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Minneapolis Under Attack


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I believe the circumstantial evidence he is a cop is extremely compelling. My earlier comment was slightly sarcastic.

Where it gets really interesting is whether or not he was acting on his own, or if his agitation is part of a coordinated whole. And if it IS part of a wider operation, who's organising it?
Yes, it's rather disturbing. Can we view this as a coordinated attack against America? Yeah, I think it is actually.

Kangaroo Feathers

Yea, it is written in the Book of Cyril...


Veteran Member
Premium Member
So here we are, told to stay inside. They've blocked off the freeways to keep the militias from getting into main areas. The chatter says they are targeting areas tonight one of which is our neighborhood. Neighborhoods are being asked to keep all their front lights on, have volunteers watching and reporting any vehicles, particular SUVs without licence plates seen on the streets, or other activities. There is an 8 PM curfew, and people have been warned that the military is out if force tonight.

Hopefully they can round these enemies of America up and shut them down, and they aren't more destructive than what these troops can handle. If if fails and war erupts out there, I expect martial law and military troops will come in. They are hoping for bloodshed and open warfare. This has nothing to do with the protesters, and it is perfectly clear at this point it is white supremacists behind this, as the arrests have attested.

This is right outside tonight. Who'd think, ground zero would be home?

BTW, you deniers out there? Bite me.

Kangaroo Feathers

Yea, it is written in the Book of Cyril...
So here we are, told to stay inside. They've blocked off the freeways to keep the militias from getting into main areas. The chatter says they are targeting areas tonight one of which is our neighborhood. Neighborhoods are being asked to keep all their front lights on, have volunteers watching and reporting any vehicles, particular SUVs without licence plates seen on the streets, or other activities. There is an 8 PM curfew, and people have been warned that the military is out if force tonight.

Hopefully they can round these enemies of America up and shut them down, and they aren't more destructive than what these troops can handle. If if fails and war erupts out there, I expect martial law and military troops will come in. They are hoping for bloodshed and open warfare. This has nothing to do with the protesters, and it is perfectly clear at this point it is white supremacists behind this, as the arrests have attested.

This is right outside tonight. Who'd think, ground zero would be home?

BTW, you deniers out there? Bite me.
Stay safe


Veteran Member
Premium Member

Kangaroo Feathers

Yea, it is written in the Book of Cyril...
"This post is long, but absolutely worth reading. Dark forces are at work in Minneapolis. The fires and destruction after curfew are driven by alt-right visitors from out of state, not the local residents...
So for those of you who are interested - I have no idea how national media is covering this - here is what is happening on the ground from my perspective. It is a long post.
All day yesterday people were out on the street helping businesses - EVERY SINGLE BUSINESS IN UPTOWN has boarded up windows and locked down their stores. The 3rd Precinct, which burned on down Thursday night, is on the east end of Lake Street. Uptown, where we live and the 5th Precinct police station is located, is three miles west on lake street. All of Lake Street was looted on Thursday night. On Friday EVERY BUSINESS on Lake Street and adjoining commercial districts, was boarded up.
Many spray painted murals on the plywood - let folks know they were a local or minority owned business. Essential businesses.
Last night was by far the worst night. Protests during the day were peaceful. There was an 8:00pm curfew. Everything changed when the sun went down. There are roving and highly organized bands of anti-government neo-nazi white men cruising the city, breaking off plywood, looting stores, and then setting them fire to the buildings.
On the Northside, which is predominately African American, the situation was much the same. Local civic groups were trying to protect local businesses and homes. there were many fires.
The violence and destruction is NOT being driven by local people. The cars on the streets have either removed their license plates, or have out of state plates.
Here is a post from a neighbor, "Everybody! We need to get our heads around what’s happening, Mpls and St Paul are being attacked by fascist “accelerationist” white crazies. Trying to divide & destroy us.
Accelerationism: the idea inspiring white supremacist killers around the world -Vox"
Expect these same types to infiltrate all of the legitimate protests happening in other cities in America. We are fighting an enemy within.
These "accelerationists" burned down the 5th Police Precinct, our post office, every pharmacy. The Wallgreens and CVS within a few blocks of our house are still burning this morning. The grocery stores were all hit. Every bank has been hit. Every liquor store, every gas station. They have guns and accelerants.
When National Guard show up, they disappear into the neighborhoods and have been setting fires. It is a violent game of arsonist wake-a-mole. There is no longer any fire fighting service available - overwhelmed. So neighbors are using garden hoses to put out the fires and save homes. Pictures neighbors are sharing - these are young white men, heavily armed.
According to authorities there are over 10,000 of these "accelerationists" in the city. St. Paul arrested over 50 people last night. ALL OF THEM were from out of state. The authorities are checking phones of the people they have arrested, doing contact tracing of sorts on these people. These people are connected to right wing militia style groups with a civil/race war fantasy. They are opportunistically using the legitimate, peaceful George Floyd protests as a cover to actualize their neo-nazi fever dream.
Gov. Walz just said, "If you know where these people are sleeping today, let us know and we will execute warrants. Allie and I were helping the owner of a commercial building up the street - a friend, and two of these guys came up to us. Wanted to know where the free food was being distributed. He gave them an address that was three blocks away. Had no idea what we were talking about - not from here.
Allie, the girls and I are fine and safe. Exhausted. Angry. We have not really slept in three days. Everyone in Minneapolis/St. Paul is the same.
So, what to do? Our neighborhood group is meeting at the park this afternoon. I think that they will organize our neighborhood watch to patrol, try to spot fires and get them out ASAP.
Major protests are planned for today. They want the other three police officers involved in George Floyd's murder arrested, they want the MN Attorney General, not the Hennepin County Attorney to manage the case. They want the MPD disbanded and reformed with many alternative public safety and law enforcement strategies used. But the legitimate protests will end at 8:00 pm.
The Gov. and the mayor are calling in thousands more National Guard Troops. We already had more National Guard troops in the city than ever before. They are doing a good job but were overwhelmed last night by sheer numbers. Gov. Walz is the highest ranking soldier to have ever served in Congress and led the National Guard - he clearly sees this for what it is and will fight it. This is now a military operation by the State of Minnesota against alt-right, white nationalists and anarchists that have come into Minneapolis to use the protests against police brutality as cover for their death fantasy.
They are trying to force authorities to use deadly force and "accelerate" the violence.
It is dark friends.
The other side - this morning the neighborhood is out in force helping with the clean up, re-securing businesses. Massive food distribution at community centers. People taking in neighbors whose homes were destroyed or whose neighborhood was so impacted that it is no longer habitable. Allie was ion contact with students, many of whom are refugees from war torn countries, that were hearing explosions and fire and sirens - they were calling her to make sure she was okay.
Today I will garden. My flowers are starting to really come into bloom. Vegetables coming in strong. New raised bed being built. Eat some good food. Feel grateful. Train our new puppy Ruth, who is just a pip. Take her to the lake and give her a swimming lesson. Then I'll take a nap. I think tonight will be a long one."
Genevieve Duran


"Peace is the answer" quote: GOD, 2014
Premium Member
Thanks. I think I get the poetry of the song about living on the eve of destruction now. There's more info about these extremists that are behind this here. The truth of it all will come out in time. As crowds swell and destruction mounts, attention turns to out-of-state rioters

Boy, Trump sure must have a hard-on right now. These are his boys. Very fine people on both sides.

your link is typical unsubstantiated Trumpette propaganda claiming its left wing extremists doing the rioting when all the evidence points to right wing white supremacists, the only thing everyone agrees upon is all the rioters are white.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
your link is typical unsubstantiated Trumpette propaganda claiming its left wing extremists doing the rioting when all the evidence points to right wing white supremacists, the only thing everyone agrees upon is all the rioters are white.
My link is the Minneapolis Star Tribune, which has been Minnesota's main newspaper for the past however many decades? At least my lifetime.

Wake up.


"Peace is the answer" quote: GOD, 2014
Premium Member
these are Trump supporters doing this, not left wing anarchists, they have evidence on facebook of the white supremacists recruiting people to riot you didnt read the link I posted did you


LHP Mercuræn Feminist Heretic Bully ☿
Premium Member
The riots here in the Twin Cities are being caused by out of town militias. They are coming in SUVs without licence plates, or fake yellow temp stickers on them. 80% of the arrests that have occurred are from these groups from out of town. They are organized and planning coordinated attacks in neighborhoods. Their plan is to disrupt government and create civil unrest.

There is a very good chance our city might soon be placed under martial law, if this goes the direction I am fearing. These are domestic terrorists, not peaceful black protesters. They are here to take advantage of this and advance their greater agenda to create chaos and pandemonium and disrupt government.

Gov. Tim Walz: We're 'under assault' from outside agitators

P.S. This is all very surreal, but it's really happening in neighborhoods. People are reporting seeing these groups coming into town and purchasing supplies from major hardware stores in the area. It is all a bit unnerving.
It sounds like the same thing might have happened here in Seattle--the protests were peaceful until late afternoon, then all of a sudden some people started throwing Molotov cocktails and started setting fires, and people started looting. The mayor of Seattle had to ask the Governor to send out the National Guard.

I guess the best thing to do is for the peaceful protesters to disperse once the thugs start this crap, instead of getting caught up in it. Let the violent ones know that you don't support violence from either the police or the protesters, and you will not empower the violent protesters.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
It sounds like the same thing might have happened here in Seattle--the protests were peaceful until late afternoon, then all of a sudden some people started throwing Molotov cocktails and started setting fires, and people started looting. The mayor of Seattle had to ask the Governor to send out the National Guard.
There's agents provocateurs and opportunists who aren't actual protesters in the mix all over the place. This happens to discredit almost all mass protest movements. It's a tactic used across the world to scare the less informed so they support the powers that be instead of the protesters.
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"Peace is the answer" quote: GOD, 2014
Premium Member
Yes it seems like these rioters are white racists deliberately trying to frame black people for the riots. Evidently these aholes are organizing via groups on facebook, shouldn't be that hard to expose the motives if Zuckerberg even gives a damn, which I doubt he does.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I'm sure we'll hear more about these individuals in the coming days, but this is what the preliminary reports were indicating. It didn't say anything about Antifa, but I wouldn't be surprised if they were there too.

Yeah, a small group of white power guys are gonna hang our with BLM and Antifa. Man, people want me to believe too much bs these days.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
so its extreme far right white people responsible for much of the crime, figures!!

these are Trump supporters doing this, not left wing anarchists, they have evidence on facebook of the white supremacists recruiting people to riot you didnt read the link I posted did you

All your comments just fly in the face of common sense. First, while no friend of white power people they historically haven't gone to this length in their protests. Usually a white power protest is yelling at people and shaking signs and maybe some fisty-cuffs with "anti-fascist action" type nutters. (Don't worry, I think they're both nuts... :D)

The problem with "online" is people can pretend to be whatever they want whether it is true or not. So, don't start believing things so damn easily.


"Peace is the answer" quote: GOD, 2014
Premium Member
Well its Police in Minnesota who linked some of the arrested rioters to white supremacists groups, maybe you need to take it up with them??