Sunni muslim
fix body , the sexual organs. (not mental).
-Imam said it's forbiden to transform man to woman or opposite,but if it's about fix organs that ok, so he let it to doctor.
-Doctor said he could make the operation, but and after try to fix the hormons and psychologic treatement for 2 years ,then take the permission of console of Egyptian doctors and Al-Azhar Imam to make the operation to him.
Thanks again.
The girl already changed to be a man by taking hormones, she already look like it.
If the doctor accepted to change her female organs to male organs then it's a transgender operation. So does that means the Egyptian doctor disagree with the tunisian Imam ?
Psychologic treatement what does than mean ? The girl already changed to be a man because she believes she has the wrong body and is a man in reality. I don't understand at all what they think they can do during 2 years.
What is the opinion of Al Azhar ? Sorry for all those questions but i don't understand what is allowed or not...