The Lost One
Anecdotal evidence is not really at all reliable and unbiased.Not being a follower of scientism, I consider anecdotal evidence and other wisdom traditions that I respect beyond just science.
And you talk of empirical evidence as being “limited”, but so is this anecdotal evidence, which I find it is even more limited.
As to wisdom traditions. Well that is even more limited, and can be just as biased.
What if there were 2 or 3 different traditions, that don’t agree with other? How do you determine which one is right, correct or true?
Do you any faction can agree with one another?
And if you were to choose which is right, how do we determined if you are not biased, or have agenda or hidden motive for your choice.
Wisdom tradition is highly subjective, and let alone, circumstantial.
Empirical evidences is far more objective, and the best way to mitigate any decision on personal preference, desire and biased agendas.
What you are requesting, to use anecdotal evidence or wisdom traditions, have nothing to do with science, they are more in the realms of philosophy than in science.
I get you want people to have an open mind, but if having an open mind means without questioning the claims of any paranormal evidence, then it has nothing to do with science.