ah thanks for this information , I was confused because i thought the interviews was with JEWS onlyThe person who told you that Yehoshua was the name of God may have been a Christian. Maybe they were doing some digging into the origin of the name of Jesus.
I think Jesus is literally named after the character Yehoshua from the story of Jericho. Moses gave him this name 'Yehoshua', and he is the leader in the story of the long march around the city of Jericho. In English we call that man 'Joshua'. The Yahoshua name is also the name 'Jesus' in the Christian churches but is spoken differently in different languages. That is where we get 'Jesus' from. For Christians the life of the original Joshua walking around Jericho is one of many templates for the mission of Jesus. Technically they have the same name.
so it's not my mistake it's there Youtube uploader mistake .