New Member
You see this answer is what I call " Complex Illusion", and thats what evolution is, complex illusion. Things don't evolve, they function as created too. Now I admit that God has created some animals that complettely change during their lifespan, such as Butterflies. But nothing has changed which was not meant to change, less than 7% of Gods creations go through changes from their original, even that shows that the vast majority of things remain constant.
From that 7%, evolutionist want to give the illusion that its 100 percent growth and change, which is seriously inncorrect.
Ok, Mickiel, you just really irritated me, I spent ages writting an explanation of Evolution Theory explicitly explaining that Evolution has absolutly nothing to do with physiological changes of an individual organism during it's life time, and your response suggests to me that you havn't read my explanation or you read it and totaly ignored what I said.
EVOLUTION is a PROCESS of changing characteristics of an entire species over time, not changes during individual life times.
You accuse me of being illusionary when you belive in an invisible super powerd being, and when questioned your responce is simply "he is god, he does what he wants". Sounds a bit like cyclic reasoning to me.
But becasue I am sad and care far more than is healthy to, I am going to attempt to give an example that is easier to grasp becassue it has happend over the course of recorded human history.
Domestic dogs have been selectivly bread from wild dogs very similar to wolves for thousands of years, the first interactions between humans and wolf-like wild dogs as a co-operative colaboration can obviously only be speculative. However, due to the intense breeding managment of of dogs, the species "Canis lupus familiaris" has become the most varied land mamal with new "breeds" arising as a result of human manipulation and understanding of genetics and heritable traits. The variation that has arisen is this single species over the last 1,000 years cannot be denied.
Now, let's picture how this SPECIES looked 10,000 years ago, there would have been some natural variation caused by geographical distribution, but generaly the species would have been large, probably aggressive, lets say they were varing shades of Brown and these traits would have been distinctive. (see: Wikipedia; DOG )
Today this species varies from 6 inch white Chihuahua, to Huge Irish wolfhound.
Now lets imagine that for some reason, be it enviromental, or be it the will of humans, that all dogs wild and domestic were to die or be killed EXEPT 600 pure white tiny Chihuahuas. These Chihuahuas then reproduced and the population grew to 20,000 world wide. Then the entire global population of Dogs "Canis lupus familiaris" would be tiny white Chihuahuas.
So, let's review what happend there, a species, over ONLY a few thousand years, CHANGED from being Large, powerful, brown, aggressive, pack hunters, with large hearts, large teeth, robust digestive systems, cirtain inteligence, cirtain sociability, and many other characteristics, CHANGED into a species chacterised by being very small, timid, pure white, weak, totaly dependant on humans, poor digestive systems, selective about what foods they can eat, tiny teeth, tiny heart, alot of birthing dificulty, cirtain inteligence (probably different than before), cirtain socibility (probably different than before), etc etc etc....
Do you see?
This is evolution!
This is what the Theory refers to. The changing of a species characteristics over time, due to variation coupled with selective pressures.
Now in this example the process is sped up by human intervention and inteligent managment, in this case the is a direction and purpose behind the changes.
So if this process can happen so dramaticaly over ONLY a few thousand years, it dosnt take such a great leap of imagination to see what is possible over millions of years, in fact billions.
Note: did you know that Whales evolved from land dwelling Hippo-like creatures, this is why they are mamals, breeth Oxegen, and still have bone "stumps" where thier fore-legs used to be. Bats evolved from tiny monkey-like creatures, that is why the bones in there wings look like stretch out 5 fingers with skin between.
This story is the same for many domesticated animals, Beef cows bred to bizzarly huge sizes and growth speeds, Dairy Cows bread from producing 200 to 600 liters of milk per lactaion cycle 6,000 year ago to Cows that can produce 9,000 to 10,000 liters of milk per lactaion cycle today (Extream Holsteins), Sheep bread to have super wooly fleeces, chickens bread to grow so fast they can't hold thier own weight. And the process continues everyday, species changing due to selective pressures. I am studing a degree in agriculture and visit breeding units often so I can see what is happening.
Ok, so thats as far as I will go, I really would love to continue, I would love to really get down to the micro biology, the subject of advanced Genetics, and explain all the different findings and phenomonon that point so obviously to Evolution as the casue, eg. our own human mitochondria have different DNA and reproductive cycles than the rest of our body, suggesting we are in fact a symbiotic fusion of organisms. But I have typed far more than is healthy already. I really really hope at least one person gains some insight from reading this.
As exasperated as I am, I still love you, and I really wish you the best in life.
Good luck with your search for truth, I hope we both find it someday..
Tom x