My brother stumbled upon something very interesting the other night, and maybe you find it just as likely and just and frightening.
For those who believe in the Christian Bible, it is stated that the Anti-Christ will rise, and people will bare the Mark of the Beast(the number 666). Many people believe that the end of days will happen soon, maybe in our lifetime, but are people bearing the mark already?
Take a good look at Monster Energy Drink. It is a HUGE corporation that came out of nowhere. Now it seems like almost everybody is drinking Monster Energy Drinks, and i am always seeing people wearing shirts with the Monster logo, hats, wristbands, stickers on their car windows, even tattoos.
The slogan for Monster is "Unleash the Beast"...
When you read MONSTER on the can, the O is made up of a cross and an upside down arch.
The symbol of an arch represents "Triumph over death. Arch of the sky and Heavens" an arch upside down must only mean the opposite.
Now check out the Monster symbol itself ( the big M). Its not really an M though, look at it closely. The symbol for Monster is actually made up of three 6's, written in the language of original text of the bible.
666, and many people are already representing the Monster logo on themselves. Its only a matter of time before it gets bigger.
Please, check into this yourself.