" A large number of well trained scientists outside of evolutionary biology and biology have unfortunately gotten the idea that the fossil record is far more darwinian than it is. This probably comes from oversimplification of secondary sources, low level textbooks, semi popular articles and so on. Also there probably some wishful thinking involved. In the years after Darwin, his advocates hoped to find predictable progressions. In general, they have not been found. Yet optimism dies hard, and some pure fantasy has crept into the textbooks." Dr. David Raup, Paleontologist, University of Chicago. Science, vol. 213, p. 289
This is from a
1979 article from field museum of natural history bulletin. The amount of evidence for transitional fossils have increased so much in the last 38 years that no paleontologist today says such things... as would be evident in any review paper on the topic that is more recent.
"No wonder Paleontologists shied away from evolution for so long. It seems never to happen, assiduous collecting at cliff faces yields zig zags, minor oscillations, and very occasionally, slight accumulations of change, over millions of years, a rate too slow to account for all the prodigious change that has occurred in evolutionary history.
" When we do see the introduction of evolutionary novelty, it usually shows up with s bang, and often with no firm evidence that the organisms did not evolve elsewhere. Evolution cannot forever be going on somewhere else. Yet, this is how the fossil record has struck many a forlorn paleontologist trying to learn something of evolution" Dr. Eldridge, " Reinventing Darwin; The Great Debate at the High Table of Evolutionary Theory" 1995, p.95
Again quite an old quote. Elridge and Gould were trying to establish the idea that evolutionary theory predicts a punctuated pattern of evolution rather than a seamless change of one form to another. Literally thousands of transitional fossils are known, but arising of features occurs in a jerky modular way. This basic argument for punctuated equilibrium has been confirmed by the observation of gene complexes and how they evolve under natural selection. Once again one needs to look at post 2000 books and review articles to see how patterns predicted by evolutionary genetics are confirmed by transitional fossils.
" The number of intermediate varieties,m which formerly existed, must be truly enormous, why then is not every geological formation and every stratum full of these intermediate links ? Geology certainly does not show any such finely graduated organ chain ; and this, perhaps, is the most serious and obvious objection which can be urged against the theory." Charles Darwin, "The Origin of Species" 1856, Masterpiece of science edition, 1958, p. 261. 150 years later the case has NOT significantly changed
Things have changed in 160 years. You know what? ask for transitional forms between any animal group (with bones or shells) and I will provide you with several.
" The extreme rarity of evidence for evolution in the fossil record is the trade secret of paleontology. The evolutionary trees that adorn our textbooks have data only at the tips and nodes of their branches, the rest is inference. However reasonable, is not based upon the evidence of fossils" Stephen Jay Gould, Harvard University
Another quote from 1980. This is Gould in 1983 himself demolishing your claims.
Stephen Jay Gould, "Evolution as Fact and Theory" 1994
The third argument is more direct: transitions are often found in the fossil record. Preserved transitions are not common—and should not be, according to our understanding of evolution (see next section) but they are not entirely wanting, as creationists often claim. The lower jaw of reptiles contains several bones, that of mammals only one. The non-mammalian jawbones are reduced, step by step, in mammalian ancestors until they become tiny nubbins located at the back of the jaw. The "hammer" and "anvil" bones of the mammalian ear are descendants of these nubbins. How could such a transition be accomplished? the creationists ask. Surely a bone is either entirely in the jaw or in the ear. Yet paleontologists have discovered two transitional lineages of therapsids (the so-called mammal-like reptiles) with a double jaw joint—one composed of the old quadrate and articular bones (soon to become the hammer and anvil), the other of the squamosal and dentary bones (as in modern mammals). For that matter, what better transitional form could we expect to find than the oldest human,
Australopithecus afarensis, with its apelike palate, its human upright stance, and a cranial capacity larger than any ape�s of the same body size but a full 1,000 cubic centimeters below ours? If God made each of the half-dozen human species discovered in ancient rocks, why did he create in an unbroken temporal sequence of progressively more modern features—increasing cranial capacity, reduced face and teeth, larder body size? Did he create to mimic evolution and test our faith thereby?
What has changed since then.. a veritable flood of transitional fossils making such things no longer rare.
You should read entire books (preferably up to date) from evolutionary biologists instead of collecting old misleading quotes from creationist websites.