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Muslim Only: Is it wrong to commemorate his martyrdom every year?

Shia Islam

Quran and Ahlul-Bayt a.s.
Premium Member
I find it very unfortunate to discuss this question. Disturbingly, there are people who accuse the Shia'a of bida'a (innovation) because, every year, they intensely and passionately commemorate the martyrdom of Imam Hussein, his family and companions at Karbala'. Every year and for 10 days, the followers of Ahlul Bayt commemorate and mourn over the tragedy of Karbala'. Is is really wrong, in principle, to commemorate Imam Hussein's martyrdom? What are these troubled and hateful people afraid of? Why do they not commemorate Imam Hussein as well? Is it really against the Sunnah to do so? Let me put it in a simpler way: is it wrong to commemorate the loss of a loved one? Is it not humane to do so? Did the prophet prohibit us to do so?? For the record, the true Ahlul Sunnah do not oppose this commemoration. The people who oppose this practice can not claim to be from Ahlul Sunnah. They are quite different and have their own agenda: oppose the Shia'a and make Kafir those who do not share their viewpoint.
Let me quote what ibn Katheer said in al-Bidaya wal-Nihaya and this exactly what these people say today about the Shia'a who commemorate the martyrdom of al-Hussein:

Every Muslim will be saddened by the killing of Imam Hussein. He is from the leaders of the Muslims, and the son of the daughter of the messenger of Allah who is the preferred of his daughters. He was a great worshipper, courageous and generous. But it is not good when the Shia'a show their grief and sadness which is mostly artificial (theatrical) and hyprocritical.

His father was greater than him and he was killed. However, they do not commemorate his killing as they do for al-Hussein. His father was killed on a Friday while he was heading to Salat al-Fajr on 17th of Ramadan year 40 A.H. Similarly, Uthman was greater than Ali according to Ahlul Sunna wal-Jama'a. He was killed while under-siege in his residence in the month of Dhul-Hijja year 36 A.H. Yet the people do not commemorate his killing. Similarly, Umar is greater than Uthman and Ali. He was killed while praying Salat al-Fajr and reading the Quran. Yet, the people do not commemorate his killing. Similarly, al-Siddiq was greater than him and yet, the people do not commemorate his killing. And the prophet, who is the master of all in this world and the hereafter. He died as the prophets before him died. Yet, no one commemorates their death as these ignorant Rawaffid do for al-Hussein....

فكل مسلم ينبغي له أن يحزنه قتله رضي الله عنه، فإنه من سادات المسلمين، وعلماء الصحابة، وابن بنت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم التي هي أفضل بناته، وقد كان عابداً وشجاعاً وسخياً، ولكن لا يحسن ما يفعله الشيعة من إظهار الجزع والحزن الذي لعل أكثره تصنع ورياء. وقد كان أبوه أفضل منه فقتل، وهم لا يتخذون مقتله مأتماً كيوم مقتل الحسين، فإن أباه قتل يوم الجمعة وهو خارج إلى صلاة الفجر في السابع عشر من رمضان سنة أربعين، وكذلك عثمان كان أفضل من علي عند أهل السنة والجماعة. وقد قتل وهو محصور في داره في أيام التشريق من شهر ذي الحجة سنة ست وثلاثين، وقد ذبح من الوريد إلى الوريد، ولم يتخذ الناس يوم قتله مأتماً. وكذلك عمر بن الخطاب وهو أفضل من عثمان وعلي، قتل وهو قائم يصلي في المحراب صلاة الفجر ويقرأ القرآن، ولم يتخذ الناس يوم قتله مأتماً. وكذلك الصديق كان أفضل منه ولم يتخذ الناس يوم وفاته مأتماً، ورسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم سيد ولد آدم في الدنيا والآخرة، وقد قبضه الله إليه كما مات الأنبياء قبله، ولم يتخذ أحد يوم موتهم مأتماً يفعلون فيه ما يفعله هؤلاء الجهلة من الرافضة يوم مصرع الحسين. ولا ذكر أحد أنه ظهر يوم موتهم وقبلهم شيء مما ادعاه هؤلاء يوم مقتل الحسين من الأمور المتقدمة، مثل كسوف الشمس والحمرة التي تطلع في السماء، وغير ذلك. وأحسن ما يقال عند ذكر هذه المصائب وأمثالها ما رواه علي بن الحسين: عن جده رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم أنه قال: ((ما من مسلم يصاب بمصيبة فيتذكرها وإن تقادم عهدها فيحدث لها استرجاعاً إلا أعطاه الله من الأجر مثل يوم أصيب منها)). رواه الإمام أحمد وابن ماجه.‏

Now the reasons why it is not wrong to commemorate the martyrdom of Imam Hussein:

1. Is it wrong to periodically remember your lost loved ones? Is it inhumane? Is it Haram?? Is it wrong, inhumane and Haram to weep for them when remembered??

When the prophet lost his beloved uncle Abu Talib and his beloved wife Umna Khadija, two priceless losses and few days apart, the prophet called that year the year of Sadness (A'am al-Huzn). Badriddeen al-A'aini reported in U'umadatul Qari the following:

....because Abu Talib and Khadija died within three days. Sa'aed said in his book Kitab al-Nussuss that the prophet named this year the Year of Sadness...

وأيا ما كان، فلم يشهد أمر أبي طالب لأنه توفي هو وخديجة في أيام ثلاثة، قال صاعد في (كتاب النصوص) : فكان النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم يسمي ذلك العام عام الحزن،

Imam Abdul-Wahab al-Sha'arani wrote in Kashf al-Ghumma A'an Jami'i al-Ummah:

Then Umna Khadija died after Abu Talib, and the prophet named that year the Year of Sadness.

ثم توفيت خديجة رضي الله عنها بعد أبي طالب فسمى النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ذلك العام عام الحزن

ibn Mandhur al-Afriqi wrote in Lissan al-A'arab:

The year of Sadness: it is the year in which Umna Khadija and Abu Talib died, so the prophet named that year the Year of Sadness.

Tha'alab reported this from ibn al-Aa'arabi, who said: they both died 3 years before the Hijra (the migration to Medina).

وعامُ الحُزْنِ: العامُ الذي ماتت فيه خديجةُ -رضي الله عنها- وأَبو طالب فسمّاه رسول الله -صلى الله عليه وسلم- عامَ الحُزْنِ.
حكى ذلك ثعلب عن ابن الأَعرابي، قال: وماتا قَبْل الهِجرة بثلاث سنين.

In fact the prophet never stopped remembering Umna Khadija, even while he was married to his other wives. This fact is well-known among the scholars of both denominations. This consistent remembrance made Umna A'aysha so jealous that she used to ill-describe her. [...]

The point is the prophet continued to remember his beloved wife long after her death. This is the Sunnah of the prophet. For the prophet to declare the year he lost his uncle and his wife the Year of Sadness indicates that his loss affected him for a while. Therefore, remembrance of Imam al-Hussein is not against the Sunnah.

2. We all know the endless sadness and grief of prophet Ya'aqub when he lost his son prophet Yussef (12:84-86):

[84] And he turned away from them, and said: O my sorrow for Yusuf! and his eyes became white on account of the grief, and he was a repressor (of grief).
[85] They said: By Allah! you will not cease to remember Yusuf until you are a prey to constant disease or (until) you are of those who perish.
[86] He said: I only complain of my grief and sorrow to Allah, and I know from Allah what you do not know.

وَتَوَلَّى عَنْهُمْ وَقَالَ يَا أَسَفَى عَلَى يُوسُفَ وَابْيَضَّتْ عَيْنَاهُ مِنَ الْحُزْنِ فَهُوَ كَظِيمٌ {84}
قَالُوا تَاللَّهِ تَفْتَأُ تَذْكُرُ يُوسُفَ حَتَّى تَكُونَ حَرَضًا أَوْ تَكُونَ مِنَ الْهَالِكِينَ {85}
قَالَ إِنَّمَا أَشْكُو بَثِّي وَحُزْنِي إِلَى اللَّهِ وَأَعْلَمُ مِنَ اللَّهِ مَا لَا تَعْلَمُونَ {86}

Why don't you condemn prophet Ya'aqub for this endless sadness, grief and weeping over the loss of his son? How many years do you think prophet Ya'aqub remained in this state? 50 years? 60 years? He lost his eyesight and his health deteriorated. Yet, Allah did not condemn him for that. In fact, prophet Ya'aqub did not lose hope or faith in Allah. His faith remained unshaken. This is true patience. Why then is it wrong from the true followers and lovers of Ahlul Bayt to do the same for their Imam, his family and companions who sacrificed themself for the sake of Islam? Afterall, is not al-Hussein a member of the second of the Thaqalayn, whom we were commanded to adhere to unconditionally? Is he not one of our true leader? Is it wrong to remember him, his family and companions and pass on their story, its lessons and its applications from generation to generation? Is this un-Islamic??

To be continued...

Shia Islam

Quran and Ahlul-Bayt a.s.
Premium Member
3. Ahmad ibn Hanbal reported the following narration from Imam Hussein, in his book Fada'il al-Sahaba:

Ahmed bin Isra'el said: "I read in the book of Ahmed bin Muhammed Bin Hanbal a writing by his own hand on the authority of Aswad Bin Amer Abu Abdul Rahman on the authority of Al-Rabee'e bin Mundhir on the authority of his father that Al-Hussain used to say: 'Whomsoever eyes cries a drop of tears on us or sheds one drop of tears on us, Allah will reward him with paradise'"
حدثنا أحمد بن إسرائيل قال رأيت في كتاب أحمد بن محمد بن حنبل رحمه الله بخط يده نا اسود بن عامر أبو عبد الرحمن قثنا الربيع بن منذر عن أبيه قال : كان حسين بن علي يقول من دمعتا عيناه فينا دمعة أو قطرت عيناه فينا قطرة اثواه الله عز و جل الجنة

Of course, some will argue this is a weak narration and therefore cannot be used as proof. Is it really weak? How many weak narrations have you used as proof just so you can refute the Shia'a view? You loudly declare on your pulpits that the correct version of hadith al-Thaqalayn is the Book and my Sunnah, while the fact is this is a very weak narration, which you wrongly declare Saheeh, and choose to ignore the authentic version of the hadith: the Book and my Ahlul Bayt! Why? Is it because it works in favor of the Shia'a?? All narrations clearly declare that verse of al-Tatt-heer (part of verse 33:33) was revealed in honor of Ali, Fatima, al-Hassan and al-Hussein. Yet, you decide to ignore these authentic narrations and choose to make the wives of the prophet as the true recipient of this revelation! Why? Is it because it works in favor of the Shia'a? How many authentic narrations have you rejected because they honor Ahlul Bayt and invalidate your views and how many false narrations have you embraced because they serve your distorted belief and interest?? Go ahead, reject this narration on whatever basis you wish. This will not serve your agenda.

4. It is reported that Abdullah ibn Abbas lost his eyesight from crying on al-Hussein. Sibt ibn al-Jawzi wrote in Tadhkirat al- Khawwas al-Ummah:

When al-Hussein was killed, ibn Abbas kept weeping until he became blind.
ولمّا قتل الحسين لم يزل ابن عباس يبكي عليه حتى ذهب بصره

In Muruj al-Dhahab by Masoodi:

He (ibn Abbas) lost his eyesight due to weeping over Ali, Hassan and Hussain
وكان قد ذهب بصره لبكائه على علي والحسن والحسين

Why don't you condemn the companion ibn Abbas for this weeping over the kiiling al-Hussein till he lost his eyeseight? Do you think he violated any rule in Islam? Do you think he lost patience?

5. According to the Shia'a sources, the Imams of Ahlul Bayt used to commemorate the martyrdom of Imam Hussein, his family and companions. They would remember their grand-father with tears, sadness and grief. The following are some of these narrations.
Kamil al-Ziyarat by ibn Quluweyh:

Abu Amarah said: Abu Abdullah said to me: 'O Amarah, recite an elegy about Hussain'. Thus, I recited an elegy and he cried, then I continued with the elegy and he cried'. By Allah I kept reciting an elegy and he kept on weeping to the extent that a weeping voice could be heard from the house'
عن ابي عبد الله (عليه السلام)، قال: قال لي: يا ابا عمارة انشدني في الحسين (عليه السلام)، قال: فأنشدته، فبكى، ثم أنشدته فبكى، ثم أنشدته فبكى، قال: فوالله ما زلت انشده ويبكي حتى سمعت البكأ من الدار

Kamil al-Ziyarat by ibn Quluweyh:

Abdullah bin Ghalib said: 'I went to Abu Abdullah [as] and recited an elegy about Hussain [as], when I come across this part "irrigating Hussain with sand" a woman from behind the curtain cried and said: 'O father'.
عبد الله بن غالب، قال: دخلت على ابي عبد الله (عليه السلام) فأنشدته مرثية الحسين (عليه السلام)، فلما انتهيت الى هذا الموضع: لبلية تسقو حسينا * بمسقاة الثرى غير التراب فصاحت باكية من وراء الستر: وا أبتاه

ibn Quluweyh in Kamil al-Ziyarat, ibn Shuhr Ashub in al-manaqib:

al-Sadiq narrated: "Ali ibn Hussein wept over his father all his life and whenever food was placed before him he wept, and whenever water was placed before him he wept, until one of his follower said to him: 'O son of the messenger of Allah, I am afraid that you destroy yourself.' The imam said: 'I am reporting my sadness to Allah, and I know from Allah what you do not know.'"

فيما رواه ابن قولويه في الكامل وابن شهر آشوب في المناقب وغيرهما ـ: أنّ علي بن الحسين (عليهما السلام) بكى على أبيه مدّة حياته، وما وضع بين يديه طعام إلاّ بكى، ولا أتي بشراب إلاّ بكى، حتى قال له أحد مواليه: جعلت فداك يا ابن رسول الله إنّي أخاف أن تكون من الهالكين! قال (عليه السلام): «إنّما أشكو بثّي وحزني إلى الله، وأعلم من الله ما لا تعلمون».

al-A'amili in Wasa'il al-Shia'a recorded:

From some of the servants of Imam Ali ibn Hussein: "He went out to the desert and I followed him. I found him prostrating. I stopped and I heard his breathing in and weeping and I counted him saying a thousand times la ilaha ilallah haqqan haqqan, la ilaha ilallah ta'abbudan wa riqqan, la ilaha ilallah imana wa sidqan. Then he lifted his head from prostration and his face and beard were overwhelmed with tears. So I said to him: 'O master, is it not time for your sadness to cease and your weeping to lessen?' The imam replied: 'Wyhaka, Ya'aqub ibn Ishaq ibn Ibrahim was a prophet and the son of a prophet. He had 12 sons and Allah drove one of them into absence, so his hair became white from his sadness, his back arched from sorrow and worriness and he lost his eyesight from weeping, while his son was still alive in this world. As for me, I witnessed the murder of my father and my brother and 17 from my household. So how can my sadness and weeping cease?"

عَنْ بَعْضِ مَوَالِي الامام علي بن الحسين زين العابدين السجاد ( عليه السَّلام ) ، قَالَ : خَرَجَ يَوْماً إِلَى الصَّحْرَاءِ فَتَبِعْتُهُ ، فَوَجَدْتُهُ قَدْ سَجَدَ عَلَى حِجَارَةٍ خَشِنَةٍ ، فَوَقَفْتُ وَ أَنَا أَسْمَعَ شَهِيقَهُ وَ بُكَاءَهُ ، وَ أَحْصَيْتُ لَهُ أَلْفَ مَرَّةٍ وَ هُوَ يَقُولُ لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا اللَّهُ حَقّاً حَقّاً ، لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا اللَّهُ تَعَبُّداً وَ رِقّاً ، لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا اللَّهُ إِيمَاناً وَ صِدْقاً . ثُمَّ رَفَعَ رَأْسَهُ مِنْ سُجُودِهِ وَ إِنَّ لِحْيَتَهُ وَ وَجْهَهُ قَدْ غُمِرَا بِالْمَاءِ مِنْ دُمُوعِ عَيْنَيْهِ . فَقُلْتُ : يَا سَيِّدِي ، مَا آنَ لِحُزْنِكَ أَنْ يَنْقَضِيَ ، وَ لِبُكَائِكَ أَنْ يَقِلَّ ؟! فَقَالَ لِي : " وَيْحَكَ ، إِنَّ يَعْقُوبَ بْنَ إِسْحَاقَ بْنِ إِبْرَاهِيمَ كَانَ نَبِيّاً ابْنَ نَبِيٍّ ، وَ كَانَ لَهُ اثْنَا عَشَرَ ابْناً ، فَغَيَّبَ اللَّهُ وَاحِداً مِنْهُمْ ، فَشَابَ رَأْسُهُ مِنَ الْحُزْنِ ، وَ احْدَوْدَبَ ظَهْرُهُ مِنَ الْغَمِّ وَ الْهَمِّ ، وَ ذَهَبَ بَصَرُهُ مِنَ الْبُكَاءِ ، وَ ابْنُهُ حَيٌّ فِي دَارِ الدُّنْيَا ، وَ أَنَا رَأَيْتُ أَبِي وَ أَخِي وَ سَبْعَةَ عَشَرَ مِنْ أَهْلِ بَيْتِي صَرْعَى مَقْتُولِينَ ، فَكَيْفَ يَنْقَضِي حُزْنِي وَ يَذْهَبُ بُكَائِي

ibn Quluweyh in Kamil al-Ziyarat, ibn Shuhr Ashub in al-manaqib recorded a shorter version of the above narration:

أنه لما كثر بكاؤه، قال له مولاه: أما آن لحزنك أن ينقضي؟ فقال: "ويحك، إن يعقوب (عليه السلام) كان له اثنا عشر ولداً، فغيّب الله واحداً منهم، فابيضت عيناه من كثرة بكائه عليه واحدودب ظهره من الغم، وابنه حيّ في الدنيا، وأنا نظرت إلى أبي وأخي وعمومتي وسبعة عشر من أهل بيتي مقتولين حولي، فكيف ينقضي حزني"

ibn Shuhr Ashub in al-manaqib:
Imam Sadiq said: "Ali Ibn al-Husain cried over his father for twenty years; whenever food was placed before him he wept. once one of his servant told him: 'I am afraid that you will perish'. The imam replied to him: 'I am reporting my sadness to Allah, and I know from Allah what you do not know. Whenever the martyrdom of the children of Fatimah comes to my mind I become choked up with tears'"

بكى علي بن الحسين على أبيه عشرين سنة وما وضع بين يديه طعام إلا بكى حتى قال له مولى له جعلت فداك يا ابن رسول الله إني أخاف أن تكون من الهالكين قال إنما أشكو بثي وحزني إلى الله وأعلم من الله ما لا تعلمون إني لم أذكر مصرع بني فاطمة إلا خنقتني العبرة.

ibn Quluweyh in Kamil al-Ziyarat:

Imam al-Baqir narrated that his father used to say: "Allah will reward a residence in Paradise to any believer who sheds a tear over the killing of al-Hussein and it runs down his cheek. Allah will also reward the believer who sheds tears over harm done to us by our enemies. Allah will also reward the believer who is harmed because of us and sheds tears..."

عن الباقر قال: «كان أبي ـ علي بن الحسين صلوات الله عليه ـ يقول: أيما مؤمن دمعت عيناه لقتل الحسين بن علي (عليه السلام) دمعة حتى تسيل على خده بوّأه الله تعالى في الجنة غرفاً يسكنها أحقاباً، وأيّما مؤمن دمعت عيناه حتى تسيل على خده فينا لاذى مسّنا من عدوّنا في الدنيا بوّأه الله في الجنة مبوّأ صدق، وأيّما مؤمن مسّه أذى فينا فدمعت عيناه حتى تسيل على خده صرف الله عن وجهه الاذى وآمنه يوم القيامة من سخطه والنار»

To be continued...

Shia Islam

Quran and Ahlul-Bayt a.s.
Premium Member
Sheikh al-Suduq recorded the following narration in E'elal al-Sharaei'i. This narration, if you will, is an answer to the questions posed by ibn Kathir.
Abdullah bin al-Fadhl al-Hashimi said: 'I said to Abu Abdullah Jaffar bin Muhammad al-Sadiq: 'O son of Allah's messenger, how come the day of Ashura is the day of ordeal, sadness, mourning and weeping but not the day on which Allah's messenger died and the day on which Fatima died and the day on which Amirul Mumineen was murdered and the day on which al-Hassan was murdered via poison?'

He (Imam Jaffar) replied: 'The day of Hussain is worse than the other days because the people of the cloak honored by Allah almighty were five, when the prophet passed away, Amirul Mumineen, Fatima, Hassan and Hussain remained behind, they were hence a consolation for the people. When Fatima al-Zahra passed away, Amirul Mumineen , Hassan and Hussain remained as a consolation for the people. When Amirul Mumineen passed away, Hassan and Hussain remained as a consolation for the people. When Hassan passed away, Hussain remained as a consolation for the people. When Hussain was killed no one amongst the people of the cloak remained behind for the people, therefore his departure was tantamount to all of them departing and his existence was tantamount to all of them existing, therefore his day became a great ordeal'.

Imam al-Sadiq is reported to have said (Wasa'il al-Shia, Vol 10):

"All praise be to Allah, who has placed amongst the people, those who arrive in our presence, eulogizing us and reciting elegies about us"

Bihar al-Anwar by al-Majlissi:
al-Majlissi said: "I found in some of the books of the past that he said:
'Di'ibil al-Khuzai said: 'I came to my master Ali al-Rida on a day like these ones. I found him sitting sad and depressed, with his companions around him. When he saw me coming, he said to me: 'welcome O Di'ibil, welcome to the one who supports us with his hand and tongue.' Then he made room for me and made me sit on his side, then he said to me:

'I desire that you recite for me poetry, for surely these days (of the month of Muharram) are the days of grief, that have passed over us, Ahlulbayt, and these days were days of joy for our enemies, namely Bani Umayya. O Di'ibil, whoever cries and made people cry over our tragedy, even for one person, Allah will reward him. Whoever cries over al-Hussein, Allah will forgive his sins.'

Then he stood up, made divide between us and his wives and children, then sat his household behind the divide so they can cry over the tragedy of their grand-father al-Hussein.'

Then he turned over to me and said: 'O Di'ibil, recite for us an elegy about al-Hussein, you are our supporter and eulogizer as long as you are alive...''"

رأيت في بعض مؤلَّفات المتأخِّرين أنه قال : حكى دعبل الخزاعي ، قال : دخلت على سيدي ومولاي علي بن موسى الرضا ( عليه السلام ) في مثل هذه الأيام ، فرأيته جالساً جلسة الحزين الكئيب ، وأصحابه من حوله ، فلمّا رآني مقبلا قال لي : مرحباً بك يا دعبل ، مرحباً بناصرنا بيده ولسانه ، ثم إنه وسَّع لي في مجلسه ، وأجلسني إلى جانبه ، ثم قال لي : يا دعبل ، أحبّ أن تنشدني شعراً ، فإن هذه الأيام أيام حزن كانت علينا أهل البيت ، وأيام سرور كانت على أعدائنا خصوصاً بني أمية ، يا دعبل ، من بكى وأبكى على مصابنا ولو واحداً كان أجره على الله ، يا دعبل ، من ذرفت عيناه على مصابنا ، وبكى لما أصابنا من أعدائنا حشره الله معنا في زمرتنا ، يا دعبل ، من بكى على مصاب جدّي الحسين غفر الله له ذنوبه البتة ، ثم إنه ( عليه السلام ) نهض وضرب ستراً بيننا وبين حرمه ، وأجلس أهل بيته من وراء الستر ليبكوا على مصاب جدِّهم الحسين ( عليه السلام ) ، ثم التفت إليَّ وقال لي : يا دعبل ، ارثِ الحسين فأنت ناصرنا ومادحنا ما دمت حياً ، فلا تقصِّر عن نصرنا ما استطعت ، قال دعبل : فاستعبرت وسالت عبرتي وأنشأت أقول...

al-Saduq in his Amali

Imam al-Rida said: "whoever remembers our tragedy and cries over what happened to us will be with on the day of resurrection. Whoever is reminded of our tragedy and cried and caused others to cry, his eyes will not shed tears pn the days all eyes will shed tears. Whoever sits in a gathering that commemorates our matter, his heart will not die on the day all hears will day."

قال الرضا (ع) : من تذكر مصابنا وبكى لما أُرتكب منّا ، كان معنا في درجتنا يوم القيامة ، ومن ذُكّر بمصابنا فبكى وأبكى لم تبك عينُه يوم تبكي العيون ، ومن جلس مجلساً يحُيى فيه أمرُنا ، لم يمت قلبه يوم تموت القلوب.ص278

Sheikh al-Suduq recorded the following narration in E'elal al-Sharaei'i:

Al-Hassan bin Fadhal said: Abul-Hassan Ali bin Musa al-Ridda said: 'Whoever abandoned seeking to fulfill his needs on the day of Ashura, will have all his needs fulfilled by Allah in this life and the hereafter, and whoever considered the day of Ashura as a day of sadness and mourned and wept, Allah (swt) shall grant him happiness in the heavens via us'.

من ترك السعي في حوائجه يوم عاشوراء قضى الله له حوائج الدنيا والاخرة، ومن كان يوم عاشوراء يوم مصيبته وحزنه وبكائه جعل الله عزّ وجلّ يوم القيامة يوم فرحه وسروره وقرّت بنا في الجنان عينه...»

Shaykh Saduq records in another book Al-Amali
Ibrahim bin Abi Mahmood said: al-Reddah said:

'The people of Jahiliyah used to prohibit war during the month of Muharam but our blood was shed during it and our children and women were made captives and our tents were burned, our possessions were stolen and they didn’t respect the holiness of Allah's messenger, the day of Hussain shed our tears and humiliated our noble ones on the land of Karbala and would pass on sadness to us until the day of resurrection. On someone as Hussain the weepers shall weep, weeping shall erase the sins'.

Then he said: 'My father never used to smile when the month of Muharam would arrive and sadness was visible on his face until the tenth day of Muharram. When the tenth day used to come, it was the day of his ordeal, sadness and weeping and that was the day on which Hussain was killed'.

قال الرضا : إن المحرّم شهر كان أهل الجاهلية يحرّمون فيه القتال فاستُحلت فيه دماؤنا ، وهتُكت فيه حرمتنا ، وسُبي فيه ذرارينا ونساؤنا ، وأُضرمت النيران في مضاربنا ، واُنتهب ما فيها من ثقلنا ، ولم تُرع لرسول الله حرمة في أمرنا. إن يوم الحسين أقرح جفوننا ، وأسبل دموعنا ، وأذلّ عزيزنا بأرض كربٍ وبلاء ، أورثتنا الكرب والبلاء إلى يوم الانقضاء ، فعلى مثل الحسين فليبك الباكون ، فإن البكاء عليه يحطّ الذنوب العظام ، ثم قال (ع) :
كان أبي إذا دخل شهر المحرم ، لا يُرى ضاحكا وكانت الكآبة تغلب عليه حتى يمضي منه عشرة أيام ، فإذا كان يوم العاشر كان ذلك اليوم يوم مصيبته وحزنه وبكائه ويقول :
هو اليوم الذي قُتل فيه الحسين

To be continued...

Shia Islam

Quran and Ahlul-Bayt a.s.
Premium Member
al-Saduq also reported the following narration from Imam al-Ridda:

He said: "O Son of Shabib! If you have to cry over something, then do so over Hussain Ibn Ali for surely, he was slaughtered in the manner in which a ram is slaughtered, and eighteen members of his household were also killed, none on earth are like them (have experienced similar tragedy), the earths and the seven heavens have cried over his killing, 4000 angels descended to support him but found it already dead, they are all by his grave and are all covered in soil till the coming of al-Qa'im and they will be his supporters...
O ibn Shabib, Should you weep for Husain (A.S.) in the measure that tears roll down your cheeks, Allah would forgive all the sins committed by you, whether they be the great sins or the small sins and whether they be meagre or immense.
O ibn Shabib, if you desire to join Allah with no sins, then visit the shrine of al-Hussein
O ibn Shabib, if it you desire to dwell with the prophet in the rooms of Paradise, then curse the killers of al-Hussein.
O ibn Shabib, if it desire to get the reward of the one who was martyred with al-Hussein, so say everytime you remember al-Hussein: 'I wish I were with them, I would have achieved a great achievement'
O ibn Shabib, if it makes you happy (and you desire) to be with us in the elevated ranks of paradise, then be sad in our grief and happy at our happiness.
يا بن شبيب !.. إن كنت باكيا لشيء فابك للحسين بن علي بن أبي طالب (ع) فإنه ذُبح كما يُذبح الكبش ، وقُتل معه من أهل بيته ثمانية عشر رجلا ، ما لهم في الأرض شبيهون ، ولقد بكت السماوات السبع والأرضون لقتله ، ولقد نزل إلى الأرض من الملائكة أربعة آلاف لنصره ، فوجدوه قد قُتل ، فهم عند قبره شعثٌ غبْرٌ إلى أن يقوم القائم ، فيكونون من أنصاره ، وشعارهم :
يا لثارات الحسين .. يا بن شبيب !.. لقد حدثني أبي ، عن أبيه ، عن جده : أنه لما قُتل جدّي الحسين أمطرت السماء دما وترابا أحمر . يا بن شبيب !.. إن بكيتَ على الحسين حتى تصير دموعك على خديك ، غفر الله لك كل ذنب أذنبته صغيرا كان أو كبيرا ، قليلا كان أو كثيرا .. يا بن شبيب !.. إن سرك أن تلقى الله عز وجل ولا ذنب عليك فزر الحسين (ع) .
يا بن شبيب !.. إن سرّك أن تسكن الغرف المبنية في الجنة مع النبي (ص) فالعن قَتَلة الحسين .
يا بن شبيب !.. إن سرّك أن يكون لك من الثواب مثلُ ما لمن استشهد مع الحسين ، فقل متى ما ذكرته : يا ليتني كنت معهم فأفوز فوزا عظيما .
يا بن شبيب !.. إن سرّك أن تكون معنا في الدرجات العلى من الجنان ، فاحزن لحزننا ، وافرح لفرحنا ، وعليك بولايتنا ، فلو أن رجلا تولّى حجراً لحشره الله معه يوم القيامة

In Bihar al-Anwar, Volume 44:

Imam al-Ridda said: "He who deems the day of A'ashura as a day of tragedy, who grieves and weeps, Allah, The Glorious, shall make the Day of Judgment, a day of joy and happiness for him"

In Bihar al-Anwar, Volume 94:

Imam al-Ridda said: "Those who weep should weep over the likes of Husain for surely, weeping over him evaporates one's great sins"
In al-Ghadeer, Volume 2:

Imam Baqir said: "He who remembers us, or in whose presence, we are remembered, and (as a result) shed tears, even though they may be in the measure of the wing of a mosquito, Allah shall construct for him a house in paradise and make these tears a barrier between him and the fire"

In Tafseer al-Qummi:

Imam al-Sadiq said Fudayl: "Are you sitting and talking?" al-Fudayl responded: "Yes...". The imam said: "I love to be in these gatherings, commemorate our matter O Fudayl. May Allah have mercy on those who commemorate us. O Fudayl, he who remembers us, or in whose presence, we are remembered, and (as a result) shed tears, even though they may be in the measure of the wing of a fly, Allah shall forgive his sins even if they were as big as the foam of the sea.

قال الصادق (ع) لفضيل : تجلسون وتحدثون ؟.. قال : نعم جعلت فداك!.. قال : إن تلك المجالس أحبّها فأحيوا أمرنا يا فضيل ، فرحم الله من أحيى أمرنا . يا فضيل !.. من ذَكَرنا أو ذُكِرنا عنده فخرج من عينه مثلُ جناح الذباب ، غفر الله له ذنوبه ولو كانت أكثر من زبد البحر

In Rijal al-Shaikh al-Tusi:
Imam Jafar Sadiq said: "There is none who recites poetry about Husain and weeps and makes others weep by means of it, except that Allah makes Paradise incumbent upon him and forgives his sins".
مامن أحد قال في الحسين شعراً فبكى وأبكى به إلاّ أوجب الله له الجنة، وغفر له

In Amaali by Shaikh al-Mufid:
Imam Sadiq said: "The breath of one who is aggrieved upon the injustice and oppression subjected to us, is tasbeeh (glorification of Allah), and his grief for us, is i'baadat (worship of Allah) and his concealing our secrets, is jihad in the path of Allah." The Imam then added: "This tradition ought to be written in gold".

قال الصادق (ع) : نَفَسُ المهموم لظلمنا تسبيح ، وهمّه لنا عبادة ، وكتمان سّرنا جهادٌ في سبيل الله .. ثم قال : يجب أن يكتب هذا الحديث بالذهب

To be continued...

Shia Islam

Quran and Ahlul-Bayt a.s.
Premium Member
In Bihar al-Anwar, Volume 44:

It is narrated that when the prophet informed his daughter Fatima about the martyrdom of al-Hussein, she cried excessively and said: 'O father, when will this happen?' The prophet responded: 'at a time deprived of me, of you and of Ali', so her crying worsened and said: 'O father, who will cry upon him?' The prophet responded: 'O Fatima, the women of my Ummah will cry over the women of my Ahlul Bayt, and the men of my Ummah will cry over the men of my Ahlul Bayt, and they will renew their mourning generation after generation and every year. On the day of resurrection, you will be the intercessor of these women and I will intercede for these men. Whoever cried over the tragedy of al-Hussein, we will take him by the hand and lead him to Paradise. O Fatima, every eye shall be weeping on the Day of Judgment except the eye which has shed tears over the tragedy of Husain for surely, that eye shall be laughing and shall be given the glad tidings of the bounties and comforts of Paradise"

رُوي أنه لما أخبر النبي (ص) ابنته فاطمة بقْتل ولدها الحسين وما يجري عليه من المحن ، بكت فاطمة بكاء شديدا ، وقالت : يا أبت متى يكون ذلك ؟.. قال : في زمانٍ خالٍ مني ومنك ومن عليّ ، فاشتد بكاؤها وقالت : يا أبت فمن يبكي عليه ؟.. ومن يلتزم بإقامة العزاء له ؟.. فقال النبي : يا فاطمة !.. إن نساء أمتي يبكون على نساء أهل بيتي ، ورجالهم يبكون على رجال أهل بيتي ، ويجدّدون العزاء جيلاً بعد جيل في كل سنة ، فإذا كان القيامة تشفعين أنتِ للنساء وأنا أشفع للرجال ، وكل من بكى منهم على مصاب الحسين أخذنا بيده وأدخلناه الجنة. يا فاطمة !.. كل عين باكية يوم القيامة ، إلا عينٌ بكت على مصاب الحسين ، فإنها ضاحكة مستبشرة بنعيم الجنة

In Mustadrak al-Wasail, Volume 10:

The Holy Prophet said: "On the Day of Judgment, a group would be seen in the most excellent and honourable of states. They would be asked if they were of the Angels or of the Prophets. In reply they would state: 'We are neither Angels nor Prophets but of the indigent ones from the ummah of Muhammad'. They would then be asked: 'How then did you achieve this lofty and honourable status?' They would reply: 'We did not perform very many good deeds nor did we pass all the days in a state of fasting or all the nights in a state of worship but yes, we used to offer our (daily) prayers (regularly) and whenever we used to hear the mention of Muhammad, tears would roll down our cheeks.'"

Abu Naeem al-Asfahani, a Sunni scholar, reported in Hilyat al-Awliya':
From Abu Hamzat al-Thamali from Ja'afar ibn Muhammad: "Ali ibn Hussein was asked about his abundant weeping, so he replied: 'Do not blame me (for my crying). The prophet Ya'aqub lost one of his sons and cried for his loss until his eyes became white. He did not know whether he died. I lost 14 members from my household in one battle. Do you think my sadness over them will leave my heart?"

عن أبي حمزة الثمالي عن جعفر بن محمد قال: سئل علي بن الحسين عن كثرة بكائه: فقال: لا تلوموني فإن يعقوب فقد سبطا من ولده فبكى حتى ابيضت عيناه ولم يعلم أنه مات وقد نظرت إلى أربعة عشرة رجلا من أهل بيتي قتلى في غزاة واحدة أفترون حزنهم يذهب من قلبي?

So, it is clear, that according to the Shia'a sources, and in addition to the prophet himself, the Imams of Ahlul Bayt (Ali ibn Hussein, Muhammad al-Baqir, Ja'afar al-Saddiq, Musa al-Qaddhem, Ali al-Rida, etc) never ceased to cry over martyrdom of al-Hussein, his family and his companions, especially in the month of Muharram. They never stopped to mourn over the tragedy of Karbala' and it was their practice to commemorate this tragedy in the month of Muharram. They even had their followers recite poetry and elegies about the Karbala'. Did they commit any sins for doing so? Did they violate the Sunnah of the prophet?? Do the contemporary scholars and the present scholars know any better than them regarding religious matters??


No doubt crying is allowed in Islam. The prophet shed tears on many occasions. The following are some of the documented occasions: The martyrdom of his uncle Hamza during the battle of Uhud, the martyrdom of Zaid ibn Harith and Ja'afar ibn Abi Talib, the loss of his son Ibrahim, the loss of his uncle Abu Talib and his wife Umna Khadija, upon the revealed martyrdom of his grandson al-Hussein (on several occasions), upon the revealed fate of Imam Ali after him, the martyrdom of his grandfather Abdul Muttalib, the martyrdom of Fatima bint Asad (mother of Imam Ali), and upon his visit to the grave of his mother. Such was the Sunnah of the prophet.
These historical facts invalidate the (false) narrations which claim that weeping on the dead causes his suffering in the grave! According to Imam al-Nawawi in his Sharh of Saheeh Muslim, these narrations, which Aisha categorically rejected, are all from Umar ibn Khattab and his son Abdullah:

قوله -صَلَّى الله عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ-: (إِنَّ الْمَيِّتَ يُعَذَّبُ بِبُكَاءِ أَهلِهِ عَلَيْهِ).
وفي رواية: (بِبَعْضِ بُكَاءِ أَهلِهِ عَلَيْهِ).
وفي رواية: (بِبُكَاءِ الحَيِّ).
وفي رواية: (يُعَذَّبُ فِي قَبْرِهِ بِمَا نِيْحَ عَلَيْهِ).
وفي رواية: (مَنْ يُبْكَ عَلَيْهِ يُعَذَّبُ).
وهذه الرِّوايات من رواية عمر بن الخطَّاب، وابنه عبد الله -رَضِيَ الله عَنْهُمَا- وأنكرت عائشة ونسبتها إلى النِّسيان والاشتباه عليهما، وأنكرت أن يكون النَّبِيُّ -صَلَّى الله عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ- قال ذلك، واحتجَّت بقوله تعالى: {وَلاَ تَزِرُ وَازِرَةٌ وِزْرَ أُخْرَى} [الأنعام: 164] .
قالت: وإنَّما قال النَّبِيُّ -صَلَّى الله عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ- في يهوديَّة أنَّها تعذَّب وهم يبكون عليها يعني: تعذَّب بكفرها، في حال بكاء أهلها، لا بسبب البكاء

As it was detailed in the e-paper titled News of martyrdom, the prophet wept abundantly on the different occasions the angels revealed the fate of his grand-son. Similarly, Imam Ali wept on his way to Siffin when he passed by Karbala' as he remembered the fate of his son al-Hussein. They cried before this tragic event! How can we not cry after?? How do you think the prophet, Imam Ali, Sitna Fatima and his brother al-Hassan would have felt if they were alive at the time of this tragedy? How do you think his sons and grandsons felt everytime Ashura came around??? Do you think this day was a day of festivity and celebration or was it a day of sorrowful and sad commemoration for what happened to the Imam?


Who said reciting elegies about the dead were prohibited in Islam? Did not Sitna Fatima recite an elegy about her father when he passed away?? al-Alusi reported in his book Tafseer Ruh al-Ma'ani that Fatima recited the following elegy about her father, the messenger of Allah:

ومن شعر فاطمة رضي الله تعالى عنها قالته يوم وفاة أبيها عليه الصلاة والسلام:
ماذا على من شم تربة أحمد * أن لا يشم مدى الزمان غواليا
صبت علي مصائب لو أنها * صبت على الأيام صرن لياليا

ibn A'alan al-Siddiqi al-Shafi'i said in Daleel al-Faliheen li-Turuq Riyadd al-Saliheen:

It is narrated that Fatima recited (chanted) the following poem...

وروي أنها أنشدت:
ماذا على من شم تربة أحمد * ألا يشم مدى الزمان غواليا صبت عليَّ مصائب لو أنها * صبت على أيام عدن لياليا

al-Tahhawi in his book al-Hashiya reported that Fatima recited the same poem about her deceased father:

وأنشدت فاطمة الزهراء رضي الله تعالى عنها بعد موت أبيها صلى الله عليه وسلم ماذا على من شم تربة أحمد أن لا يشم مدى الزمان غواليا صبت علي مصائب لو أنها صبت على الأيام عدن لياليا

al-Khateeb al-Sharbini wrote in his book Mughni al-Muhtaj:

al-Mutawwali and others said that reciting elegies on the dead by recalling his days and his virtues was not recommended (makrooh)...although many of the companions and the scholars recited elegies. Fatima recited the following elegy for her deceased father...

قال المتولي وغيره ويكره إرثاء الميت بذكر أيامه وفضائله للنهي عن المراثي والأولى الاستغفار له والأوجه حمل النهي عن ذلك على ما يظهر فيه تبرم أو على فعله مع الاجتماع له أو على الإكثار منه أو على ما يجدد الحزن دون ما عدا ذلك فما زال كثير من الصحابة وغيرهم من العلماء يفعلونه وقد قالت فاطمة بنت النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم فيه ماذا على من شم تربة أحمد * أن لا يشم مدى الزمان غواليا
صبت علي مصائب لو أنها * صبت على الأيام صرن لياليا...

To be continued..

Shia Islam

Quran and Ahlul-Bayt a.s.
Premium Member
al-Dhahabi, however, did not believe that Fatima recited this elegy, as he expressed in Siyaru A'alam al-Nubala':

وَمِمَّا يُنْسَبُ إِلَى فَاطِمَةَ، وَلاَ يَصِحُّ: مَاذَا عَلَى مَنْ شَمَّ تُرْبَةَ أَحْمَدٍ * أَلاَ يَشَمَّ مَدَى الزَّمَانِ غَوَالِيَا صُبَّتْ عَلَيَّ مَصَائِبٌ لَوْ أَنَّهَا * صُبَّتْ عَلَى الأَيَّامِ عُدْنَ لَيَالِيَا

Surely, it is easy to reject something without proof. ibn Hisham recorded in his book al-Sirah al-Nabawiya (vol 1), the elegy of Safiyya bint Abdul Muttalib about her deceased father, while weeping over her loss:

رثاء صفية بنت عبدالمطلب لأبيها
فقالت صفية بنت عبدالمطلب تبكي أباها :
أرقت لصوت نائحة بليل * على رجل بقارعة الصعيدِ
ففاضت عند ذلكم دموعي * على خدي كمنحدر الفريد
على رجل كريم غير وغل * له الفضل المبين على العبيد
على الفياض شيبة ذي المعالي * أبيك الخير وارث كل جود
صدوق في المواطن غير نكس * ولا شخت المقام ولا سنيد
طويل الباع أروع شيظميّ * مطاع في عشيرته حميد
رفيع البيت أبلج ذي فضول * وغيث الناس في الزمن الحرود
كريم الجد ليس بذي وصوم * يروق على المسود والمسود
عظيم الحلم من نفر كرام * خضارمة ملاوثة أسود
فلو خلد امرؤ لقديم مجد ولكن لا سبيل إلى الخلود * لكان مخلدا أخرى الليالي لفضل المجد والحسب التليد

ibn Hisham also recorded in the same volume (1) the elegy of another daughter of Abdul Muttalib, Burra, while weeping over her loss:

رثاء برة بنت عبدالمطلب لأبيها
وقالت برة بنت عبدالمطلب تبكي أباها :
أعيني جودا بدمع دررْ على طيب الخيم والمعتصرْ * على ماجد الجد واري الزناد * جميل المحيا عظيم الخطر
على شيبة الحمد ذي المكرمات * وذي المجد والعز والمفتخر
وذي الحلم والفصل في النائبات * كثير المكارم جم الفجر
له فضل مجد على قومه * منير يلوح كضوء القمر
أتته المنايا فلم تشوه بصرف الليالي وريب القدر

He also recorded the elegy of his other daughters, while weeping over their losses: A'atika, Um Hakeem, Umayma and Arwa. All six daughters had recited sorrowful elegies about their blessed father. He also recorded other elegies:
1. The elegy of Hudhaifa bin Ghanim and Mattrud al-Khuzae'i over the demise of Abdul Muttalib, while weeping
2. The elegy of Ka'ab ibn Malik (while weeping) over U'ubayda ibn al-Harith who died during the battle of Badr
3. The elegy of Ka'ab ibn Malik (while weeping) over the demise of Hamza
4. The elegy of Abdullah ibn Rawwaha (while weeping) over the demise of Hamza
5. The elegy of Hassan ibn Thabit over the the martyrs of Be'ir Mau'una (about 40 to 70 martyrs, year 4 A.H)
6. The elegy of Hassan ibn Thabit (while weeping) over the demise of prophet

To be continued...

Shia Islam

Quran and Ahlul-Bayt a.s.
Premium Member
The following is the elegy recited by Hassan ibn Thabit upon the demise of the prophet:

شعر حسان بن ثابت في رثاء الرسول
وقال حسان بن ثابت يبكي رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ، فيما حدثنا ابن هشام ، عن أبي زيد الأنصاري :
بطيبة رسم للرسول ومعهد * منير وقد تعفو الرسوم وتهمد ولا تمتحى الآيات من دار حرمة * بها منبر الهادي الذي كان يصعد وواضح آثار وباقي معالم * وربع له فيه مصلى ومسجد بها حجرات كان ينزل وسطها * من الله نور يستضاء ويوقد معارف لم تطمس على العهد آيها * أتاها البلى فالآي منها تجدد عرفت بها رسم الرسول وعهده * و قبرا بها واراه في الترب ملحد ظللت بها أبكي الرسول فأسعدت * عيون ومثلاها من الجفن تسعد يذكرن آلاء الرسول وما أرى * لها محصيا نفسي فنفسي تبلد مفجعة قد شفها فقد أحمد * فظلت لآلاء الرسول تعدد وما بلغت من كل أمر عشيره * ولكن لنفسي بعد ما قد توجد أطالت وقوفا تذرف العين جهدها * على طلل القبر الذي فيه أحمد فبوركت يا قبر الرسول وبوركت * بلاد ثوى فيها الرشيد المسدد (6/ 90) وبورك لحد منك ضمن طيبا * عليه بناء من صفيح منضد تهيل عليه الترب أيد وأعين * عليه وقد غارت بذلك أسعد لقد غيبوا حلما وعلما ورحمة * عشية علوه الثرى لا يوسد وراحوا بحزن ليس فيهم نبيهم * وقد وهنت منهم ظهور وأعضد يبكون من تبكي السماوات يومه * ومن قد بكته الأرض فالناس أكمد وهل عدلت يوما رزية هالك * رزية يوم مات فيه محمد تقطع فيه منزل الوحي عنهم * وقد كان ذا نور يغور وينجد يدل على الرحمن من يقتدي به * وينقذ من هول الخزايا ويرشد إمام لهم يهديهم الحق جاهدا * معلم صدق إن يطيعوه يسعدوا عفوا عن الزلات يقبل عذرهم * وإن يحسنوا فالله بالخير أجود وإن ناب أمر لم يقوموا بحمله * فمن عنده تيسير ما يتشدد فبينا هم في نعمة الله بينهم * دليل به نهج الطريقة يقصد عزيز عليه أن يجوروا عن الهدى * حريص على أن يستقيموا ويهتدوا عطوف عليهم لا يثني جناحه * إلى كنف يحنو عليهم ويمهد فبينا هم في ذلك النور إذ غدا * إلى نورهم سهم من الموت مقصد فأصبح محمودا إلى الله راجعا * يبكيه حتى المرسلات ويحمد وأمست بلاد الحرم وحشا بقاعها * لغيبة ما كانت من الوحي تعهد قفارا سوى معمورة اللحد ضافها * فقيد يبكينه بلاط وغرقد ومسجده فالموحشات لفقده * خلاء له فيه مقام ومقعد (6/ 91) وبالجمرة الكبرى له ثم أوحشت * ديار وعرصات وربع ومولد فبكى رسول الله يا عين عبرة * ولا أعرفنك الدهر دمعك يجمد وما لك لا تبكين ذا النعمة التي * على الناس منها سابغ يتغمد فجودي عليه بالدموع وأعولي * لفقد الذي لا مثله الدهر يوجد وما فقد الماضون مثل محمد * و لا مثله حتى القيامة يفقد أعف وأوفى ذمة بعد ذمة * و أقرب منه نائلا لا ينكد وأبذل منه للطريف وتالد * إذ ضن معطاء بما كان يتلد وأكرم صيتا في البيوت إذا انتمى * وأكرم جدا أبطحيا يسود وأمنع ذروات وأثبت في العلا * دعائم عز شاهقات تشيد وأثبت فرعا في الفروع ومنبتا * وعودا غذاه المزن فالعود أغيد رباه وليدا فاستتم تمامه * على أكرم الخيرات رب ممجد تناهت وصاة المسلمين بكفه * فلا العلم محبوس ولا الرأي يفند أقول ولا يلقى لقولي عائب * من الناس إلا عازب العقل مبعد وليس هواي نازعا عن ثنائه * لعلي به في جنة الخلد أخلد مع المصطفى أرجو بذاك جواره * وفي نيل ذاك اليوم أسعى وأجهد وقال حسان بن ثابت أيضا يبكي رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم : ما بال عينك لا تنام كأنما * كحلت ما فيها بكحل الأرمد جزعا على المهدي أصبح ثاويا * يا خير من وطئ الحصى لا تبعد (6/ 92) وجهي يقيك الترب لهفي ليتني * غيبت قبلك في بقيع الغرقد بأبي وأمي من شهدت وفاته * في يوم الاثنين النبي المهتدي فظللت بعد وفاته متبلدا * متلددا يا ليتني لم أولد أأقيم بعدك بالمدينة بينهم * يا ليني صبحت سم الأسود أو حل أمر الله فينا عاجلا * في روحة من يومنا أو من غد فتقوم ساعتنا فنلقي طيبا * محضا ضرائبه كريم المحتد يا بكر آمنة المبارك بكرها * ولدته محصنة بسعد الأسعد نورا أضاء على البرية كلها * من يهد للنور المبارك يهتدي يا رب فاجمعنا معا ونبينا * في جنة تثني عيون الحسد في جنة الفردوس فاكتبها لنا * يا ذا الجلال وذا العلا والسؤدد والله اسمع ما بقيت بهالك * إلا بكيت على النبي محمد يا ويح أنصر النبي ورهطه * بعد المغيب في سواء الملحد ضاقت بالأنصار البلاد فأصبحوا * سودا وجوههم كلون الإثمد ولقد ولدناه وفينا قبره * وفضول نعمته بنا لم نجحد والله أكرمنا به وهدى به * أنصاره في كل ساعة مشهد صلى الإله ومن يحف بعرشه * والطيبون على المبارك أحمد قال ابن إسحاق : وقال حسان بن ثابت يبكي رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم (6/ 93) : نب المساكين أن الخبر فارقهم * مع النبي تولي عنهم سحرا من ذا الذي عنده رحلي وراحلتي * ورزق أهلي إذا لم يؤنسوا المطرا أم من نعاتب لا نخشى جنادعه * إذ اللسان عتا في القول أو عثرا كان الضياء وكان النور نتبعه * بعد الإله وكان السمع والبصرا فليتنا يوم واروه بملحده * وغيبوه وألقوا فوقه المدرا لم يترك الله منا بعده أحدا * ولم يعش بعده أنثى ولا ذكرا ذلت رقاب بني النجار كلهم * وكان أمرا من أمر الله قد قدرا واقتسم الفيء دون الناس كلهم * وبددوه جهارا بينهم هدرا وقال حسان بن ثابت يبكي رسول الله صلى الله عليه سلم أيضا : آليت ما في جميع الناس مجتهدا * مني إليه بر غير إفناد تالله ما حملت أنثى ولا وضعت * مثل الرسول نبي الأمة الهادي ولا برا الله خلقا من بريته * أوفى بذمة جار أو بميعاد من الذي كان فينا يستضاء به * مبارك الأمر ذا عدل وإرشاد أمسى نساؤك عطلن البيوت فما * يضربن فوق قفا ستر بأوتاد مثل الرواهب يلبسن المباذل قد * أيقن بالبؤس بعد النعمة البادي يا أفضل الناس إني كنت في نهر * أصبحت منه كمثل المفرد الصادي

ibn Katheer recorded the same elegy in al-Bidaya wal-Nihaya under the section poetry of Hassan ibn Thabit over the demise of the messenger of Allah. He recorded:

ibn Ishaq and others have recorded the poetry of Hassan ibn Thabit about the demise of the messenger of Allah and the best and greatest of these is the one narrated by Abdul Malik ibn Hisham from Abi Zayd al-Ansari which Hassan ibn Thabit recited while weeping the following...

وقد ذكر ابن إسحاق وغيره قصائد لحسان بن ثابت رضي الله عنه في وفاة رسول الله صلَّى الله عليه وسلَّم ومن أجلِّ ذلك وأفصحه وأعظمه ما رواه عبد الملك بن هشام رحمه الله عن أبي زيد الأنصاري أن حسان بن ثابت رضي الله عنه قال يبكي رسول الله صلَّى الله عليه وسلَّم

Hassan ibn Thabit also has an elegy about the Ja'afar ibn Abi Talib. As you can see, reciting elegies about the dead was a common practice during the lifetime of the prophet. The companions practiced it, and so did the Imams of Ahlul Bayt. How can someone deny this fact?? Why do you complain when people recite elegies about Imam al-Hussein??


It is also permitted to make Sadaqa on behalf of the dead. For instance, al-Bukhari recorded the following narration (Book of Funerals, Volume 2, Book 23, Number 470):

Narrated Aisha: A man said to the Prophet (p.b.u.h), "My mother died suddenly and I thought that if she had lived she would have given alms. So, if I give alms now on her behalf, will she get the reward?" The Prophet replied in the affirmative.

حدثنا سعيد بن أبي مريم: حدثنا محمد بن جعفر قال: أخبرني هشام، عن أبيه، عن عائشة رضي الله عنها: أن رجلا قال للنبي صلى الله عليه وسلم: إن أمي افتلتت نفسها، وأظنها لو تكلمت تصدقت، فهل لها أجر إن تصدقت عنها؟ قال (نعم).

Muslim recorded the same narration in his Sahih under the section reward of Sadaqat on behalf of the dead. al-Bukhari recorded another narration from ibn Abbas (Book of Wills and Testaments, Volume 4, Book 51, Number 19):
Narrated Ibn 'Abbas: The mother of Sa'ad bin 'Ubada died in his absence. He said, "O Allah's Apostle! My mother died in my absence; will it be of any benefit for her if I give Sadaqa on her behalf?" The Prophet said, "Yes," Sa'ad said, "I make you a witness that I gave my garden called Al Makhraf in charity on her behalf."

عن عبد اللَّه بن عباس رضي اللَّه عنهما أن رجلاً أتى النبي صلى اللَّه عليه وسلم، فقال: يا رسول اللَّه إِن أمي توفيت وأنا غائب عنها فهل ينفعها إِن تصدقت عنها؟ قال "نعم" قال: فإِني أشهدك أن حائطي المخراف صدقة عنها.

Clearly, if prophet Ya'aqub cried unceasingly over the loss of his son Yussef to the point he lost his eyesight, there is no reason why every Muslim, and specifically, the followers of Ahlul Bayt, should mourn not on the loss of Imam Hussein generation after generation, year after year. If the prophet cried abundantly upon the revealed fate of his grand-son, there is no reason we should not do the same over and over. If the progeny of Imam Hussein did the same, there is no reason why we should not follow suit.
I wish I were with you, O Imam, I would have achieved a great achievement.



Well-Known Member
I find it very unfortunate to discuss this question
Did you just have a discussing with yourself? Or did you just try to defend a position without really discussing something?
When I lived in London(Tooting), the local (Shia) Mosque held this celebration every year. Our street was closed off, and there was a procession led by someone on a beautiful white horse. The chant was "Live like Ali, die like Hussein".

Most of us locals really enjoyed it.


Active Member
i really can digest and understand to commemorate his martyrdom every year although that i don't agree with that, but i can't digest such actions in the below videos, i can't understand all of that, i wonder will shedding your blood will return Imam Hussien alive again, i don't think so, so can you tell me why some Shai do that ? is that actions approved by all shia?
Ashura in Bahrain, Jan 2009 trip - YouTube
talwar zanjeerzani & sword matam 10th muharram ashura in mumbai india december 2010 - YouTube
really i don't mean to debate Just wondering too much and willing find an answer

Shia Islam

Quran and Ahlul-Bayt a.s.
Premium Member
i really can digest and understand to commemorate his martyrdom every year although that i don't agree with that, but i can't digest such actions in the below videos, i can't understand all of that, i wonder will shedding your blood will return Imam Hussien alive again, i don't think so, so can you tell me why some Shai do that ? is that actions approved by all shia?
Ashura in Bahrain, Jan 2009 trip - YouTube
talwar zanjeerzani & sword matam 10th muharram ashura in mumbai india december 2010 - YouTube
really i don't mean to debate Just wondering too much and willing find an answer

Before replying to your post, I must emphasize the point that the anti-shia (mainly Wahhabis) have fabricated many videos to attack Shia Islam.

Then as of the first video you post, it is authentic, from Bahrain...
I have witnessed the Tatbir procession in Bahrain for many years...

According to some reports Tatbir started when a tribe (called Bani Assad) marched to Karbala to support Imam Hussain S.

They reached the battle ground just after Imam Hussain S. was killed...
They (or some of them) started to bleed themselves with the swords...and it continues since then.

Regardless of the authenticity of this report, scholars have discussed the impressibility of Tatbir, from different angles:

1. is it allowed for someone to injure himself.
2. are there limits to injuring oneself, if it is allowed.
3. Do culture have place in Islam.

All in all, this is a minor matter, and the enemies of Islam are using it to distract attention from the fact that the killing of the grandson of the prophet SAW and his family calls every Muslim to re-read the history of Islam.


Active Member
Before replying to your post, I must emphasize the point that the anti-shia (mainly Wahhabis) have fabricated many videos to attack Shia Islam.

Then as of the first video you post, it is authentic, from Bahrain...
I have witnessed the Tatbir procession in Bahrain for many years...

According to some reports Tatbir started when a tribe (called Bani Assad) marched to Karbala to support Imam Hussain S.

They reached the battle ground just after Imam Hussain S. was killed...
They (or some of them) started to bleed themselves with the swords...and it continues since then.

Regardless of the authenticity of this report, scholars have discussed the impressibility of Tatbir, from different angles:

1. is it allowed for someone to injure himself.
2. are there limits to injuring oneself, if it is allowed.
3. Do culture have place in Islam.

All in all, this is a minor matter, and the enemies of Islam are using it to distract attention from the fact that the killing of the grandson of the prophet SAW and his family calls every Muslim to re-read the history of Islam.

thanks for your honesty, what i figured out from your words, that no problem to do such festivals according to Shia doctrine

i'll not go into arguement about the day of Karbelaa, i really don't understand why we are divided for some accidents that we were not involved into it, for sure Imam Hussien RAA is in paradise as the prophet said and for sure his murderers will be in Hell too whoever they are from Sunni or Shia according to each sect history, why we are spending all of that efforts, attentions and debates for that accidents which we are Innocents of it? why current Shia shedding their blood for something they have no hand in it, didn't Allah say "That no bearer of burdens will bear the burden of another, And that there is not for man except that [good] for which he strives, And that his effort is going to be seen, Then he will be recompensed for it with the fullest recompense"

murdering of imam Hussien isn't the fault of anyone of the current live people, sunni, wahhabi or shia why all of that for something we really don't sin in it, why still some Shia wills to take the revenge from the current sunni even if we agree that old sunni who are the murderers of Imam Hussien ?
i'm not offending you, i'm just wondering from all of that stuff
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Shia Islam

Quran and Ahlul-Bayt a.s.
Premium Member
thanks for your honesty, what i figured out from your words, that no problem to do such festivals according to Shia doctrine

Scholars issued Fatwas considering these practices (in the videos you posted) to be Haram (not permissible).

for sure Imam Hussien RAA is in paradise as the prophet said

So you must agree that his revolution was for saving Islam...

and for sure his murderers will be in Hell too whoever they are from Sunni or Shia according to each sect history

The Ummayds who were leading the polytheists just before the death of the prophet SAWA made a coalition with the hypocrites...they created a distorted form of Islam that is alive up until today...

See how are you affected by them and their followers in our current day; that instead of blaming Yazid and his army for killing Hussein (s), which is an undeniable fact, you are repeating the Wahhabi fables which accuse the Shiites of killing their own Imam, and claiming that currently they are weeping for his killing out of feel of guilt!

why we are spending all of that efforts, attentions and debates for that accidents which we are Innocents of it?

According to Islam (and it is pointed to in the Quran) whoever is satisfied with the killing of Hussain (s) is part of his killers, and there are some people who are satisfied with his killing...Hussain (s) has his followers and Yazid has his followers in our own day and time


Active Member
Scholars issued Fatwas considering these practices (in the videos you posted) to be Haram (not permissible).

good of those scholars, a step forward
So you must agree that his revolution was for saving Islam...

why Must? i love Alim, Hassan, Hussien, Muawya and Yazid and i see all of them were careful for the beneficiary of Islam, but it's Ijtihad, they have different Ijtihad than others, may Allah collect all of us with them and the prophet in the heaven

The Ummayds who were leading the polytheists just before the death of the prophet SAWA made a coalition with the hypocrites...they created a distorted form of Islam that is alive up until today...

this is what makes me escaped from Shiet doctorine, all of The Ummayds are infidels and Hypocrites although you were not with them, the prophet had commended them and you say they are hypocrites, Uthman ibn afan was Ummayd and the prophet let two of his daughters marrying him and you still insulting him, do you see that's logical?
See how are you affected by them and their followers in our current day; that instead of blaming Yazid and his army for killing Hussein (s), which is an undeniable fact, you are repeating the Wahhabi fables which accuse the Shiites of killing their own Imam, and claiming that currently they are weeping for his killing out of feel of guilt!
i believe they serve islam, Muslims from Algeria till Mauritania are in debt for Yazid,
i think Wahhabis don't say that it's you who killed him, they said that the ruler of Kaufa who killed him and didn't accept to let him meet Yazid in Damascus, but you Shieet didn't support him, you escaped once the battle started and let him and his family being slaughtered alone and then you are crying :shrug:

According to Islam (and it is pointed to in the Quran) whoever is satisfied with the killing of Hussain (s) is part of his killers, and there are some people who are satisfied with his killing...Hussain (s) has his followers and Yazid has his followers in our own day and time

what i know that Yazid wasn't satisfied nor any Sunni Muslim including wahhabis are, and Yazid cried when he saw the head of Imam Hussein :( ,and he treated his son "ali" very well and also Ali was respecting Yazid, if he's the murderer of his father, probably he won't be respecting him
and so you are supporting the idea that Shieete should take the revenge from all the Sunni who believe in that story, OK let's keep the umma more and more killing each other what a wisdom !


Do you 'know' or believe?
I know this is blue and so I shall frame this as a question in good faith (so to speak) I hope it will be considered as such.

Do you believe there is any substantive difference between this and the celebration of Easter for example? or days set aside for the purposes of recognizing those that have fallen in certain wars?

What is the focus of the celebration - to remember the person and their loved ones, to focus on the death, the martyrdom itself, the spirit of struggle against a cause considered unjust or the consequences of the death? What is the central issue for which the celebration occurs and does this level of focus, of positive contemplation and promotion amount to idolisation which might be considered theological suspect let alone potentially a contributor towards behaviours that are not desirable.
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Scholars issued Fatwas considering these practices (in the videos you posted) to be Haram (not permissible).

So you must agree that his revolution was for saving Islam...

The Ummayds who were leading the polytheists just before the death of the prophet SAWA made a coalition with the hypocrites...they created a distorted form of Islam that is alive up until today...

See how are you affected by them and their followers in our current day; that instead of blaming Yazid and his army for killing Hussein (s), which is an undeniable fact, you are repeating the Wahhabi fables which accuse the Shiites of killing their own Imam, and claiming that currently they are weeping for his killing out of feel of guilt!

According to Islam (and it is pointed to in the Quran) whoever is satisfied with the killing of Hussain (s) is part of his killers, and there are some people who are satisfied with his killing...Hussain (s) has his followers and Yazid has his followers in our own day and time

Can you please reference the ayah that quotes your above claim about people who are satisfied about Imam Hussain's being killed claims? and please stop making imbecile untrue accusations on other muslims, it seems warped, narrow and intolerant to accuse other muslims.

All believing muslims commemorate and hold utmost respect for the undeniable Honorable Imams, what we dont understand is how shiaas feel that the Hypocrites have MORE power to steer history towards them other than Allaah swt,cause bloodshed of the Imam and his family, WHEN Allaah swt had already written it for them, shahdah being the biggest wish and honor of the noble momin, why cry over it when it is one of the most key lessons to learn from, politically? They blame the hypocrites for his shahadah, solely, narrating painful memories again and again, without deriving the true meaning of the sacrifice, the message that sacrifice was meant for, and how solidarity should be shown towards uniting the ummah...

It seems like a blatant misguided mistrust in the biggest Planner of all, Allaah swt, when people think that the Imam could've been saved ,when Allaah swt had written his destiny. It is the biggest hidden shirk to NOT believe in the WISDOM of the Allaah swt , that Allaah chose shadah for them, shias almost make shahdah look like a weakness/zulm while it is the main message of strength to all the muslims to differentiate hypocrisy and stay far away from deception of shaitan.

It is the same sectarian violence and hate propaganda, bouts of which are injected heavily into the shia mind AGAINST all other sects, an example of which was practised in pakistan this Muharram 2013, when the shias jaloos proceedings did not let the jumah proceed at a masjid on time, kept on singing loud sermons and nasheeds at Juma time, and when the masjid people requested them to calm down a bit, they got aggravated, used their spears to injure and kill people of the masjid (sunnis ) killed quite a few of them, including teenage studnts, cut the heads off of children at the madrassah, stuck them on their spears and threw their body parts away shouting "yazeedi yazeedi". The matter was instantly controlled by the armed forces , kurfew was imposed all over the cities, media was shunned from reporting it, as it would've incited one of the bloodiest shia sunni civil war in the region. All in the name of Imam Hussain? How hypocritic!

This is the brutality and hatred that is being taught to the shia mind, to HATE everybody else because they are all labelled "yazeedi" by THEM. Everyone is a yazeedi to them, so they will not hesitate to cut you off at any given chance. They would miss their Jummah prayer, know more nasheeds than they ever know the Quranic surahs, and beat their chests loud with hate induced against all muslims. was that really the message of karbala?

Shia Islam

Quran and Ahlul-Bayt a.s.
Premium Member
Can you please reference the ayah that quotes your above claim about people who are satisfied about Imam Hussain's being killed claims? and please stop making imbecile untrue accusations on other muslims, it seems warped, narrow and intolerant to accuse other muslims.

All believing muslims commemorate and hold utmost respect for the undeniable Honorable Imams, what we dont understand is how shiaas feel that the Hypocrites have MORE power to steer history towards them other than Allaah swt,cause bloodshed of the Imam and his family, WHEN Allaah swt had already written it for them, shahdah being the biggest wish and honor of the noble momin, why cry over it when it is one of the most key lessons to learn from, politically? They blame the hypocrites for his shahadah, solely, narrating painful memories again and again, without deriving the true meaning of the sacrifice, the message that sacrifice was meant for, and how solidarity should be shown towards uniting the ummah...

It seems like a blatant misguided mistrust in the biggest Planner of all, Allaah swt, when people think that the Imam could've been saved ,when Allaah swt had written his destiny. It is the biggest hidden shirk to NOT believe in the WISDOM of the Allaah swt , that Allaah chose shadah for them, shias almost make shahdah look like a weakness/zulm while it is the main message of strength to all the muslims to differentiate hypocrisy and stay far away from deception of shaitan.

It is the same sectarian violence and hate propaganda, bouts of which are injected heavily into the shia mind AGAINST all other sects, an example of which was practised in pakistan this Muharram 2013, when the shias jaloos proceedings did not let the jumah proceed at a masjid on time, kept on singing loud sermons and nasheeds at Juma time, and when the masjid people requested them to calm down a bit, they got aggravated, used their spears to injure and kill people of the masjid (sunnis ) killed quite a few of them, including teenage studnts, cut the heads off of children at the madrassah, stuck them on their spears and threw their body parts away shouting "yazeedi yazeedi". The matter was instantly controlled by the armed forces , kurfew was imposed all over the cities, media was shunned from reporting it, as it would've incited one of the bloodiest shia sunni civil war in the region. All in the name of Imam Hussain? How hypocritic!

This is the brutality and hatred that is being taught to the shia mind, to HATE everybody else because they are all labelled "yazeedi" by THEM. Everyone is a yazeedi to them, so they will not hesitate to cut you off at any given chance. They would miss their Jummah prayer, know more nasheeds than they ever know the Quranic surahs, and beat their chests loud with hate induced against all muslims. was that really the message of karbala?

يَومَئِذٍ يَوَدُّ الَّذينَ كَفَروا وَعَصَوُا الرَّسولَ لَو تُسَوّىٰ بِهِمُ الأَرضُ وَلا يَكتُمونَ اللَّهَ حَديثًا
On that day those who reject Faith and disobey the messenger will wish that the earth Were made one with them But never will they hide a single fact from Allah!