Prestor John
Well-Known Member
I honestly believe you have misunderstood the definition of the word, "homosexual." I believe that if you and I could sit down together with any member of the Quorum of the Twelve and were agree upfront to accept his explanation of the word "homosexual," you'd be the one to end up having to say, "Yeah, I guess I got that wrong."
I think that that Apostle would agree with me wholeheartedly.
The Brethren almost always use the terms “same-sex attraction” or “same gender attraction” to describe someone’s predisposed attraction. They tend to only use the terms “gay” “lesbian” or “homosexual” either when describing someone’s particular behavior or to refer to those people or members of the Church that classify themselves as “gay” or “homosexual”.
For example, on under “Homosexuality” in Gospel Topics it simply reads, “See Same-Sex Attraction”. That’s it. That is the page I shared with you earlier.
Another website is referenced on that page titled “Love One Another: A Discussion on Same-Sex Attraction” that has a lot of videos from members who have had dealings with same-sex attraction as well as videos of some of the Apostles sharing the Church’s view on this issue.
Here is a link to the website:
Elder Dallin H. Oaks has two videos and he never uses the terms “gay” or “homosexual”. He only uses the term “same gender attraction”.
Elder D. Todd Christofferson also has two videos. He only uses the term “homosexual” in his first video when he refers to a person’s “behavior”. Otherwise he refers to it as “same-sex attraction”. He also said in the first video that, “The feeling, the desire is not classified the same as homosexual behavior itself.”(Bold and italics added)
At the beginning of the same page under the title, “Where the Church stands” it reads, “With love and understanding, the Church reaches out to all God’s children, including our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters.” It only uses the terms “gay” and “lesbian” to refer to those who have already labeled themselves thusly and live that lifestyle.
Although not a General Authority, a member of the Church named Dora also had a video and she made a good point which I believe sums up why the Church discourages the use of the terms “gay”, “lesbian” and “homosexual”. She said, “It shouldn’t identify them, because again, I don’t walk around saying, ‘hi, I’m Dora and I’m a heterosexual.’ It shouldn’t be any different for them. You know, what their sexual preference is should not define who they are as a human being. It should not define them as a Christian.”
Do you remember the flak that Elder David A. Bednar got for his comment, “There are no homosexual members of the Church.” People tend to focus on only that part and ignore that he said immediately after, “We are not defined by sexual attraction. We are not defined by sexual behavior."
This source helps clarify what Elder Bednar meant,
“Elder Bednar was not dismissing members of the Church who are gay, lesbian, transgender, or who experience other struggles regarding sexual attraction, identity, or gender; he didn't want to simplify their situation by labeling it.”
It also quoted Elder Holland when he said to a young man struggling with same-sex attraction, “You serve yourself poorly when you identify yourself primarily by your sexual feelings. That isn’t your only characteristic, so don’t give it disproportionate attention. You are first and foremost a son of God, and He loves you.”
I also found a generally anti-Mormon website that actually defended Elder Bednar.
“Bednar’s answer isn’t as bad as it sounds. He’s not saying there are no gay people in the Mormon Church — of course there are. He’s not denying that.
He’s saying that the Church doesn’t define people by their sexual orientation because they’re more than that — they don’t say “We have X gay members and Y straight members,” just like they don’t say “We have X white members and Y black members.” No matter how you identify, according to Church leaders, you’re more than any one characteristic.”
Also at Fair Mormon they address the issue of “terminology” concerning homosexuality and the Church here:
They share the question, “Why does FairMormon (and other LDS sources) typically refer to homosexual/gay/lesbian issues with such terms as "same-sex attraction" and heterosexual/straight issues with such terms as "opposite-sex attraction"?”
Their answer, “LDS doctrine emphasizes that people are not the sum of their desires, temptations, or sins. Secular evidence suggests that those who self-identify with their desires in this way are more likely to engage in acts which the gospel of Christ teaches are sinful. FairMormon wishes to support members and non-members in choosing to live lives in harmony with God's commandments.”
They also clarify, “Our choice of terminology should not be construed to deny others the privilege of choosing their own acts or self-labels. When labels such as "homosexual," or "heterosexual", and labels such as "gay," "lesbian," or "straight" are used by FairMormon, this terminology should be understood to:
- reflect the self-understanding of those referred to; or
- serve as an adjective (e.g., "gay activists" are those working politically on behalf of those who self-identify as gay or "heterosexual marriage" is a marriage between two people of the opposite sex regardless of sexual orientation).”