Freewill doesn't exists because everything that happens, including what we, do is caused; therefore, we can only do what prior causes have dictated that we do. There is no such thing as choice. And, if we have no control over what we do we shouldn't be held responsible for it---think of the mental deficiency defense in our courts.
The argument is weak for a number of reasons. Everything we do is determined by causes, but many of those causes are largely internalized. Without consciousness, there is only undifferentiated being. Our intentions craft a situation in a self or life-serving way, hence internalizing. We are responsible for situations that consciousness causes by its mere presence. A determined choice is still a choice. Whether conscious or subconscious, we are still accountable for behavior as a personal expression.
Another flaw is that the assumptions are based on partial or relative identification. There are no isolated or separate 'individuals'. Personal expression also expresses the immense activity of totality. Identifying and acting with the totality of life is true authenticity.
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