I wasn't deflecting, I was poking fun: but really, there was so much poorly thought out in your original post, I wasn't sure whether were intending it to be taken seriously or not.Now you are deflecting. You do agree that if it is natural than it is right? Hence, you are a naturalist.
"natural" and "right" are independent variables. Things are not necessarily "right" because they're "natural"; and that wouldn't make me a "naturalist" even if I did think that were the case.
Regarding homosexuality, the opposite argument is often used by religious types: that it's wrong because it's unnatural, except that they're wrong: it isn't "unnatural" because it happens in nature. It happens a lot in nature. Which counters the argument that homosexuality is unnatural, without involving any judgment as to whether it is right or wrong.
Homosexuality is not a choice, it's what some people are (it's also not a binary on/off sort of state, more of a spectrum). I've always thought it particularly wrong of religious types who believe their God made us what we are to then condemn people who have been made slightly different to the rest, by their god (presumably).