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My approach to religion


I have an interesting approach to religion that I would like to share with you guys. In this post, I will cover both sides of religion and try and keep an open mind: The answer lies in the creation of the universe.

The major principal of religion: We were created by God (except in Buddhism and Taoism)

Most religious people believe that there is a god (or several in some cases). The only logical argument I get from any religious person to prove God's existence is that: nothing can come from nothing. They conclude therefore that the earth was created by God, and that we are simply his creation. Most Christians however, never ask themselves the question of the origins of god. Using their logic, God must have an origin too, therefore it is invalid. They often use as another claim that we cannot imagine back infinity years. Using the exact same thought process we could assume that the universe was created infinity years ago and that they can't imagine it's creation.

The only solution that I can find to this issue is through dimensions. Our minds are simply limited to knowing the number we today call: infinity.
The only way we will discover this number is by traveling through dimensions until we finally have a sense of it. Until then, our human minds cannot imagine something existing forever.

Therefore, none of us are correct in terms of our creation; we are both wrong! Nothing does come out of nothing, but nothing can exist forever either. We only have this conclusion because our minds have a mental barrier: There is absolutely nothing that can abide by both of these principals!

Sadly, religion does prove some valid points- To me, religion is something that was intended for people to live a 'morally' satisfying life; it was a way to keep everybody happy. I do believe that the laws of religion are fine to abide by, because living in a world without rules would provoke crime and terror with the corrupt. The only reason people took up religion is because they believed that there was some sort of 'reward' at the end. (i.e: Heaven)

In conclusion, atheists and deists are both wrong because our origin is something that we will never know in our lifetime; and there is no answer to life.
Despite this, let's try and live happy lives for us and those around us. Those who fight over gods are foolish, and will never die happy. Stop the argument, stop the wars and accept the fact that we will never know our destiny..

It's really as simple as that.
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Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
IThe only logical argument I get from any religious person to prove God's existence is that: nothing can come from nothing. They conclude therefore that the earth was created by God, and that we are simply his creation. Most Christians however, never ask themselves the question of the origins of god. Using their logic, God must have an origin too, therefore it is invalid.
Wrong. Try again. :yes:


I have an interesting approach to religion that I would like to share with you guys. In this post, I will cover both sides of religion and try and keep an open mind: The answer lies in the creation of the universe.

The major principal of religion: We were created by God


I just did. Do you not see the contradiction? Buddhism and Taoism both state man did not come from a God. You are wrong.

Oh, that one sentence was not entirely correct.
I'll correct that. Now, disprove my theory- Not one sentence.

I would however claim that since people worship Buddha that he can be considered as some form of God.


Premium Member
Addressing the OP: Not all Christians believe that God had a beginning, in fact I don't recall anyone ever saying that God had a beginning. I don't see my faith as living a morally satisfying life or as expecting some kind of reward. For me and a lot of others, we see it as a way to reconcile to God or a way to get in touch with our spiritual side.

Anyway, welcome to the RF. :)


Oh, that one sentence was not entirely correct.
I'll correct that. Now, disprove my theory- Not one sentence.

I would however claim that since people worship Buddha that he can be considered as some form of God.
Also false. Buddha is honored, as one would a teacher. He is not worshiped.

As for your theory, you have presented it. It is your task to prove it, not mine to disprove it.

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
Oh, that one sentence was not entirely correct.
I'll correct that. Now, disprove my theory- Not one sentence.

I would however claim that since people worship Buddha that he can be considered as some form of God.
You're new here. You really should consider quiting while you're behind. :yes:


Addressing the OP: Not all Christians believe that God had a beginning, in fact I don't recall anyone ever saying that God had a beginning. I don't see my faith as living a morally satisfying life or as expecting some kind of reward. For me and a lot of others, we see it as a way to reconcile to God or a way to get in touch with our spiritual side.

Anyway, welcome to the RF. :)

Thanks! :)

If you don't believe God had a beginning then you must believe that he always existed for an infinite amount of time?There is where my infinity theory comes through.. Testing it is easy: try to define the number infinity. You can't, therefore our minds our limited.

Also false. Buddha is honored, as one would a teacher. He is not worshiped.

As for your theory, you have presented it. It is your task to prove it, not mine to disprove it.

The proof lies in the logic. All I ask is that you consider it and be open minded about it before telling me I'm wrong.


In short, all of it.

Might want to open a physics book.

Listen, unless you have a better solution to our questions: 'what is the purpose of life?' or 'where did we come from?': then go away. If not, please share them with us or at least provide constructive criticism instead of being negative about everything. :facepalm:
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Premium Member
Thanks! :)

If you don't believe God had a beginning then you must believe that he always existed for an infinite amount of time?There is where my infinity theory comes through.. Testing it is easy: try to define the number infinity. You can't, therefore our minds our limited.

The proof lies in the logic. All I ask is that you consider it and be open minded about it before telling me I'm wrong.

I don't think its possible for we limited humans to understand the nature of God. I didn't say you were wrong, just that some of us have different ideas. Honestly, I think I would be tremendously arrogant if I said I understood God's nature. Anything we say about spirituality, uniting and worshiping God, and all that is mainly speculation.


I don't think its possible for we limited humans to understand the nature of God. I didn't say you were wrong, just that some of us have different ideas. Honestly, I think I would be tremendously arrogant if I said I understood God's nature. Anything we say about spirituality, uniting and worshiping God, and all that is mainly speculation.

This is exactly my point: because we don't understand his nature, how can we define him? No one can say who he is, which religion he supports or even, what he is..

Purpose to life? None.

Where did we come from? Nowhere.

Now try and imagine us coming from nowhere: post the results.
Go back through our evolution and think all the way back to nothing..

I propose a test for you to do:
Place an empty box with a message in it saying: 'in 1 billion years: open box. If nothing is in the box, close and try again'. Nothing will ever appear in the box no matter how long you wait. The only way something would appear is cause, and an effect.