How should our in-groups treat out groups. While I like the O9A I don't agree with their stance on mundanes - at least as far as I understand it. Many individuals and orders treat the out-groups in normal, psych 101 ways. To me this is just acting the same as the act towards us. With the exception of true harm to another's will, I couldn't care less what other groups are doing. Likewise, outside of certain cases, I couldn't care less what they're not doing. It used to be different even with other members like Adramelek where we'd debate subjective preference - usually it was my own fault even. I no longer see any benefit. All of us would like a "better" world I'm sure, but there's a fine line between "enlightened individualism" and treating out-groups the way they treat us.
In my long relationship with the "LHP" I've seen as much hate as from the "RHP". Obviously I have no desire to speak for or reform anything other than my own paradigm, but I'm just asking those this applies to to possibly reevaluate what exactly we stand for. Must elitism breed aggression? Must individuality breed contempt?
This doesn't apply to many of us here but it's a point I feel all seekers on these paths should consider.
To return the thread to where it came from, i.e. the entry above I have some questions about some of the things referenced here. I've mostly just skimmed over the thread titles lately, so I'm not quite up to date with the Order of Nine Angles or any of that. Starting from basics: how do you define "in-groups" and "out-groups"? What does the divide signify to you?
To answer, or more just ponder over, the questions you asked I think elitism as a habit of thought does breed aggression to some extent. Any kind of "me" versus "the world" or "us" versus "them" plays upon some of the most fundamental parts of the human psyche. The caveman inside us understands and also acts on divides like these. It's very natural for us to start protecting the "tribe borders", whether it be ideology, groups of people or even aesthetics. Similarly when talking about individuals we often use imagery like "lone
wolves". It goes back to the same primal need to protect something that's yours.
I think embracing any limit like this as part of who you view yourself to be (me-world, us-them) can, and perhaps is even likely to, breed both aggression and contempt. When something becomes a part of your self image, you not only have the need to protect the "tribe", but also your own sense of self. For me it raises the question whether drawing lines like these are very helpful.
That doesn't mean I think all labels should be abolished and forgotten about, because we need names for things when we're talking about them. But
we are not the names. The names and labels are always an abstraction for an observation, a way of grouping individuals based on their similarities or their differences. I think the most important re-evaluation we (who label ourselves LHP) can make is whether there really is a "we" at all and how that "we" relates to us, the individual data points in the observation (the Left-Hand Path). Is the label us or are we the label?