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my dream last night... any ideas?


Flaming Queer
ok, so i had a really bad dream last night... a very vivid dream... and i'd like to know what you all think about it :)

various things happened in this dream, all the usual stuff i get in my dreams which i won't go into because it's not suitable for this forum, but then i walked into my bedroom, and i could see a massive, thick spiderweb above my bed and draping down the wall. caught in this web and dangling down, fighting for it's life was a large praying Mantis.

i forget the reason why, but i had to get across my room to my window but i was scared stiff by the sight of this Mantis caught in this web - i was scared that it would fall on me if i went passed it and it would seriously hurt me! so i pluck up the courage to slowly start moving forwards, i duck down onto the bed to shuffle underneath where the mantis is caught to get to the window... and just as i am getting to the window, you guessed it, the mantis frees itself and falls onto my back! scares the crap out of me and i wake up!

i don't reckon this is of any spiritual significance, but it was very different to any vivid dream i have ever had - and believe me, i have had some of the strangest. so, any ideas about possible meanings behind it?

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
So, the spider is your friend: your protector. Yet somehow, your protection failed and let a predator through.

It would be interesting to see if you continue this dream on another night.

Super Universe

Defender of God
You aren't doing things you want to do, you are doing things you have to do yet things beyond your control seem to get in the way of you doing them.

I would recommend that you take "A Course in Miracles". It's free:

ACIM Select-A-Lesson

Start with 001...


Bodhisattva in Recovery
*YmirGF zips past all other posts to not be influenced by what others think*

ok, so i had a really bad dream last night... a very vivid dream... and i'd like to know what you all think about it :)
This is good, it shows that you want to understand the dream. That in itself is a wise move.

various things happened in this dream, all the usual stuff i get in my dreams which i won't go into because it's not suitable for this forum, but then i walked into my bedroom, and i could see a massive, thick spiderweb above my bed and draping down the wall. caught in this web and dangling down, fighting for it's life was a large praying Mantis.
Hmm, no doubt sexually related stuff that culminates with you walking into your bedroom. Very interesting symbols Mike! The web is your belief structures and it is an especially appropriate way to discern those stucture as each separate belief is coupled to other beliefs. Very fitting. The Praying Mantis is of course, YOU. It doesn't matter a wit if you saw the event externally, it is nonetheless yourself struggling within the web of its own creation... even though Praying Mantis's do not spin webs, per se. Hey it is a dream and so physical limitations do not apply. The Mantis is "fighting for its life". Very evocative image. I can see it writhing and trying to free itself. Nice image.

i forget the reason why, but i had to get across my room to my window but i was scared stiff by the sight of this Mantis caught in this web
So you felt you had to escape the web that you weave... and that aspect of yourself that is caught within it. Facinating. "Out the window" is also a metaphor for a great effort in vain and that fits because dreams are almost 100% metaphorical and not literal.

- i was scared that it would fall on me if i went passed it and it would seriously hurt me!
Do not underestimate the power of fear. It is a superb motivator if the one experiencing fear uses that fear to their advantage.

so i pluck up the courage to slowly start moving forwards,
OUTSTANDING!!! You decide NOT to give into the abyss of paralysing fear and use it to spring you into action. OUT-freaking-standing.

i duck down onto the bed to shuffle underneath where the mantis is caught to get to the window...
Superb, this shows that you have it in you to face your fears head on. Go, Mike, GO!!!

and just as i am getting to the window, you guessed it, the mantis frees itself and falls onto my back!
Hahahaha. That is superb symbolism. So the mantis (the you that feels trapped in the web of your beliefs) frees itself (untangles itself from the illusory but chain-like bonds) and falls onto your back. (Gross, lol. But it is fitting that your aspect would rejoin its host prior to waking up. Can it be any other way, Mike?) Another way to look at this is that everything is now behind you. (IE. if it is on your back, technically it is behind you.) Lesser minds might say that you now have a "monkey on your back", but given the circumstances, I highly doubt it. I am almost certain that it means "behind" you.

scares the crap out of me and i wake up!
ROTFLMAO. Mike that is great. This isn't a nightmare per se, it is a sign you are about to face something VERY important in your life. You are potentially about to break from from old patterns and belief structures. Anyone care to bet on how long it will be before you are dreaming you are in a Summerland-like place watching a blossom flower in front of your eyes?

Take heart Mike, sometimes we have to scare ourselves out of our complacency lest we become little Praying/Preying Manitis's caught in the illusion of our little webs.
Though unsettling, this was a very positive dream and should not be looked on as a "nightmare".

I hope you understand me as I am possibly the best dream interpretter here on RF.

i don't reckon this is of any spiritual significance, but it was very different to any vivid dream i have ever had - and believe me, i have had some of the strangest. so, any ideas about possible meanings behind it?
This isn't all that strange, Mike. Sorry to burst the bubble. You ought to get a load of Gnostic's dreams over on Free2code.net. That man has a VERY rich symbol library.


Flaming Queer
So, the spider is your friend: your protector. Yet somehow, your protection failed and let a predator through.

It would be interesting to see if you continue this dream on another night.

i agree i would be interested to see if i get any continuation on the dream, but there was no spider in the dream, just the web.

Man, you're a mess! *snickering*

oh god's, tell me about it! i've said in other dream threads that if i ever kept a written record of all my dreams, and anyone read it, they would send me to a shrink.

You aren't doing things you want to do, you are doing things you have to do yet things beyond your control seem to get in the way of you doing them.

I would recommend that you take "A Course in Miracles". It's free:

ACIM Select-A-Lesson

Start with 001...
i'm not really looking for a set of lessons on miracles, but thanks for your take on it!


Flaming Queer
*YmirGF zips past all other posts to not be influenced by what others think*
good thinking!

Hmm, no doubt sexually related stuff that culminates with you walking into your bedroom. Very interesting symbols Mike! The web is your belief structures and it is an especially appropriate way to discern those stucture as each separate belief is coupled to other beliefs. Very fitting. The Praying Mantis is of course, YOU. It doesn't matter a wit if you saw the event externally, it is nonetheless yourself struggling within the web of its own creation... even though Praying Mantis's do not spin webs, per se. Hey it is a dream and so physical limitations do not apply. The Mantis is "fighting for its life". Very evocative image. I can see it writhing and trying to free itself. Nice image.

most of my dreams are about very detailed passion, and are very enjoyable. i hadn't thought of the Mantis as being me, but the idea is quite fitting with a lot of my feelings at the moment.

So you felt you had to escape the web that you weave... and that aspect of yourself that is caught within it. Facinating. "Out the window" is also a metaphor for a great effort in vain and that fits because dreams are almost 100% metaphorical and not literal.
like i said above, a lot of my feelings and emotions at the moment are "in vain", or at least i perceive them to be in vain with regards to certain aspects of life at the moment.

Do not underestimate the power of fear. It is a superb motivator if the one experiencing fear uses that fear to their advantage.
it was a fear of not knowing what will happen, that suspense of letting go, fight or flight adrenaline! powerful stuff indeed!

OUTSTANDING!!! You decide NOT to give into the abyss of paralysing fear and use it to spring you into action. OUT-freaking-standing.

Superb, this shows that you have it in you to face your fears head on. Go, Mike, GO!!!
it seemed to me that i *had* to go on...

Hahahaha. That is superb symbolism. So the mantis (the you that feels trapped in the web of your beliefs) frees itself (untangles itself from the illusory but chain-like bonds) and falls onto your back. (Gross, lol. But it is fitting that your aspect would rejoin its host prior to waking up. Can it be any other way, Mike?) Another way to look at this is that everything is now behind you. (IE. if it is on your back, technically it is behind you.) Lesser minds might say that you now have a "monkey on your back", but given the circumstances, I highly doubt it. I am almost certain that it means "behind" you.
it seemed very cliche at the time that it would fall into my back, but actually i think your interpretation does give it meaning.

ROTFLMAO. Mike that is great. This isn't a nightmare per se, it is a sign you are about to face something VERY important in your life. You are potentially about to break from from old patterns and belief structures. Anyone care to bet on how long it will be before you are dreaming you are in a Summerland-like place watching a blossom flower in front of your eyes?

Take heart Mike, sometimes we have to scare ourselves out of our complacency lest we become little Praying/Preying Manitis's caught in the illusion of our little webs.
Though unsettling, this was a very positive dream and should not be looked on as a "nightmare".

I hope you understand me as I am possibly the best dream interpretter here on RF.

i get where you are coming from, and your slant has been well worth the read! thank you for taking the time for this!


I hope you're not watching too much of spiderman movie :p

Mantis are the most powerful attacking bugs for other then
insects. If other bugs attack mantis, they will realize they can't win.
Mantis likes to rip female bugs and with mantis living, they will do anything for it.

If someone in you're home is pregnant,and that baby is born as male,
he could become later powerful and have strong desire to anything to do in life.
If that baby is born as a girl, she could be stronger than the other normal girls,
in creativity, and serve her future husband. if this dream is not related to pregnancy,

then mantis represents as relationship, power, decisions, interesting,
individualistic, surfing , travelling, income, and project. If you are work
in some kind of company or run business, you might have promotion or
get high rise salary.

If this is also not related to business, you're not feeling well in current
situation but will be solved and you will be satisfyed. Thus, you will have
rivals and someone could envy you. but if you think positive on everything else,
you're result will also come positive.

Don't worry, if mantis comes in you're dream, it means its a good sign.

If you need to interpret any further dreams, perhaps I could help you little.

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
The web seems to symbolize your personal will--you are holding something that you fear will escape and crush you. It could be something sexual, but that all depends on the role that sexuality plays in your life.

Why a Mantis, I wonder? They are fascinating creatures; alien, and surrounded with mystery and respect. They are also cannibalistic. Are you holding something of yourself back in fear it may come crashing down? Is it a piece of you you don't know that well?

That you went to the window and not back the way you came (the door) is telling. Perhaps it's something you have to face, and it's related to your outlook on the world (the window).

Obviously, the best interpretor is you, Mike. Take each of the individual symbols of the dream and meditate on what they mean to you. Arrange and rearrange them like a puzzle and feel out the pictures you make. If you cast runes or use Tarot, give those a try; they are excellent guides! The individuals posting in this thread are also helping to guide you with their individual interpretations.

Good luck!