Thief here...with a slightly different take.....
If you believe in the 'life after death', you probably believe there is some requirement to have it....your way.
For this thread...let's say you already have some notion in that direction.
Miracles in this life are aimed at those who need them...and are presumed to be the handiwork of a greater Power. It is greatly assumed the performance made, is indeed, a performance for the sake of non-believers.
At the same time, some moral issue comes up, and the miracle at hand is said to be related somehow.
So....let's say I can set straight your flesh.
I then tell you a little if the story helps you understand what just happened.
The miracle is intended to set straight your flesh...the story intended to set straight your mind and heart.
You believe your soul to be eternal....everlasting.
Of course your body won't do so.
So if I set straight your is a miracle as temporary as your flesh.
But if you believe what I say....the story will be a miracle everlasting.