Well-Known Member
I see it on Lisa Lings This Is Life mens rights.It's a mans rights group but it stands for Men Going Their Own Way. I was on the web sight,they fight for the right to raise their kids those who are getting divorced.But several times on the websight it says "100 percent of all women are dumb and worthless".
They say they tell men to stop associating with women,they are not allowed to be in a relationship with women or have sex with them or be married and be in this group. sense they are to hate all women and denounce women what give these men the right to raise their daughters?
Personally I think they should move to their own island and make love to each other.
Here's their answer to don't you have sex this is copied from their sight.
You know who’s not getting any?
Boyfriends and husbands.
Sex is a worthless commodity that grows on trees. Any man who has enjoyed his fair share would know that. It’s available to any man, anywhere, for less effort, money and time than anyone would have you believe. If it’s that important to a man, he can order it like pizza. Right now. Even if the modern man has only 3 lovers in his entire life, he is enjoying more trim than his own grandfather – who was socially expected to marry her first. The value of western vagina has plummeted to $0.
A significant number of MGTOW are fathers. Guess how that happened.
More importantly, “not getting any” is not exclusive to MGTOW.
It’s not even exclusive to men.
They say they tell men to stop associating with women,they are not allowed to be in a relationship with women or have sex with them or be married and be in this group. sense they are to hate all women and denounce women what give these men the right to raise their daughters?
Personally I think they should move to their own island and make love to each other.
Here's their answer to don't you have sex this is copied from their sight.
You know who’s not getting any?
Boyfriends and husbands.
Sex is a worthless commodity that grows on trees. Any man who has enjoyed his fair share would know that. It’s available to any man, anywhere, for less effort, money and time than anyone would have you believe. If it’s that important to a man, he can order it like pizza. Right now. Even if the modern man has only 3 lovers in his entire life, he is enjoying more trim than his own grandfather – who was socially expected to marry her first. The value of western vagina has plummeted to $0.
A significant number of MGTOW are fathers. Guess how that happened.
More importantly, “not getting any” is not exclusive to MGTOW.
It’s not even exclusive to men.