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Monotheism is not economically, or socially viable

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner

A muh muh myth? As if you mistyped it because your body subconsciously realizes you're lanoisuled Dawgs

Most non monotheistic places flourished they were almost entirely open in fact they were reasonably open. Christianity is what caused the empire to fall. Lrn 2 fct
Read into the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest. Germanic tribes eradicated three Roman legions. It happened because a boy was forced away from his Germanic home, raised Roman and given military command, and eventually he decided to stop betraying his people and help them instead to get revenge on those oppressing his people by leading the Romans into a trap.
And read of Boudicca and her violent, bloody and deadly revolt against Rome. No mercy, no sympathy, she had enough amd returned savagry with savagry.


Veteran Member
Monotheism is not economically, or socially viable

My cherry pick from page-1
I don't follow.

As a polytheist my criticisms of monotheism are numerous, but this is definitely not among them. I'm just not seeing how the answer to the question "how many are the gods" would have any substantial impact on economics.
Bu this is ridiculous.

The largest economies in the world have been Christian and Islamic.
I don't agree with the OP; to worship One G-d there is no expense involved and socially it is very positive, right, please?
We do worship in a mosque, but if not available, we can worship at a clean open place anywhere/everywhere on Earth, right, please?
We do have Imams, but if not available, anybody among the present can lead the prayer, right, please?
The truthful religion has always been open to everybody, please, right?



Well-Known Member
Athens, Babylon, Rome, Egypt and others were all better than ancient israel, because they were open to the other: so, and this is really a long list, less people would be hurt, physically or mentally, for their life choices and so they became more efficient and economically productive benefiting everyone within and somewhat out of it's bounds. The Ancient Israelites, and Persians, and other stubborn people were closed off from others, and so their economics went kaput.
Well, we are talking about places that had slave labor right.. that was all those places at that time, was it not?

I think democracy seemed like an innovative idea, and my comment on that somewhere on here was to link the idea of democracy with the idea of polytheism. The stops happening though, once big-time kings and emperors hop into the picture. The biblical book of Samuel (I think) also had some interesting ideas on how government should be run, but the Israelites wanted a king instead, if I recall. I suppose all of this is slightly off topic though. But government type can sort of effect economic effectiveness, right

Economically overall, I think all of these places used slave labor, and some tried to conquer areas for more stuff. You're talking about ancient history here, they didn't have all the rules we had. They must have had educated classes though, to get architects and shipbuilders etc. I don't know exactly what kind of a selection process they had to allow people to enter all of the skilled fields.. it was mostly hereditary right


Active Member
Read into the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest. Germanic tribes eradicated three Roman legions. It happened because a boy was forced away from his Germanic home, raised Roman and given military command, and eventually he decided to stop betraying his people and help them instead to get revenge on those oppressing his people by leading the Romans into a trap.
And read of Boudicca and her violent, bloody and deadly revolt against Rome. No mercy, no sympathy, she had enough amd returned savagry with savagry.
No you don't see what I mean, polytheism in general does help some but it is not Ancient Egypt, or Athens, or Rome, or Mesopotamia, or Persia, or Iroquois confederacy or Janapadas

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
No you don't see what I mean, polytheism in general does help some but it is not Ancient Egypt, or Athens, or Rome, or Mesopotamia, or Persia, or Iroquois confederacy or Janapadas
Which means you claim falls apart if you say "this helps, but not here or there, not with them here or them there." If you have to be that choosey that you have to exclude several groups to make your claim work then your claim just doesn't work.


Active Member
But that's very much not what I stated. I stated freedom, openness, tolerance, diversity achieves better yields. Get your facts straight or keep thr mouth shut. Your religion and ideology are scams


Active Member
So this is my current thesis so far

Nature = everything as it actually is; everything-at-once
Freedom = the ability for an organism to sustain it’s life at all to better or an object to make a greater whole greater by by doing what it has the aptitude for
Capitalism = freedom and rules
Diversity = the variation of the one true thing: everything-at-once

Nature becomes herself by the freedom of her parts to do both what they can do, what reaps them sustainingness within the continuum and do it as they please, as they build the worlds. Dusts clump together as planets and stars coagulate from those dusts, slowly but surely. Sheerly by the universes nature, by each things purpose, it’s efficiency. What it can do for existence sustainingness. Cyanobacteria made oxygen, a first poisonous gas, by farting in whatever way they could fart causing ecological disaster. There was then supply, so that organisms that breathe oxygen would evolve which began to make animals. Flowers evolved by offering something insects wanted. They look like insect vaginas for a reason. They offered them a mental cum and some nectar and the flowers got a new pollinating source so they spread so much. Trees evolved to bear nutrients to the rest of the forest either by it’s roots for plants and fungi or by it’s fruit and leaves. It provides shelter in a few kinds of ways. That’s why they’re so plentiful, Nature can make the most use with them, there can be most possible benefit. The more money they can spend, the more life sustainingness they get, the more they spend and prosper, the more things gradually get better by citizens making new and improved things out of raw materials.

Nature’s creed is Freedom; all phenomena do what they can to sustain and make a better world because of it, even by their wastes. Oxygen became life fuel but before it was destroying the very compositions of the then only life. **** is life sustaining fuel for some bacteria so that their poop can sustain plants. It’s all recyclic too. It’s all efficient. It all leaves it up to each other and uses all of the parts the best way they can. Natural amounts of “damage” at a time to ecosystems, like fires, strengthens it. Badness fertilizes goodness. Breaks build back the broken stronger as long as they don’t end. Extinction events weed out weak organisms who aren’t as good at finding food as much as fitter (puzzle piece) organisms.

And this efficiency is increased by adapting to itself. How do WE adapt? With our claw, our teeth, and venom: the brains. With the harnessing of Nature; Freedom; openness to the other; the poly temperament we grow ever better. By being free enough to sift through bull**** by people who have been doing it for what to them is eons so they can sustain themselves better and making as much use of it as possible to somehow better the greater whole, the true self. By being free enough to provide us with people power and the absence of children who would otherwise suck down resources, land and everything else (gay people can **** but not bear kids contributing less to resource use and more to adoption rates). By being Free enough to be diverse to handle the complexity of life.

Diversity is important for Nature and Capitalism as well. In both that you get new and exciting things that help you and you as a whole can better adapt to the complexity of reality. Like oxygen, and carbon dioxide, and everything else in existence. They start from trash or wastes or some other potential building blocks and then build something revolutionary from it. And because Nature requires so many different substantial niches filled she leaves it up to the individuals to create the world but her ever steady invisible hand (the sheer consequences of the background) guides everything into exactly what it must be.

By leaving it up to the individual to make society, as Nature makes reality, we get all sorts of ends we would never have got with other systems which ironically have less reach. There is in a wyrd sort of way only one successful mode to nature: build nature.

All Nature is doing is economizing, making as many organisms happy as can be. She is finding niches, jobs, for all the everything so they can sustain themselves. Adapting everything to it, and making the place run smoother because of it and achieving life sustain because of it.

She doesn't benefit those that do not help others as much. Be a tree. Don't do it for yourself, do it for others. Kinda like the way plants which produce oxygen, shelter and food for animals. And when they are damaged they are rewarded, like with animals grazing. They trample the grass and they fertilize it with microbe food: poop. Nature, like capitalism does, takes raw resource and extracts the most it can out of it. It is efficiency. Ideal capitalism involves giving back where you take from as it mimics Nature and reaps you unforeseen benefits and even unnoticed. Like grass growing more.

Our economic system, with division of labor, makes tasks much easier to do, even possible, and thus the world richer. Someone farms almost any plant in a tropical region, where it grows, and is very difficult but they can do it for a profit because each task can be broken down into stages, so they do AND they make waste. Then someone else buys the waste and profits off of it getting all kinds of things. Then gradually as money makes everything better through innovation and bettering of knowledge and bettering of products they cheapen the products by price to sell more the more gets back to you and everyone else. Nature does this. Nature makes a plethora of producers, us, i.e. geologic phenomena, all producing something for her as a sort of byproduct of their existence. Many people benefit from one person getting richer by using some kind of waste assembled awkwardly into the great life sustaining force it is!

Slavery is wrong. The economics of it are just bunk. Slavery gives lots of money to a smaller number of people than freed slaves with money would be. Not to mention the economics that with freed slaves and their cultures and their eventual found religions and other economic booms would give to more others and thus develop the common force of all things, the underlying principle, making the most of nothing, efficiency. Basically we get more benefit from everyone free. Plus there’s better genes in your area if you diversify by inviting everyone in. Going against Nature, limiting freedom too much, is obsolete and goes backwards against Nature. Organisms, objects and everything else needs to do it’s thing to make the world, including someone just supporting others with food and shelter.

Regenerative farming is farming with Nature, mimicking her; harnessing her, helping her be her best self. It lacks destruction of the environment by either tilling or fertilizers and pesticides etc. Instead it capitalizes on the symbiotic relationship between microbes and soil and plants and animals etc that is otherwise destroyed by tilling and dried by fertilizers.

Other economic systems work against Nature, giving them a harder time. Seizing the means of production en masse is not only not within nature’s ever-careful bounds: it is not feasible. And what would that do? Flood the market with people making too much of everything for anyone to really be able to make a living off of their own means. What happens when someone has to make an expense they can’t afford?

You know what will work, though, giving everyone money once the robots take over the jobs. There will be plenty more economic activity. Thus more money will be spent on things like cures for cancer and more money will come back to you thus bettering the world you experience and your experience of the world. And Capitalism will retain it’s splendor shared among it’s classes. Including fresh fruit.

Capitalism is Nature, bro. Smoke it.


Active Member
Well, we are talking about places that had slave labor right.. that was all those places at that time, was it not?

I think democracy seemed like an innovative idea, and my comment on that somewhere on here was to link the idea of democracy with the idea of polytheism. The stops happening though, once big-time kings and emperors hop into the picture. The biblical book of Samuel (I think) also had some interesting ideas on how government should be run, but the Israelites wanted a king instead, if I recall. I suppose all of this is slightly off topic though. But government type can sort of effect economic effectiveness, right

Economically overall, I think all of these places used slave labor, and some tried to conquer areas for more stuff. You're talking about ancient history here, they didn't have all the rules we had. They must have had educated classes though, to get architects and shipbuilders etc. I don't know exactly what kind of a selection process they had to allow people to enter all of the skilled fields.. it was mostly hereditary right
Lol, you're that much of a troll. Leviticus 25:44-46 "You may keep them as your property; they can be passed on to your sons as an inheritance. You may treat them as slaves, but you must not treat them as harshly as you treat your native-born slaves."


Active Member
You may want to reconsider this statement. The scientific method has given us a new insight on many natural processes, but it also created technology which has started to create more suffering that it has relieved.
Do you want to go back to preindustrial times and then be wiped out by an asteroid?


Well-Known Member
Lol, you're that much of a troll. Leviticus 25:44-46 "You may keep them as your property; they can be passed on to your sons as an inheritance. You may treat them as slaves, but you must not treat them as harshly as you treat your native-born slaves."
I said all those places may have done it. I didn't disinclude ancient Israel. They may not have done it all in the same way as each other, but it seems like something that would have universally affected the economy across the whole ancient world. Unless there was a spot it didn't happen

Bear Wild

Well-Known Member
Do you want to go back to preindustrial times and then be wiped out by an asteroid?
No I want to go forward by reconnecting with the past when humans lived in connection and resonance with the world. Then use that wisdom to use the technology we have to restore that relationship. As for asteroids I am not sure we have the technology enough to stop a massive asteroid yet although I am sure I can see how it can be done in one of our local theaters.


Active Member
No I want to go forward by reconnecting with the past when humans lived in connection and resonance with the world. Then use that wisdom to use the technology we have to restore that relationship.
And what wisdom on technology do you have?
As for asteroids I am not sure we have the technology enough to stop a massive asteroid yet although I am sure I can see how it can be done in one of our local theaters.
You don't keep up with the news. Also you don't get what I actually said

Bear Wild

Well-Known Member
And what wisdom on technology do you have?

You don't keep up with the news. Also you don't get what I actually said
As for wisdom. We as a population do not have the maturity nor the wisdom to control much of the technology available and it is causing mass extinction.

I missed the asteroid news. I do not know of any clear evidence that we could adequately alter an asteroid but I am open to learning.


Active Member
As for wisdom. We as a population do not have the maturity nor the wisdom to control much of the technology available and it is causing mass extinction.

I missed the asteroid news. I do not know of any clear evidence that we could adequately alter an asteroid but I am open to learning.
Don't be a jack *** learn

Bear Wild

Well-Known Member
Don't be a jack *** learn
Don't be a what? You seemed to leave out some of the letters. I wonder why? I found the NASA article where they actually diverted an asteroid and found it very interesting and learned from it. That is nice to know but will be pointless unless we divert the direction of environmental damage we are doing which our technology is facilitating. It is not the technology in itself that is the problem. It is in the lack of wisdom from those using it that is creating the problem. The polytheistic world of myth contains the wisdom we have forgotten. I believe monotheism in our current western societies has contributed to an I am greater and have dominion attitude where the world is made just for us that creates the current economic problem which is degrading the environment.


Active Member
Don't be a what? You seemed to leave out some of the letters. I wonder why? I found the NASA article where they actually diverted an asteroid and found it very interesting and learned from it. That is nice to know but will be pointless unless we divert the direction of environmental damage we are doing which our technology is facilitating. It is not the technology in itself that is the problem. It is in the lack of wisdom from those using it that is creating the problem. The polytheistic world of myth contains the wisdom we have forgotten. I believe monotheism in our current western societies has contributed to an I am greater and have dominion attitude where the world is made just for us that creates the current economic problem which is degrading the environment.
Negative Nancy.

Bear Wild

Well-Known Member
Negative Nan
So this is my current thesis so far

Nature = everything as it actually is; everything-at-once
Freedom = the ability for an organism to sustain it’s life at all to better or an object to make a greater whole greater by by doing what it has the aptitude for
Capitalism = freedom and rules
Diversity = the variation of the one true thing: everything-at-once

Nature becomes herself by the freedom of her parts to do both what they can do, what reaps them sustainingness within the continuum and do it as they please, as they build the worlds. Dusts clump together as planets and stars coagulate from those dusts, slowly but surely. Sheerly by the universes nature, by each things purpose, it’s efficiency. What it can do for existence sustainingness. Cyanobacteria made oxygen, a first poisonous gas, by farting in whatever way they could fart causing ecological disaster. There was then supply, so that organisms that breathe oxygen would evolve which began to make animals. Flowers evolved by offering something insects wanted. They look like insect vaginas for a reason. They offered them a mental cum and some nectar and the flowers got a new pollinating source so they spread so much. Trees evolved to bear nutrients to the rest of the forest either by it’s roots for plants and fungi or by it’s fruit and leaves. It provides shelter in a few kinds of ways. That’s why they’re so plentiful, Nature can make the most use with them, there can be most possible benefit. The more money they can spend, the more life sustainingness they get, the more they spend and prosper, the more things gradually get better by citizens making new and improved things out of raw materials.

Nature’s creed is Freedom; all phenomena do what they can to sustain and make a better world because of it, even by their wastes. Oxygen became life fuel but before it was destroying the very compositions of the then only life. **** is life sustaining fuel for some bacteria so that their poop can sustain plants. It’s all recyclic too. It’s all efficient. It all leaves it up to each other and uses all of the parts the best way they can. Natural amounts of “damage” at a time to ecosystems, like fires, strengthens it. Badness fertilizes goodness. Breaks build back the broken stronger as long as they don’t end. Extinction events weed out weak organisms who aren’t as good at finding food as much as fitter (puzzle piece) organisms.

And this efficiency is increased by adapting to itself. How do WE adapt? With our claw, our teeth, and venom: the brains. With the harnessing of Nature; Freedom; openness to the other; the poly temperament we grow ever better. By being free enough to sift through bull**** by people who have been doing it for what to them is eons so they can sustain themselves better and making as much use of it as possible to somehow better the greater whole, the true self. By being free enough to provide us with people power and the absence of children who would otherwise suck down resources, land and everything else (gay people can **** but not bear kids contributing less to resource use and more to adoption rates). By being Free enough to be diverse to handle the complexity of life.

Diversity is important for Nature and Capitalism as well. In both that you get new and exciting things that help you and you as a whole can better adapt to the complexity of reality. Like oxygen, and carbon dioxide, and everything else in existence. They start from trash or wastes or some other potential building blocks and then build something revolutionary from it. And because Nature requires so many different substantial niches filled she leaves it up to the individuals to create the world but her ever steady invisible hand (the sheer consequences of the background) guides everything into exactly what it must be.

By leaving it up to the individual to make society, as Nature makes reality, we get all sorts of ends we would never have got with other systems which ironically have less reach. There is in a wyrd sort of way only one successful mode to nature: build nature.

All Nature is doing is economizing, making as many organisms happy as can be. She is finding niches, jobs, for all the everything so they can sustain themselves. Adapting everything to it, and making the place run smoother because of it and achieving life sustain because of it.

She doesn't benefit those that do not help others as much. Be a tree. Don't do it for yourself, do it for others. Kinda like the way plants which produce oxygen, shelter and food for animals. And when they are damaged they are rewarded, like with animals grazing. They trample the grass and they fertilize it with microbe food: poop. Nature, like capitalism does, takes raw resource and extracts the most it can out of it. It is efficiency. Ideal capitalism involves giving back where you take from as it mimics Nature and reaps you unforeseen benefits and even unnoticed. Like grass growing more.

Our economic system, with division of labor, makes tasks much easier to do, even possible, and thus the world richer. Someone farms almost any plant in a tropical region, where it grows, and is very difficult but they can do it for a profit because each task can be broken down into stages, so they do AND they make waste. Then someone else buys the waste and profits off of it getting all kinds of things. Then gradually as money makes everything better through innovation and bettering of knowledge and bettering of products they cheapen the products by price to sell more the more gets back to you and everyone else. Nature does this. Nature makes a plethora of producers, us, i.e. geologic phenomena, all producing something for her as a sort of byproduct of their existence. Many people benefit from one person getting richer by using some kind of waste assembled awkwardly into the great life sustaining force it is!

Slavery is wrong. The economics of it are just bunk. Slavery gives lots of money to a smaller number of people than freed slaves with money would be. Not to mention the economics that with freed slaves and their cultures and their eventual found religions and other economic booms would give to more others and thus develop the common force of all things, the underlying principle, making the most of nothing, efficiency. Basically we get more benefit from everyone free. Plus there’s better genes in your area if you diversify by inviting everyone in. Going against Nature, limiting freedom too much, is obsolete and goes backwards against Nature. Organisms, objects and everything else needs to do it’s thing to make the world, including someone just supporting others with food and shelter.

Regenerative farming is farming with Nature, mimicking her; harnessing her, helping her be her best self. It lacks destruction of the environment by either tilling or fertilizers and pesticides etc. Instead it capitalizes on the symbiotic relationship between microbes and soil and plants and animals etc that is otherwise destroyed by tilling and dried by fertilizers.

Other economic systems work against Nature, giving them a harder time. Seizing the means of production en masse is not only not within nature’s ever-careful bounds: it is not feasible. And what would that do? Flood the market with people making too much of everything for anyone to really be able to make a living off of their own means. What happens when someone has to make an expense they can’t afford?

You know what will work, though, giving everyone money once the robots take over the jobs. There will be plenty more economic activity. Thus more money will be spent on things like cures for cancer and more money will come back to you thus bettering the world you experience and your experience of the world. And Capitalism will retain it’s splendor shared among it’s classes. Including fresh fruit.

Capitalism is Nature, bro. Smoke it.
Capitalism is an economic system based on the private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit - From Wikipedia. Capitalism is not nature it is a human concept of economics. Unrestrained capitalism is destructive by the nature of and individual being greater than the whole which is the way it is playing out in our time. Regenerative farming is that has reciprocity imbedded in it and therefore is not just an individual but a relationship.

"By leaving it up to the individual to make society, as Nature makes reality, we get all sorts of ends we would never have got with other systems which ironically have less reach. There is in a wyrd sort of way only one successful mode to nature: build nature"
You are using the word wyrd wrong in this sentence. A society is never made up to the individual. The word wyrd refers to the weaving of the world well beyond the individual.