Well-Known Member
As you may know, I've been looking into Jews for Jesus. Needless to say, what they do is despicable. Here is a chat between me and them where I act like a lost Jew who is looking for "answers":
Topic: Jesus
Status: connected with Bobbie
What brings you online today?
I'm Jewish. I started reading about Jesus and am interested, but too many things seem to contradict Judaism
Well Dan, the Lord brought you to the right volunteer. I'm Jewish and have believed in Jesus for over 14 years, so ask away
You were born Jewish?
Yup, my Hebrew Name is Razel (yes, I know it's Yiddish, but it was my grandmother's name) Bas Lazar
and you were raised Jewish?
2 years of Sunday School, 5 years of Hebrew School, Bas Mitvash (I"m old, that's why I use Bas instead of Bat) and 1 year of Hebrew High School
So what made you switch?
I don't consider it "switching". I consider it following the Lord's plan for salvation, which all people, Jews and Gentiles should be doing. I'm still as Jewish as the day I was born, I just don't follow "modern" Judaism, which is based on Rabbinical interpretation instead of Biblical.
So who is Jesus for you?
Y'shua (Jesus) my Lord, Savior, the Messiah promised to our people. He was prophesied by Moses and is God
Let me rephrase my question
What made you start believing in Jesus as the Savior, the Messiah promised to our people by Moses.
And then, explain to me how he is God, please.
I started reading Scripture. Started in Genesis, then went to Leviticus, then Isaiah.
Moses didn't actually predict a "Messiah". He foretold of a prophet greater than him. As you know, no human is held in higher regard by our people than Moshe, but he told us that one greater than he would be sent.
In what verse does he say a prophet greater than him?
In Genesis, Chapter 1, it starts with "In the beginning God......". The Hebrew word for God is Elohim, which is plural. It's gonna take ma few minutes to find that Moses verse,, can you hold on????
ok, I got it a bit wrong, here's the actual verse: Deuteronomy 18:15 The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from your countrymen, you shall listen to him.
Yes, but this was right after he was told that he won't make it into the promised land. And therefore, the Hebrews Would have needed a prophet to guide them into the land. Which happened to Be Yehoshua (Not Jesus)
Also, in Genesis Chapter 2, (I believe,I"m not great at verse locations, but I can find them if necessary), God says "Let US create man in OUR image". Also, proverbs 30:4 says Who has ascended into heaven, or descended? Who has gathered the wind in His fists? Who has bound the waters in a garment? Who has established all the ends of the earth? What is His name, and what is His Son’s name, If you know?
I don't believe that verse points to Jesus in any way
Dan, let's get back to basics. What questions do you have, that you think contradict Judaism. Let's talk about what is Biblical and what comes from the Rabbis.
That is basics for me. I learned my whole life that Torah is very specific, and true, and cannot be wrong, and that's a firm belief I have.
I agree. Torah is very specific and true and cannot be wrong. I'm not disagreeing with you at all
So I want to know which scripture comes tell us that we will have a Messiah that can be defined as Jesus
fair enough. Let me check out a few.. did you see the one in Proverbs, that talks about God's son?
Let me check it out in the original language.
One moment
Here are some prophesies about Messiah that Jesus fulfilled. I can send you the link to the whole article if you want:
Messiah was to be born at Bethlehem: Micah 5:2 (Micah 5:1 in Hebrew Bible) Messiah would be from the tribe of Judah: Genesis 49:10 Messiah would present himself by riding on an ***: Zechariah 9:9 Messiah would be tortured to death: Psalm 22 Messiah would arrive before the destruction of the Second Temple: Daniel 9:24-27 Messiah's life would match a particular description, including suffering, silence at his arrest and trial, death and burial in a rich man's tomb, and resurrection: Isaiah 52:13-53:12
Okay, I read the Proverbs one.
Son of God is something that is often used in the Tanakh to refer to the Children of Israel
For example, see Exodus 4:21-23
This is what I mean. Jesus' story is interesting, and seems to want to draw me in because it's just so easy to believe in him.
but in the Proverb, it is specifically talking about God and His Son. I don't think the children of Israel can accend into heaven and back again
That's the point
The verse is saying Who is it that is ascending and doing all these things that only God can do?
Dan, belief begins with Faith. Have you ever considered asking HaShem for the truth?
Who is his son? Since no one who has a son can do these things, the verse is answering that only God can do these things.
I pray every day, and ask for the truth from Hashem
Well, since i believe that Jesus fulfills the position of Son, He can do all things, since HE is God.
But I also believe that nothing comes for free. I need to work to get to where I want to be
so my work was coming to this site to get the answers i am searching for.
But HaShem's love is free and His Mercy and His forgiveness and His peace and all that comes from Him
We agree on that one
Hashem's love is free
his Mercy isn't
You want mercy, you need to work for it. pray for it, repent
Ok, you are right, you have to ask for it, repent, but it's based on what's in your heart, not on any "work" you can do. You can't buy mercy or forgiveness, but you can pray. See, I don't consider praying "work". I consider it talking to my Father in Heaven. I talk to Him all the time and when I miss the mark (sin), I ask HIm to forgive me and He does.
Part of the challenge for us (Jews) is that we live our lives based on what our religion says. We equate Talmud with Torah. Torah was given to Moses directly from the mind of HaShem. Talmud is man's interpretation of it.
That's what I meant. I didn't mean it as actual work. but it is something that needs to be "worked on"
So you don't believe Moses received an Oral Torah as well?
Glad you cleared that up. Some people think they can "work" their way into God's good graces by doing charitable deeds, helping others, etc. These things are necessary, and pleasing to God, but not how you get forgiveness
Let's say for a minute that I do (I don't). If Moses received it, then how come it's still being commented on? How come there is more than one school of thought? How come there is a Babylonian and is it an Alexandrian Talmud. Why do Rabbi's still comment?
Let me give you an example of what I'm talking about from personal experience
It's not an alexandrian Talmud, It's Yerushalmi (from Jerusalem, though it’s not actually from Jerusalem)
My first husband was a very big man (over 500 lbs). when he died, the funeral home didn't have a "Kosher" casket. My rabbi said we needed to wait a day, until he could have a "Kosher" casket. My mother-in-law's rabbi said it was more important to be buried within 24 hours
Sorry, I"m not a Talmudic scholar, but I knew there were two. thanks for clarifying
Topic: Jesus
Status: connected with Bobbie
What brings you online today?
I'm Jewish. I started reading about Jesus and am interested, but too many things seem to contradict Judaism
Well Dan, the Lord brought you to the right volunteer. I'm Jewish and have believed in Jesus for over 14 years, so ask away
You were born Jewish?
Yup, my Hebrew Name is Razel (yes, I know it's Yiddish, but it was my grandmother's name) Bas Lazar
and you were raised Jewish?
2 years of Sunday School, 5 years of Hebrew School, Bas Mitvash (I"m old, that's why I use Bas instead of Bat) and 1 year of Hebrew High School
So what made you switch?
I don't consider it "switching". I consider it following the Lord's plan for salvation, which all people, Jews and Gentiles should be doing. I'm still as Jewish as the day I was born, I just don't follow "modern" Judaism, which is based on Rabbinical interpretation instead of Biblical.
So who is Jesus for you?
Y'shua (Jesus) my Lord, Savior, the Messiah promised to our people. He was prophesied by Moses and is God
Let me rephrase my question
What made you start believing in Jesus as the Savior, the Messiah promised to our people by Moses.
And then, explain to me how he is God, please.
I started reading Scripture. Started in Genesis, then went to Leviticus, then Isaiah.
Moses didn't actually predict a "Messiah". He foretold of a prophet greater than him. As you know, no human is held in higher regard by our people than Moshe, but he told us that one greater than he would be sent.
In what verse does he say a prophet greater than him?
In Genesis, Chapter 1, it starts with "In the beginning God......". The Hebrew word for God is Elohim, which is plural. It's gonna take ma few minutes to find that Moses verse,, can you hold on????
ok, I got it a bit wrong, here's the actual verse: Deuteronomy 18:15 The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from your countrymen, you shall listen to him.
Yes, but this was right after he was told that he won't make it into the promised land. And therefore, the Hebrews Would have needed a prophet to guide them into the land. Which happened to Be Yehoshua (Not Jesus)
Also, in Genesis Chapter 2, (I believe,I"m not great at verse locations, but I can find them if necessary), God says "Let US create man in OUR image". Also, proverbs 30:4 says Who has ascended into heaven, or descended? Who has gathered the wind in His fists? Who has bound the waters in a garment? Who has established all the ends of the earth? What is His name, and what is His Son’s name, If you know?
I don't believe that verse points to Jesus in any way
Dan, let's get back to basics. What questions do you have, that you think contradict Judaism. Let's talk about what is Biblical and what comes from the Rabbis.
That is basics for me. I learned my whole life that Torah is very specific, and true, and cannot be wrong, and that's a firm belief I have.
I agree. Torah is very specific and true and cannot be wrong. I'm not disagreeing with you at all
So I want to know which scripture comes tell us that we will have a Messiah that can be defined as Jesus
fair enough. Let me check out a few.. did you see the one in Proverbs, that talks about God's son?
Let me check it out in the original language.
One moment
Here are some prophesies about Messiah that Jesus fulfilled. I can send you the link to the whole article if you want:
Messiah was to be born at Bethlehem: Micah 5:2 (Micah 5:1 in Hebrew Bible) Messiah would be from the tribe of Judah: Genesis 49:10 Messiah would present himself by riding on an ***: Zechariah 9:9 Messiah would be tortured to death: Psalm 22 Messiah would arrive before the destruction of the Second Temple: Daniel 9:24-27 Messiah's life would match a particular description, including suffering, silence at his arrest and trial, death and burial in a rich man's tomb, and resurrection: Isaiah 52:13-53:12
Okay, I read the Proverbs one.
Son of God is something that is often used in the Tanakh to refer to the Children of Israel
For example, see Exodus 4:21-23
This is what I mean. Jesus' story is interesting, and seems to want to draw me in because it's just so easy to believe in him.
but in the Proverb, it is specifically talking about God and His Son. I don't think the children of Israel can accend into heaven and back again
That's the point
The verse is saying Who is it that is ascending and doing all these things that only God can do?
Dan, belief begins with Faith. Have you ever considered asking HaShem for the truth?
Who is his son? Since no one who has a son can do these things, the verse is answering that only God can do these things.
I pray every day, and ask for the truth from Hashem
Well, since i believe that Jesus fulfills the position of Son, He can do all things, since HE is God.
But I also believe that nothing comes for free. I need to work to get to where I want to be
so my work was coming to this site to get the answers i am searching for.
But HaShem's love is free and His Mercy and His forgiveness and His peace and all that comes from Him
We agree on that one
Hashem's love is free
his Mercy isn't
You want mercy, you need to work for it. pray for it, repent
Ok, you are right, you have to ask for it, repent, but it's based on what's in your heart, not on any "work" you can do. You can't buy mercy or forgiveness, but you can pray. See, I don't consider praying "work". I consider it talking to my Father in Heaven. I talk to Him all the time and when I miss the mark (sin), I ask HIm to forgive me and He does.
Part of the challenge for us (Jews) is that we live our lives based on what our religion says. We equate Talmud with Torah. Torah was given to Moses directly from the mind of HaShem. Talmud is man's interpretation of it.
That's what I meant. I didn't mean it as actual work. but it is something that needs to be "worked on"
So you don't believe Moses received an Oral Torah as well?
Glad you cleared that up. Some people think they can "work" their way into God's good graces by doing charitable deeds, helping others, etc. These things are necessary, and pleasing to God, but not how you get forgiveness
Let's say for a minute that I do (I don't). If Moses received it, then how come it's still being commented on? How come there is more than one school of thought? How come there is a Babylonian and is it an Alexandrian Talmud. Why do Rabbi's still comment?
Let me give you an example of what I'm talking about from personal experience
It's not an alexandrian Talmud, It's Yerushalmi (from Jerusalem, though it’s not actually from Jerusalem)
My first husband was a very big man (over 500 lbs). when he died, the funeral home didn't have a "Kosher" casket. My rabbi said we needed to wait a day, until he could have a "Kosher" casket. My mother-in-law's rabbi said it was more important to be buried within 24 hours
Sorry, I"m not a Talmudic scholar, but I knew there were two. thanks for clarifying