I feel so bad for Milo. I am not a homosexual, but he has a special charm and I love him. I frequent right-wing forums, and communities, etc, and it is a simple fact that many homosexuals and those who lean towards transvestite as well as those who like "smart clothes", "uniforms" that are "flashy" - not even sure what to call these type of homosexuals but they are not too far removed from transvestites - are valued members of the right-wing in percentages much higher than percentages of homosexuals in general society. While we do not know in fact what is the real percentages of homosexuals in general society - my observation is that it is higher than thought - I can estimate that among the right-wing and Nationalists about 20% (1 out of 5) are homosexual or leaning transvestite.
It is true, in the 1800s among the right-wing in the Western World, you did not say you were a homo. But folks knew, just "don't say too much".
By the 1930's there were many homos among the leadership positions of the right and far right. Other leaders not homo knew they were, actually they didn't care as only loyalty to the "fellow soldiers" of the cause or mass movement was that mattered, however sometimes homos in top leadership gathered such strong loyal comrades that other leaders would get jealous and then purge or even kill them.
Yet, they were always still there. By the 50s, while alcohol became increasingly a problem among some non-homo leaders, drug use was the problem among some homo leaders, in particular cocaine and other stimulants. Because homosexual drug addicts in the right-wing trended towards stimulants verse opiates, they could stay awake and "keep going" even during arduous times and in one way were admired. More so than the drunks among the non-homo right-wing. Those few who tended to use opiates were typically killer types but then killed themselves in the end.
While homos were and are common among the right-wing and Nationalists, as well among Libertarians, it has always been and is less so among conservatives. Among conservatives, the numbers of homos and lean tran were and are less in percentages than the general population, but they exist there too. Just not in high numbers. But by the 1980s they were accepted among conservatives just as long as you shutup about it. Several unnamed conservative icons were homo even if they were not out of the closet. I do not think there are any homos among neo-cons who are hated by everyone else. But neo-cons are on the verge of extinction.
But by the 1990s, homos and lean trans were fully open and really no one cared, they can be open but just don't be *****y with other non-homo leadership. However, fully tran dress was not ok, but wearing pretty face is now ok.
So Milo is messed up because he was raped when he was a kid. He also likes young boys but hates pediophiles. Young boys means 16 to 20, but the term "boys" can mean almost anyone in the lingo used. He didn't mean what some say he meant. Now he quit Breitbart and some say it was a "business decision". Then his book is cut.
So I went to the right-wing forums to check out the reaction among reactionaries and the right and the Nationalists and Trumpsters and conservatives (neo-cons are not in these type of sites, they are hated and whipped).
And I was not surprised at what I found.
The large majority were on Milo's side, and feel sad and mad about his book getting cut and they do not like the "business decision". They do not want to spend time talking about who is homo or not, but they also do not care if Milo is messed up, nor do they care that he is a homo, they love him and want him to not leave, and if some publisher is smart enough to publish his book, Milo is going to have a best seller for sure because he has a large following among the right-wing, the Nationalists and Trumpsters.
Long live Milo. Hail Milo, we of the right still love you as one of the Lieutenants. Carry on, no one really cares about that thing you said that got you in trouble. Please carry on and do not be sad, please, please do not blame yourself or hurt yourself. If you happen to read this Milo - We of the right love you Milo.