I have supplied such evidence.
first I understand the lack of ZERO evidence supporting Hebrews were ever in Egypt, does not mean there is no possibility they were not there.
But the fact is, there is ZERO evidence a hebrew was ever in egypt as a enslaved race.
I have also provided evidence Moses was created in the 7th or 8th century
I have also supplied evidence hebrews/Israelites didnt really exist before 1200 BC [yes I know the Merneptah stele says 1208 BC]
one more time for you my friend.
Moses - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The tradition of Moses as a lawgiver and culture hero of the
Israelites can be traced to 8th or 7th century BCE in the
kingdom of Judah
While the general narrative of the Exodus and the conquest of the Promised Land may be remotely rooted in historical events, the figure of Moses as a leader of the Israelites in these events cannot be substantiated.
The Exodus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The extant narrative is a product of the late
exilic or the
post-exilic period (6th to 5th centuries BC), but the core of the narrative is older, being reflected in the 8th to 7th century BC
Deuteronomist documents (the history books from Joshua to Kings).
[1] A minority of scholars assumes that this has yet older sources that can be traced to a genuine tradition of the
Bronze Age collapse of the 13th century BC.
If you have followed what I state im not even bucking the minority view, there may have been a genuine man who led some semetic Egyptians to Israel.
The archaeological evidence of the largely indigenous origins of Israel is "overwhelming," and leaves "no room for an Exodus from Egypt or a 40-year pilgrimage through the Sinai wilderness."
[21] For this reason, most archaeologists have abandoned the archaeological investigation of Moses and the Exodus as "a fruitless pursuit."
So if there was no exodus from Egypt, and there is NO evidence of hebrew slaves in egypt, and Moses is a 7th or 8th century creation. What we have here is a fable ment to give a brand new culture of people identity. WHILE giving positive morals in allegory.