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**Muslims Only**Dear Muslims, I have a question.


Active Member
"Deny" it almost sounds like a crime whenever someone says he rejects Bukhari. Well there is several Hadeeth which portray the prophet in a rather negative light and seem contradictory to the Qur'an. Sahih in our opinion is merely the Quran.

BTW I do NOT WISH to debate this on here, it's the wrong place and thread imho.

Woodrow LI

IB Ambassador
This is something I am also curious about because women can be very lustful, and a handsome face will also take up our thoughts and influence our behaviour.

To Muslim members, is the difference only because it is generally men who are strong and rape women but even if the woman is lustful, she has no power to overcome the man?

Us men are also required to cover. But, instead of the Niqaab we have to wear a full beard and to a large extent keep our heads covered.

Have you ever noticed how the men in Saudi or Yemen usually dress? Not much different from the degree of covering a woman wears except for the Beard instead of a niqaab


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Us men are also required to cover. But, instead of the Niqaab we have to wear a full beard and to a large extent keep our heads covered.

Have you ever noticed how the men in Saudi or Yemen usually dress? Not much different from the degree of covering a woman wears except for the Beard instead of a niqaab

Haha, not THAT'S funny. My dear friend, there is no comparing a beard to a burqa/hijab. The men in Saudi wear white, why don't the women? I'm genuinely curious, because white would certainly be cooler in the scalding desert heat.

I wonder if men are stared, scowled at and/or punished if they don't keep that beard. :shrug:
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** Mod Post **

Please remember that this is a DIR, and even amongst the same faith, this is a debate-free zone. If you wish to start another thread to debate Shia/Sunni differences, Qu'ranist/Sunni differences...please do so in the Same Debates Forum. Thank youl

Woodrow LI

IB Ambassador
Haha, not THAT'S funny. My dear friend, there is no comparing a beard to a burqa/hijab. The men in Saudi wear white, why don't the women? I'm genuinely curious, because white would certainly be cooler in the scalding desert heat.

I wonder if men are stared, scowled at and/or punished if they don't keep that beard. :shrug:

Here we will run into a difference of opinion. But, there is nothing wrong with sincere debate without malice, good often comes from them.

At the moment you are going to make an old man think. Please forgive my slowness. I am quite certain it is from Bukhari, (another disagreement :D )

I will have to hunt down where I found it from. Have Sabr, I'll be back in a few hours or so. I know I read it in the Fiqh-ul-Sunnah but the important issue will be to find reference in the Qur'an and/or Ahadith. We may disagree over the Ahadith, but at least we will understand why we differ in opinion.
"Deny" it almost sounds like a crime whenever someone says he rejects Bukhari. Well there is several Hadeeth which portray the prophet in a rather negative light and seem contradictory to the Qur'an. Sahih in our opinion is merely the Quran.

BTW I do NOT WISH to debate this on here, it's the wrong place and thread imho.

so shall I open a new thread so we may discuss this?

"several Hadeeth which portray the prophet in a rather negative light and seem contradictory to the Qur'an"

can you lay it out? by making a new thread?


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so shall I open a new thread so we may discuss this?

"several Hadeeth which portray the prophet in a rather negative light and seem contradictory to the Qur'an"

can you lay it out? by making a new thread?

Yes, open a new thread in "same faith debates" and you can debate there. :)
Haha, not THAT'S funny. My dear friend, there is no comparing a beard to a burqa/hijab. The men in Saudi wear white, why don't the women? I'm genuinely curious, because white would certainly be cooler in the scalding desert heat.

I wonder if men are stared, scowled at and/or punished if they don't keep that beard. :shrug:

"I wonder if men are stared, scowled at and/or punished if they don't keep that beard. "

If you go to 'umrah, ask where does shaykh makki sits to give lecture, you will see how much he makes fun of people who dont have a beard, and he clearly says that the person who shaves his beard is commiting a major sins and because a fasiq

And that shaykh is the senior shaykh of masjid al Haram, a great shaykh and well known.

remember, you are bringing out the comments of those people who live in this time, you need to look at the example of the prophet (saw).

This is not about your choice, if quran and hadith comes, your choice is not needed.

Due to niqab, this is just a "scholary opinion" that due to this time of fitnah, where zina and rape is common, women should wear niqab.

And some scholars are against this. Both ways are correct, and its your choice to accept or not.

But to wear Hijab is a must, as not to wear is a major sin.


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"I wonder if men are stared, scowled at and/or punished if they don't keep that beard. "

If you go to 'umrah, ask where does shaykh makki sits to give lecture, you will see how much he makes fun of people who dont have a beard, and he clearly says that the person who shaves his beard is commiting a major sins and because a fasiq

And that shaykh is the senior shaykh of masjid al Haram, a great shaykh and well known.

remember, you are bringing out the comments of those people who live in this time, you need to look at the example of the prophet (saw).

This is not about your choice, if quran and hadith comes, your choice is not needed.

Due to niqab, this is just a "scholary opinion" that due to this time of fitnah, where zina and rape is common, women should wear niqab.

And some scholars are against this. Both ways are correct, and its your choice to accept or not.

But to wear Hijab is a must, as not to wear is a major sin.

Well, I disagree with you, but again, this in not a debate section. I'll leave it at that.
Well, I disagree with you, but again, this in not a debate section. I'll leave it at that.

could you please PM me instead and tell me in which areas do you disagree?

also may I ask are you a person who follows the mainstream of islam which is ahlus sunnah wal jama'a?

one more thing, I will be opening in this section sunni and shia, as I dont wish for outsiders (other religion) to get in.


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could you please PM me instead and tell me in which areas do you disagree?

also may I ask are you a person who follows the mainstream of islam which is ahlus sunnah wal jama'a?

one more thing, I will be opening in this section sunni and shia, as I dont wish for outsiders (other religion) to get in.

I am a Muslim. :)

Woodrow LI

IB Ambassador
Here we will run into a difference of opinion. But, there is nothing wrong with sincere debate without malice, good often comes from them.

At the moment you are going to make an old man think. Please forgive my slowness. I am quite certain it is from Bukhari, (another disagreement :D )

I will have to hunt down where I found it from. Have Sabr, I'll be back in a few hours or so. I know I read it in the Fiqh-ul-Sunnah but the important issue will be to find reference in the Qur'an and/or Ahadith. We may disagree over the Ahadith, but at least we will understand why we differ in opinion.

I took the easy way out and used Sheik Google. My memory wasn't far off it is from the Ahadith'

[SIZE=+1]All the great scholars of Islam unanimously agree on this issue that to grow a beard no less than the length of a fist is compulsory upon all Muslim men as it is a distinctive sign of Islam, and it is haram (forbidden) for a mature stable Muslim to shave his beard.[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]This verdict was reached on the grounds that there are numerous ahaadith where the Holy Prophet sallallahu alaihe wasallam is explicitly commanding the Muslims to grow a beard. In this respect a few ahaadith from Bukhari and Muslim are quoted below.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]Translation: Ibn Umar radiyallahu anhu quotes the Holy Prophet sallallahu alaihe wasallam as saying, "Cut short the moustache and lengthen the beard."[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1](Bukhari and Muslim)[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=+1]Translation: Abu Huraira radiyallahu anhu quotes the Holy Prophet sallallahu alaihe wasallam as saying, "Shorten the moustache and lengthen the beard."[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1] Translation: Ibn Umar radiyallahu anhu quotes the Holy Prophet sallallahu alaihe wasallam as saying, "Grow (lengthen) the beard."[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]Translation: Yahya ibn Kathir says that, once a person from Ajam (external province) who had grown a moustache and shaved off the beard entered the mosque. The Holy Prophet sallallahu alaihe wasallam asked him, "What motivated you to do this act? He replied that his Lord had ordered him to do so. The Holy Prophet sallallahu alaihe wasallam said, "Allah has ordered me to shorten my moustache and lengthen my beard." Besides these ahaadith, there are other ahaadith which support the necessity of growing the beard. Therefore, to shave, or trim one’s beard less than the length of a fist is haram (forbidden) and anyone contradicting this ruling will be committing a major sin and regarded as a fasiq (immoral person).[/SIZE]



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**Mod Post**

This thread has been moved to Same Faith Debates

**Please note that Same Faith Debates means that ONLY THOSE WHO IDENTIFY WITH THE RELIGION BEING DISCUSSED can participate in the debate. Thank you.


Veteran Member
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If you go to 'umrah, ask where does shaykh makki sits to give lecture, you will see how much he makes fun of people who dont have a beard, and he clearly says that the person who shaves his beard is commiting a major sins and because a fasiq

And that shaykh is the senior shaykh of masjid al Haram, a great shaykh and well known.

I hope that's not true. There are just too many things wrong with this.

islam abduallah

Active Member
Good luck with that. Niqab is not required, brother. The Qur'an barely mentions hijab, let alone niqab. Why are you trying to prove what's not there?


my dear is the quran the only source of Islamic law? what about hadith, have we to ignore it?

islam abduallah

Active Member
Lets wait for his evidence :D I'm very curious, I wonder if he's going to post the ayaatein of Surah an-Noor with the inserted explanation of scholars in brackets "(draw veil around their face)" :p

O I would like to add, I'm a Shia Muslim, so if you bring me any of the Bukhari Hadeeth which are considered "sahih" I won't accept them anyways.

ooooooooooops ! you are belonging to shia, i think we have something more important that Niqab to be discussed