I had to pick "other" on the poll, because, well, like everything else, my entire spiritual life is in the "other" category.
For me my mental well being is easy for the most part. God taught me how to keep my mind calm, sound, and silent for the most part. And I have always understood who "I" was inside and what I wanted out of life, immune to what others try telling me I "need" to do or should be. As that is another thing God had shown me before returning me to life, what my spiritual status and life was to be. And I have always held true to it, not because I felt I had to, but because it felt right. While I earned a good living, I never wanted to follow the herd and be rich, raise a family, or go around trying to impress others, nor anything else "they" think I should be like. I want no part of it. I only wanted to stay connected to God and spend as much of my days as I could being outdoors, enjoying this beautiful gift God gave to everyone, this earth. To drink in the beauty, mystery, and wonder of the forests, the mountains, the streams, rivers, lakes, oceans, etc, and all the host of wild beings God has placed here. It keeps my spiritual bond with God complete which keeps me spiritually and mentally balanced, which in turn makes it easy to get answers to all the spiritual answers I ask. It is who I am and all that I would ever want to be, an explorer in this most profound mystery called life.