joecrawford815 said:
2. Stepping in for a marriage. (like if one of the people dies)
-Matthew 22:29-32
- Mark 12:24-27
This is either a lie or garbled beyond recognition; we believe nothing of the sort. With stuff like this, is it any wonder why we think you're ill informed?
3. Christ as the Spirit Child of Elohim (God) and His wife (of whom the Bible makes no mention) and Brother of Satan.
-John 3:16
-John 1
Uh huh. And where in the standard works does it mention God having a wife? It doesn't, does it?
Then it's not doctrine.
That's strike two for you in your knowledge of what we believe.
4. Good Works to get to Heaven
-John 3:16
-Ephesians 2:8-9
-Matthew 7:21-23
Strike three. Good works because we are the children of God, and we do our father's work. Mormons do not believe in being saved by our works. I know you've already received scriptures regarding the role of works in salvation, but I just thought I'd clarify that.
6. No proof that the Book of Mormon is God-inspired
-No manuscripts
-No true witnesses (8 claimed to have seen it, 6 came back and admitted they were paid off by Smith.
-No fufilled prophecy
Okay, first off,
none of these would ever prove that the BoM is God-inspired. Only God can do that. That being said, these constitute your most grievous errors yet:
--The English Translation of the Book of Mormon constitutes a manuscript for purposes of archaeological and anthropological evaluation. It contains hundreds of instances of proper names, poetry, customs and other data that have been confirmed by archaeological evidence. Joseph Smith had little or no access to such data; most of it has been discovered after the Book of Mormon was already published. (See my posts on the "Faking History" thread, soon to be concluded after I handle a few more things IRL).
--There were eleven witnesses to the plates--one group of three and one group of eight. If you've got
evidence of any of them denying their testimonies, please offer it. I want a source.
--In "fulfilled prophecy," are you referring to the Book of Mormon's prophecies or Joseph Smith's? Either way, it doesn't matter: Joseph Smith prophesied when and how the Civil War would start, and the Book of Mormon prophecied the arrival of additional documents that would confirm the truthfulness of the Bible.
And me one of the "significant changes" made by Joseph Smith to the KJV. By "significant" I hope you mean the change skews things toward Mormon doctrine over mainstream Christianity. Happy hunting!