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Mother Teresa: "The Greatest Destroyer of Love and Peace..."?


Veteran Member
“By abortion, the mother does not learn to love, but kills even her own child to solve her problems. … Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use any violence to get what they want. This is why the greatest destroyer of love and peace is abortion.” -- Mother Teresa.

Personally, the shallowness of the notion that abortion is the greatest destroyer of love and peace grates on me like nails screeching across a chalkboard grate on some folks. I wince at it.

But I have two questions:

1) Do you think there's any merit to the notion that abortion is a destroyer of love and peace -- let alone the greatest?

2) Is there any truth to Teresa's statement that abortion teaches people to use "any violence to get what they want"?

This thread is about those two questions and only those two questions. Please stay on topic.

1. There is no merit outside her religious ideology which means it is subjective to those of her group not everyone. More so having unwanted children is not a greatest method for creating love and peace. Some people go to drastic measures to avoid having children thus there is no love to destroy and peace has already been shattered.

2. Nope as violence is context orientated to her views thus subjective. If it were true we would see an increase in violence acts for those that have had abortions. She has done nothing to support her claims like statics in violent crimes increased after one has an abortion.

It just religious rhetoric that is projected on to everyone which is typical.


Active Member
“By abortion, the mother does not learn to love, but kills even her own child to solve her problems. … Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use any violence to get what they want. This is why the greatest destroyer of love and peace is abortion.” -- Mother Teresa.

Personally, the shallowness of the notion that abortion is the greatest destroyer of love and peace grates on me like nails screeching across a chalkboard grate on some folks. I wince at it.

But I have two questions:

1) Do you think there's any merit to the notion that abortion is a destroyer of love and peace -- let alone the greatest?

2) Is there any truth to Teresa's statement that abortion teaches people to use "any violence to get what they want"?

This thread is about those two questions and only those two questions. Please stay on topic.

Abortion, legal in all form, rather than in specific situations, allows an animal to have more rights than a human child.

Prestor John

Well-Known Member
Nor are we talking about infants. We're talking about fetuses.
I've never met an infant or person that was not first a fetus.
I'm imagining a tapeworm....
This is neither funny nor within context.
Yes, but the whole argument here revolves around what constitutes personhood. The features that define personhood are largely absent in foetuses.
Has a female human being ever given birth to something other than another human being?

I doubt I will continue this conversation with you even if you do respond.

I can only stomach so much depravity and your comments on this subject disgust me.

God bless.

Prestor John

Well-Known Member
There is no merit outside her religious ideology which means it is subjective to those of her group not everyone.
Actually, her statements were devoid of any religious ideology.

Peace and love are not concepts had only by a certain religious group, are they?
More so having unwanted children is not a greatest method for creating love and peace.
Adoption is a method for creating love and peace.
Some people go to drastic measures to avoid having children thus there is no love to destroy and peace has already been shattered.
I don't understand this statement.
Nope as violence is context orientated to her views thus subjective.
Destroying an unborn child is not violent?
If it were true we would see an increase in violence acts for those that have had abortions. She has done nothing to support her claims like statics in violent crimes increased after one has an abortion.
You seem to have completely missed her point.

She was claiming that the act of abortion is violent and that a country that allows abortions is teaching people that it is alright to destroy a human life if it causes an inconvenience for you.

The world is becoming more and more violent every day.
It just religious rhetoric that is projected on to everyone which is typical.
Not at all.

Peace, love, violence and abortion are not concepts monopolized by religious groups.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Abortion, legal in all form, rather than in specific situations, allows an animal to have more rights than a human child.
Animals do indeed have more rights than human beings.

It is part of the ethical price we must pay for being sentient beings. There is a need to renounce part of our possibilities as a (hopefully) voluntary sacrifice towards the common good.


Veteran Member
Actually, her statements were devoid of any religious ideology.

Given who she was I doubt that.

Peace and love are not concepts had only by a certain religious group, are they?

When claim abortion destroys both then it is more likely based on her religious view than not. Again she is who she is.

Adoption is a method for creating love and peace.

For those children lucky enough to be adopted. For those that are not its group homes and other facilities.

I don't understand this statement.

Women throwing themselves down stairs to miscarriage for example. That is if abortion is not an viable option due to laws

Destroying an unborn child is not violent?

Only if you define the fetus as such which is what pro-lifeers always do

You seem to have completely missed her point.

Not really.

She was claiming that the act of abortion is violent and that a country that allows abortions is teaching people that it is alright to destroy a human life if it causes an inconvenience for you.

Hyperbole, nothing more

The world is becoming more and more violent every day.

Not really.

Not at all.

Yes it is. Her preamble is religious. After the OP lines she goes right back to religion


Peace, love, violence and abortion are not concepts monopolized by religious groups.

Never said that. However her view is still based on her religion and projection of her views on to everyone, nothing more. Read the article.


Active Member
Animals do indeed have more rights than human beings.

It is part of the ethical price we must pay for being sentient beings. There is a need to renounce part of our possibilities as a (hopefully) voluntary sacrifice towards the common good.

Wait...what world are you living in which gives animals more rights than human beings? Is putting down a disease, rabid dog worse than killing a human being?


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Wait...what world are you living in which gives animals more rights than human beings?

A world where animals have limited possibilities of behavior because they lack sentience, and therefore there is little need to demand moral duties from them.

Is putting down a disease, rabid dog worse than killing a human being?

Not really. But the matter of rights figures in who is taking the decision to kill either being, not on who might be killed.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I've never met an infant or person that was not first a fetus.
And I've never met an infant that was not first an ovum. That doesn't mean every ovum is sacred and deserving of moral consideration.
I think you're conflating foetus and infant. An infant is a person with at least some claim to moral consideration. A foetus lacks the qualities which confer personhood and the rights that devolve therefrom.

Has a female human being ever given birth to something other than another human being?
Your point?
I'm not talking about aborting viable, late-term foetuses. I'm talking about aborting non-sentient, potential persons with no self-interest

I can only stomach so much depravity and your comments on this subject disgust me.
I think you're misreading me, Prestor. I respect personhood-- human or animal; I respect life and oppose inflicting unnecessary pain or suffering on sentient beings. I've been a strict vegan for decades. I don't wear leather. I oppose the death penalty and the military. I do animal rescues and rehoming, and volunteer with an animal rescue group.
I am not depraved.

My pro-life stance is long-standing, studied and considered. I get the impression yours is more knee-jerk and that you're glossing over or missing the underlying moral principles.
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Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Abortion, legal in all form, rather than in specific situations, allows an animal to have more rights than a human child.
On second thought, you deserve a better answer than I originally presented.

I think I see where you are coming from. In a nutshell, an unborn child does not deserve to die simply because the mother does not feel like giving birth.

A frequent objection, which I agree with, is that it takes a certain period of time before an embryo develops to the point of having any rights. However, it is obviously difficult to settle when and whether such a point has been reached even if one accepts the premise. And there are people who think that it is inherently wrong to purposefully pursue an abortion, perhaps because they think a birth is meant to be and/or a soul that may suffer is present as soon as the conception occurs.

In any case, even enthusiastic defenders of abortion rights will rarely if ever favor abortion over avoiding the conception in the first place. Abortions may often be better than the alternatives, but they are never pleasant.

But my main source of disagreement with your statement is that you seem to be claiming that an unborn child has it in his or her best interests to be born even if her mother would rather not.

That is not a given to me. I am just not convinced that pressuring a mother that would otherwise abort into giving birth against her own preferences is in any way respectful towards the child itself (even taking for granted that it is indeed a child as opposed to an embryo with no neural cells whatsoever and at least arguably no soul or ability to feel any kind of pain).

Being raised by one who would rather not have given birth is no blessing, and can indeed be a curse.

Instead of opposing abortions exactly, we all should strive to make them unappealling, unnecessary.


Active Member
A world where animals have limited possibilities of behavior because they lack sentience, and therefore there is little need to demand moral duties from them.

Not really. But the matter of rights figures in who is taking the decision to kill either being, not on who might be killed.

Thank you again for not answering my question. It's become a pattern with you.


Well-Known Member
“By abortion, the mother does not learn to love, but kills even her own child to solve her problems. … Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use any violence to get what they want. This is why the greatest destroyer of love and peace is abortion.” -- Mother Teresa.

Personally, the shallowness of the notion that abortion is the greatest destroyer of love and peace grates on me like nails screeching across a chalkboard grate on some folks. I wince at it.

But I have two questions:

1) Do you think there's any merit to the notion that abortion is a destroyer of love and peace -- let alone the greatest?

2) Is there any truth to Teresa's statement that abortion teaches people to use "any violence to get what they want"?

This thread is about those two questions and only those two questions. Please stay on topic.
That's so weird because it came from and the destroyer of it came from foreign Catholics and Muslims.. Mostly political wanna bes do it if they are female and then it really comes from the male side after that or even before.