


2. The four Mormon Books + LDS apostolic succession authority

Depending on your answer, you will come out with a different gospel and a different Christ. Do you want to share your answer with us?

Or perhaps

3. The Bible + Calvinism

bible truth

Active Member
Or perhaps

3. The Bible + Calvinism

I really enjoy this site. I think you're posts are very good too!

Biblical Truths = (God saves sinners, Jesus is God, sufficiency of Scripture, sufficiency of Christ, Trinity, truths of Calvinism, grace alone, faith alone, glory to God alone!, predestination, double-predestination, knowing in part...infinite mind of God).


Citizen Mod
“I will let YOU in on a little secret. YOUR TRUE identity is neither man nor woman. YOU ARE! Or I AM! That is YOU.”

“Too many labels and ideas get assigned to the human form in your society. There is no reason to act or react like a man or like a woman.”

“You are not just about the forms that you chose on earth. You are about the entity within, also.”

“Do not let society define who YOU are because of your sex but define the BEing you are within.”

“There should BE no such thing as typical or standard male and female behavior. This understanding only exists in your society.”

HELLO IT’S ME: An Interview With GOD
Chapter: Men And Women
Pg: 352.354

bible truth

Active Member
“I will let YOU in on a little secret. YOUR TRUE identity is neither man nor woman. YOU ARE! Or I AM! That is YOU.”

“Too many labels and ideas get assigned to the human form in your society. There is no reason to act or react like a man or like a woman.”

“You are not just about the forms that you chose on earth. You are about the entity within, also.”

“Do not let society define who YOU are because of your sex but define the BEing you are within.”

“There should BE no such thing as typical or standard male and female behavior. This understanding only exists in your society.”

HELLO IT’S ME: An Interview With GOD
Chapter: Men And Women
Pg: 352.354

I live in Oregon which is very liberal. Same sex marriage is still being pushed here. Do you agree or disagree wiht same sex marriages in light of your statement and this Thread? Please explain your answer.