I would like to think humanity has come a long way in the last 3,500 since the ten commandments were written. When I read your posts I do wonder.
Do you think the Ten Commandments are now obsolete?
I believe that they were written by a God who does not change. I believe that the principles contained in those commandments are as relevant today as they were 3,500 years ago.
The reason why the Bible is still relevant is because it is not a book about time or geographical location....it is a book about human nature, which does not change. Every human emotion expressed today is the same as they have always been.
When you see what is happening in the world, I don't think we have come a long way at all as far as our attitudes and behavior are concerned.
Jesus brought a new message to the world. Initially Judaism was mostly an ethnic Jewish faith though there was provision for non-Jews to convert. Jesus taught to an almost exlusively Jewish audience new Teachings from God, and the Apostles adapted that message and taught it to the gentiles. Eventually the message was taught to the world has Jesus had asked. That was probab;y achieved by the nineteenth century. I think we've come along way.
Jesus clarified and more clearly defined what the Jews already knew. There was nothing really new about what he taught except that he added a heavenly component to the Messianic Kingdom. No Jew ever thought of going to heaven and even as Jesus was ascending to heaven, his disciples still thought he was going to establish his Kingdom on earth.
At Pentecost, they learned about being anointed with holy spirit and being implanted with a very unnatural desire....to leave this earth and to go and live in another realm....in a new spiritual body.
They discerned that Israel's structure with its temple and priesthood were pictorial of a heavenly arrangement rather than an earthly one. Christianity had no earthly priesthood or temple.
But this heavenly government of rulers and priests was to have earthly subjects. (Revelation 21:2-4)
People of goodwill from all nations, races and faiths want to work together for the good of all.
I don't think we see that anywhere on earth except in small pockets. I think people have a desire for it, but they have no real way to implement it on a scale necessary to make a real difference. Political relationships continue to run hot and cold and as far as I can see, there is more uncertainty about the future now, than at any other time in history. The human impact on planet earth has reached a stage where reversing the damage may take as long as it did to accomplish it. Many experts believe that it may already be too late. Add climate change to that. Where is the good news?
Do you see people really trying to make a difference....and then giving up in disgust because the powers that be will not support them? Aid workers become demoralised because of the sheer magnitude of the problems....increasing at a rate that staggers the imagination. The refugee crisis has just added a new dimension.
All I can say is that your optimism appears to border on delusion...it's a nice delusion, but it looks like a pipe dream.