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My Interpretations of Reality

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
It's been done by others lately, a thread of a compilation of beliefs which were allowed to be questioned. It inspired me to explain my understanding of reality that will most likely advance over itself later on, that's the entire point of spiritual evolution in my opinion, to build upon current beliefs the more you learn.

I'll start this thread with some basics, and will get around to adding more in this thread.

God (Ichi)
There is the Only One, and that is Ichi. Ichi is not comprehensible in our perspective, we split things into smaller categories that make up Ichi, so to us Ichi is the sum of all things that exist – physically, mentally, and spiritually. All of existence is his body, and he is animated by Qi, the pure purity, or in other words, the entire spiritual plane as a whole.
He is also constructed by the entire physical world, which is the most basic reality as it is the plane which sparks the existence of the others. The physical world begets the mental, the mental begets the spiritual, and finally the spiritual (individualized souls) and the Qi (the entirety of unindividualized souls) spark each other. That will be detailed later.
Ichi is considerably God, for he is greater than the lesser gods for they exist as a part of him. However, he is not exactly personal. He interacts with himself, but not individual parts of himself for all is one and separation is an illusion.
Anyone can understand this oneness, few can act in accordance with it, but none can ever comprehend it fully. Though, disillusionment is the main goal of my philosophy. This is not to get rid of perceiving the illusion, but only to realize it better and exercise Theography. While at the same time, this goal is meant to lead to better understanding of one's place which then leads to apotheosis.
The nature of Ichi is not known rather than him being the sum of total parts. This is assuming he has a unique nature.
The fact that we cannot fully comprehend him, we know nothing about its personality, and Ichi is not directly interactive is what causes passiveness towards Ichi. Instead of relying on Ichi, it is best to rely on ourselves, or the individuals. It's pointless to base our practice on the level of wholeness when we cannot perceive it anyways. Separation from God, philosophically speaking, is always a good thing, but recognizing oneself to be in God is truly enlightening.

Qi is the universal soul. It is omnipresent and has an abstract existence as pure purity. It exists because the spiritual world exists, but the spiritual world exists because Qi exists. It's a common misunderstanding to think Qi is the spiritual world. Sure, Qi is the totality of the spiritual world, but the spiritual world mainly addresses the illusion of individual souls.
To compare the spiritual plane to Qi, the best example is to envision the spiritual plane as rivers sprouting from the ocean that resembles Qi. It's best to think about it like this: The physical world creates the mental world, and the existence of a body (which creates the mental world) causes a metaphorical gap, and Qi leaks into that gap to create souls, but without souls, there would be no more Qi as it is composed of souls. A mind is required to create souls, and a body is required to create minds.
Qi is entirely pure and is made of only purity. It is not nothingness, simply abstract. A better way of looking at it is the One Consciousness, but the gaps created by bodies make this One Consciousness seem separate, when in fact we are all of the same consciousness.
The problem with the word “consciousness” is that it isn't really consciousness. Consciousness is created in the brain and is part of the mind, while Qi would actually be the perceiver perceiving self awareness which perceives consciousness. It is the background of life, and it cannot be broken, Qi is a basic substance that cannot get any lesser, it simply Is.
It may go by the name of many things, but it simply is the Beingness of existence, or the spark of life in reality. It's not easy to describe, you just have to get it or you don't. It isn't something that can be explained, it is simply a mystical realization.

Qi is the universal soul. It is omnipresent and has an abstract existence as pure purity. It exists because the spiritual world exists, but the spiritual world exists because Qi exists. It's a common misunderstanding to think Qi is the spiritual world. Sure, Qi is the totality of the spiritual world, but the spiritual world mainly addresses the illusion of individual souls.
To compare the spiritual plane to Qi, the best example is to envision the spiritual plane as rivers sprouting from the ocean that resembles Qi. It's best to think about it like this: The physical world creates the mental world, and the existence of a body (which creates the mental world) causes a metaphorical gap, and Qi leaks into that gap to create souls, but without souls, there would be no more Qi as it is composed of souls. A mind is required to create souls, and a body is required to create minds.
Qi is entirely pure and is made of only purity. It is not nothingness, simply abstract. A better way of looking at it is the One Consciousness, but the gaps created by bodies make this One Consciousness seem separate, when in fact we are all of the same consciousness.
The problem with the word “consciousness” is that it isn't really consciousness. Consciousness is created in the brain and is part of the mind, while Qi would actually be the perceiver perceiving self awareness which perceives consciousness. It is the background of life, and it cannot be broken, Qi is a basic substance that cannot get any lesser, it simply Is.
It may go by the name of many things, but it simply is the Beingness of existence, or the spark of life in reality. It's not easy to describe, you just have to get it or you don't. It isn't something that can be explained, it is simply a mystical realization.

Subjective-Objective Reality
One of the most basic tenets would relate to the ontology of reality. This was revealed to me on what might be the first time I ever went into deep-deep thought, where I had spaced all other factors out and my mind automatically scanned through itself.

Almost every portion of reality we experience is an illusion, it's subjective. In order to perceive something, you need perception which simply is bias in nature. This means that we never experience the same reality as each other. Sure, we exist in the same world, but the way we experience it is unique to everyone. Morality, beauty, taste, size, and pretty much any adjective, it's all created by your mind's interpretation of the objective reality. In this way, it is easy to understand it by imaging every single human being in their own bubble, this bubble it reality and we all reside in different ones, however we are observing the same one, just that the tint is different for all persons.

The only real connection we have with objective reality would be math. This is not to be seen as a negative thing, but instead as a chance to know that you create your own reality. It also creates responsibility in individualism. When something goes wrong, it either can be changed or else it is not necessary to concentrate on it with negative emotions. Though you can't stop a tragedy from happening, you are always able to change your view of the tragedy by either stop worrying about something you cannot make right, or you turn your mind to view the negative outcome as a more positive one.

That's all I got for now.

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
Thanks for sharing!

My pleasure :) Thanks for replying

What do you think makes math a connection to the objective for us?

As far as I know, math is either right or else it was solved wrong. It is based on axioms and fundamental truths that design reality. 2+2=4 is a truth that the universe is built on for example.

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
Mind, Soul, & Body

Though the monistic nature of my philosophy, there are three planes of existence that branch off of one fundamental plane. The physical plane begets the mental, the mental begets the spiritual.

The Physical Body - Earth The physical world is the most basic plane of existence of which the other two are emergent properties of it. It is resembled by Earth in the common elements, concrete and straightforward.

The nature of physical things consists of: Impermanence, changing structure, bounded by laws, and deterministic. Though it is basic, it could be seen as the most impure plane. No perfection is possible in this plane, all things consisting of it interact and control the path of other things, it is limited and mundane.

However, the physical body is what allows for the existence of a mental body, sprouting from the brain.

The Mental Mind - Water The mental world is mostly an abstract existence of concrete things. It, too, is limited, however it is not impermanent. It is limited because all thoughts are projections of previous encounters. There is no creative thought, everything imagined is something that exists. However, rearrangement of existing things create the illusion of new thoughts (e.g. a unicorn is the thought of a horn and a horse).

It is resembled with water because it is controlled by properties beyond itself, it is never ending simply moving and always changing while at the same time it is formless. The mind can be described as the abstract organ that allows the soul to interact with the body, in the same way water carries things to other places, connecting two sources.

Consciousness is a mental process, as well as thoughts, dreams, emotions, and self awareness. These all have a physical existence, in the sense that they are created from physical interactions, but emerge on a totally separate plane of existence.

Consciousness is simply the collection of what was sensed at a certain time - the mixture of what you saw, heard, smelt, felt, and tasted at a moment, also called 'experience'.

Self awareness is simply the thought about the knowledge that one is consciously experiencing something. Behind self awareness, however, is the pure perceiver, or the soul.

The Spiritual Soul - Fire The spiritual world is the most abstract form of reality, as well as the purest. It literally is pure purity. It is a highly complex plane of existence that not just any layman can comprehend it.

The soul is the individual spirit which animates each physical body. This is an illusion, there is no true existence of an individual soul. The separation is caused by Qi leaking into gaps created by the mind when it is created by a physical body. Each mind will be different, it is bodily originated, and so the illusion of separate souls.

As said, the soul actually comes from Qi. Even though it is an illusion, it is a very useful concept as it stands on its own. For the simple fact that man cannot escape the illusion of separation, that nothing can truly perceive oneness, we must therefore measure our reality in the way we see it. The soul works as a form of character each person can fall back on.

The nature of the soul is near unlimited, except that it can only perceive with the mind, and therefore the mental reality limits its uses. It is permanent, unchanging as it belongs to the omnipresent Qi, or in other words, a universal soul that all of our souls are built from.

The mind begets the soul, while at the same time the soul is formed from the same substance as Qi is, because the soul is actually Qi. It always belongs and always moves. The best way to understand the soul is to imagine it as a river, and imagine Qi as the ocean these rivers flow from. These rivers are created by the gaps in the land (which resembles the mind), and the gaps in the land is created by the way the land is formed (which resembles the physical).

Qi - Air Qi, as already explained, is the omnipresent, universal "consciousness" that familiarizes itself with the Tao, the Holy Spirit, or many other things.

It is the purest plane of existence, pure purity. It is what animates Ichi, and it is the Living Plane of Existence, the world that is fully alive, pure pureness. The rippled tides in the physical allow for the creation of minds, which create souls in the spiritual plane of existence (Qi). It is hard to explain, and this is only going to make it more confusing, but: Qi would not exist if the physical world did not have bodies which create minds.

The nature of Qi consists of: Perfection, limitless, permanent, unchanging, and constructed of building blocks containing the value of what seems like nothingness from our limited comprehension as minds, it is simply constructed of pureness.

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
The world of points
The world of points is a hypothetical universe used for something to compare the nature of our own universe to.

The world of points is cubic in shape as a whole, but inside there are slits that will take you to other places inside the cube, and so from your perspective, the shape is not a cube, but something far different.

The unique feature of this universe is that points actually exist. In our universe, points will become dull at some microscopic level eventually, and so there is no such thing as points. However, in the world of points, there is.

The problem is, organisms within the cube cannot interact with these points even though they are everywhere. Only in certain spatial dimensions can these points be noticed.

Dimensions in the world of points are simply the way an organism experiences reality. A third dimensional being could coexist with a sixth dimensional being, but from the lower perspective it can't tell. Upper dimensional beings are aware of the presence of a lower dimensional being, but it views the being on the same level as it is on.

Dimension 1 is the perception of dots,
2 is the perception of lines
3 is the perception of width
4 is the perception of time to be like space is to us (linear timeline)
5 is all possible timelines branching from one specific timeline
6 is all possible timelines within a universe
7 is the multiverses branched from one specific universe
8 is all multiverses
9 is the abstract
10 is the al

At none of these levels can these points be perceived. The higher you climb the ladder, the more distant you are from perceiving the points. It is at dimension zero that these points can be seen at an infinitely small size. This dimension is not perceived, for it is the lack of dimension. These things that exist in the zeroth dimension are considerably not real to those who perceive, but have full relevance to existing things.

The points literally are the motion of time, they are what determines what effect comes from the cause. Not simply "If you don't eat you'll be hungry" but the points are the reason why not eating leads to hunger for example

The shape of this universe is therefore undetected, nor is the control properties. This can be reflected back to our world, and can be used as a mirror when observing the world of points, It allows disillusionment to take course even though we can never perceive oneness, this hypothetical world working as a reflection gives us the reminder of the oneness as well as the incredible complexity of reality. There is no better way to describe our universe than saying it is indescribable. It is not until we escape from our point of view can we understand reality. That is why we can understand the world of points. If real, the world of points would be able to comprehend our reality.

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
Elements and their symbolica

I extend upon the five classical elements for symbolic purposes. They have come very useful in use of rituals and communication with spirit beings and lesser deities.

These elements are, if you did not know; Fire, Water, Earth, Air, and Aether. While Aether often is left out, I consider it useful in itself to describe the property of things that simply don't fit in with the other four; spacetime, energy, the very fabric coding the universe itself, the laws of physics, etc. It works as a miscellaneous

Fire - Spiritual World - Fire relates to the spiritual world, the individual soul, that which the ego masks, and mystical communications. The reason for this is because of its nature of being bright, both destructive and creative, renewing, formless, and the fact that it is commonly used in rituals and puts emphasis on the mood of the process. The thing which I align it with, the illusion of 'parts' in Qi, I often envision as lines behind the frame of everything. It is omnipresent and constructs "beingness" in all things as well as intertwines with physical reality through 'gaps' created by the physical process responsible for the creation of a mind. However it is not physical and does not have form, this is simply an imagery example to better understand my concepts. The soul is to the mind as the mind is to the body.

Water - Mental World - Water relates to the mental world, the mind, consciousness, perception, and ego. The mental world is a special plane of existence; it is illusory and fully a physical process, but the actual plane itself transcends the physical. The mind is an abstract organ created by the physical brain, and hypothetically it's possible that minds can be created from other physical processes other than brains, but that's only hypothetically. What makes the mental aspect so vital is the fact that it is our only direct connection with the spiritual aspect. Without the mind, there's be nothing bridge the physical plane to the plane of Qi, there's be no gap that Qi could leak into and thus incarnate some of itself into a physical body, in fact the entire physical world would likely not exist, because Qi is on an entirely different plane of existence than the physical plane, there'd be nothing perceiving the physical and thus in a way it wouldn't hold existence. Whether or not it would actually exist is an irrelevant question, everything would behave like it didn't exist, awareness of the physical world would be absolute zero, and so it wouldn't make a difference if it actually did or did not exist. Qi would also not exist as an animating force of nature if the mind did not exist to create the spiritual world, and so even Qi could not exist without the mind. So, even though the physical reality is the most basic reality, the mental reality is also a requirement for existence.

The mind, like I said, is an organ for direct connection to the spiritual world. It creates a hypothetical gap in the physical plane of existence which Qi then fills up with part of itself. We are Qi experiencing an illusion inside of physical reality through mental lenses.

The mind also includes emotions, thoughts, memories, consciousness, and self awareness, all of which are natural processes. Emotions are the result of our perception being chemically altered, consciousness is the entire experience of an event in physical reality (sensed by all senses in use; what a specific event looked, sounded, felt, tasted, and smelt like), memories are past consciously experienced things that can be recognized presently, thoughts are compilations of memories, and self awareness is the thought of thoughts.

With the mind we can touch the spiritual world, although through illusion. To be more precise, with the mind we can touch the physical world, although through illusion, because we are spirit beings, but illusion tells us that we are the meatsuits or the mind or the soul, when in fact we all are the same, one universal consciousness (Qi).

Earth - Physical World - Earth relates to the physical world which includes the body, the basic plane of reality responsible for the existence of the other planes, the only concrete existence, and the most mundane existence.

The physical world is also the most bounded plane of existence. It is dictated by rules which guides its deterministic nature; impermanence, finite, imperfection, and is effected by itself.

Although its shape is determined by itself, it is formless. The physical plane itself is permanent and formless while that which consists of it is not. The illusionary bits and pieces of it, the body for example, will someday end. However, that which constructed the identified part will spread off elsewhere and find a new purpose (the construction of another thing). That is why the physical world is split into three different things: The Creator, The Preserver, and The Destroyer. There are separate things that create, separate things that preserve, and separate things that destroy. The interesting part is that all of these entities are one and the same basically speaking. That which begat you, is also the same thing that preserves you in different form, and someday will end you in yet another form. It remains the same.

It is also the world that cannot be controlled from outer forces (like yourself), only from within itself. Thus, it's difficult to always control the world around us. We can, however, have full control over our mental plane of existence as it is entirely our own. When you can change physical reality and it isn't going according to mind, then change it. When you can't change physical reality and it isn't going according to mind, then change your mind. Sometimes you have to change yourself to change reality.

Air - Qi -

Air relates to Qi, or the omnipresent world soul. The reason being; it is everywhere (on earth), it is completely formless, and it typically can be seen as an animating force.

Qi is hard to understand, it can be described in words, but not fully. You not only have to read the description, but you have to actually get what the description is saying which comes to you on your own.

It is pure purity, constructed only of purity. It is omnipresent, and in the way consciousness is usually understood in western philosophy, it is a universal consciousness. It is the true nature of our soul, you ARE the world soul, the individual soul is an illusion and is not as pure.

Qi compared to a soul is like an ocean compared to a river, it sprouts into one while actually being of the same thing.

Aether - Ichi - Lastly, Aether is related to the entirety. It isn't exactly a separate element, it is the summary of all that the other elements consist of. Because it is simply a higher, odd, comprehensible element, it symbolizes Ichi, the Working Higher, the Supreme Reality.

Ichi is literally All. All of reality and all of that which transcends it. Ichi can be said to be God because it's the highest form of reality the combination of all things is logically higher than anything consisting of it.

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
I am enjoying reading your interpretations. What is your opinion of the relationship between the brain and the mind? Can you expand on this?

Thanks, glad to hear you enjoy it so far.

The best way to put it is that the mind is an emergent property of the brain. Physical brain activity is what's causing the mind.

For example, take emotions. They hold a unique, abstract existence according to our understanding of them. They cannot be felt, seen, heard, etc. They cannot be physically sensed because they are not physical. However, they are a physical happening. A series of chemical releases literally are emotions, they are what cause these abstract properties, while they themselves are concrete physical properties that can be physically sensed. So basically I'm implying that all things that take place in the mind, although not physical themselves, are a physical phenomenon.

That means that the brain is related to the mind in a similar way of how the taste of steak is related to the steak. The brain is what functions the mind.

Ironically, though, we know more about the mind directly than the workings of the brain. When we are to wire a mind, we will turn to psychology more often than neuroscience.

To summarize: The relationship between the mind and brain would be similar to that of software and hardware.

Hope I answered your question.

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
Odd Universe

The universe itself is so complex that we cannot even begin to comprehend it all. It's ironic to say such a thing in a compilation of posts trying to describe the universe from my own point of view, but it's a part I thought I needed to stress.

There comes a point where the universe stops making sense, that we no longer have the ability to answer "why". This is not the point of simply creating hypotheses that currently can't be tested, it's far beyond that point and deep into the metaphysical structure of our universe. These areas are deemed unreachable by the common mind and can only be shown in three ways; mystical experience, hyper-advanced physics, or simply being explained to the layman (this last one doesn't imply comprehension of the depths, only scratching the surface of getting the jist of it. That's not to say comprehension is impossible for the common layman).

They are not the drop off of answers, but deeper. They are the drop off of logic. They might be seen as paradoxical, surreal, impossible, or they simply don't make sense.

These unanswerable questions are often discussed in the field of philosophy, but usually these discussions are not in depth and are only brought up without the intent of getting answers.

Why this is? Why are there points of the universe that are completely incomprehensible?

My answer is; do you honestly think understanding the universe could be in our grasp? One species out of many who reside on one spec of dust out of 8 that orbits a larger spec of gas out of thousands or more in just one out of possibly thousands of galaxies. That species dies, nothing dramatically changes for the rest of the universe, and it is expected for that species to understand all existence?

Our universe is constructed of 6 more spatial dimensions higher than our own, and not to include a 7th temporal dimension. When we have only 3/9 of spacial freedom, it is not possible for us to understand the entire 10 dimensional universe.

It is like trying to understand a culture not only foreign from our own, but extraterrestrial to our own. The universe will never make sense to us, nor will we ever cover 100% of space. But that's okay.


رسول الآلهة
When people began interpreting reality I get worried, very quickly. Being a very profound eclectic when it comes to philosophical discourse and conceptualization I will say that it is best not to worry about fancy language.

I do not bother with it when I learn Chinese philosophies or Persian. I would simply replace Qi with universal soul and shed the word Qi altogether. You are not Chinese and should not worry with such things when formatting your own worldview and philosophical praxis.

It is redundant and negative to do any of these things. Creating superficial language serves no benefit and should be abandoned. You should only think of these words if you are trying to give citation to their sources but by no means fixate on them.

When you portray ideas your language should be strictly utilitarian and you should not go into needless cultural references.

I am not criticizing you harshly but I just giving you advice. I am not sure how developed your worldview is and I am not aware of whether or not you have entered a state of ihsan(cultural reference).


The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
When people began interpreting reality I get worried, very quickly. Being a very profound eclectic when it comes to philosophical discourse and conceptualization I will say that it is best not to worry about fancy language.

Why does it worry you? In fact, don't we all have our own interpretation of reality?

I do not bother with it when I learn Chinese philosophies or Persian. I would simply replace Qi with universal soul and shed the word Qi altogether. You are not Chinese and should not worry with such things when formatting your own worldview and philosophical praxis.

I just figured it'd be a lot easier to name it after a concept pretty similar to it. I feel that calling it a universal soul sort of misses the point. While it's not inaccurate depending on the understanding of 'soul', I prefer to use soul to describe an individualized part of Qi because that's usually what soul is identified with.

It is redundant and negative to do any of these things. Creating superficial language serves no benefit and should be abandoned. You should only think of these words if you are trying to give citation to their sources but by no means fixate on them.

I personally feel differently. If a concept of my own matches up to another concept that already is termed, I think the best idea is to use the already existing term.

As for the title 'Ichi', it's an already existing word, but as far as I know it hasn't been used as a title for God. It was a mix of guilty pleasure of giving it a unique name, with the need to differentiate my Ichi God with lesser gods, or when comparing Ichi to gods in other religions.

I am not criticizing you harshly but I just giving you advice. I am not sure how developed your worldview is and I am not aware of whether or not you have entered a state of ihsan(cultural reference).


I hope that my views will continue to take me down into more and more complexity and continues to bring more questions and different answers. I would say my views currently are at early adolescence. Not too familiar with the term ihsan so I can't answer that.

Thanks for the advice, very much appreciated.


رسول الآلهة
Why does it worry you? In fact, don't we all have our own interpretation of reality?

On an epistemic and ontological level yeah but when people aggressively seek an interpretation and formulate it it worries me. We develop our sense naturally along with our sense of reality. When people actually formulate the ontology of reality I start thinking Waco Texas.

I just figured it'd be a lot easier to name it after a concept pretty similar to it. I feel that calling it a universal soul sort of misses the point. While it's not inaccurate depending on the understanding of 'soul', I prefer to use soul to describe an individualized part of Qi because that's usually what soul is identified with.

Calling it a universal soul would be more simpler at this stage since you yourself are defining the nature of it. Adding any preconceived religious baggage will just interfere.
I am saying this out of experience.

I personally feel differently. If a concept of my own matches up to another concept that already is termed, I think the best idea is to use the already existing term.

I will not deny this but you would not want to do this while you are developing the basis of your ontology. But then again I already admitted I do not know the extent of what you are doing. I do not know how well grounded you are and how knowledgeable you are.
I assumed ignorance and presumed you to be a newbie.

As for the title 'Ichi', it's an already existing word, but as far as I know it hasn't been used as a title for God. It was a mix of guilty pleasure of giving it a unique name, with the need to differentiate my Ichi God with lesser gods, or when comparing Ichi to gods in other religions.

Well I am an atheist and more specifically and anti-theist and to be even more specific a theological noncognitivist. I have no use for gods based merely on the word alone and I have rid myself of useless words with no inherent meaning.

I hope that my views will continue to take me down into more and more complexity and continues to bring more questions and different answers. I would say my views currently are at early adolescence. Not too familiar with the term ihsan so I can't answer that.

Ihsan means perfection, specifically practical perfection. It is when your philosophy becomes a praxis and you live by it.

Thanks for the advice, very much appreciated.

You are welcome. Any philosopher can help you.

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
On an epistemic and ontological level yeah but when people aggressively seek an interpretation and formulate it it worries me. We develop our sense naturally along with our sense of reality. When people actually formulate the ontology of reality I start thinking Waco Texas.

Still not sure why it worries you. My goal isn't to push my beliefs on anybody, but putting in my two cents so it could inspire their own beliefs. Sharing a thought so it doesn't have to be re-thought.

Calling it a universal soul would be more simpler at this stage since you yourself are defining the nature of it. Adding any preconceived religious baggage will just interfere.
I am saying this out of experience.

I will not deny this but you would not want to do this while you are developing the basis of your ontology. But then again I already admitted I do not know the extent of what you are doing. I do not know how well grounded you are and how knowledgeable you are.
I assumed ignorance and presumed you to be a newbie.

Far from the newbie stage. I've jumped around quite a bit for the past 6 years about in regards to philosophy and religion. I've been a materialist at one point, as well as an atheist. But I continue to grow. Now that you mention it, though, I do think I might be going in a circle. Whatever comes, whatever goes.

I always dreamed of being like Plato, Socrates, Nietzsche, Rand, etc. ever since I was 14, the tripping hole was nihilism, and still sort of is. Nihilism has been in my head for the longest time but it did not show large peaks until later, and it sort of just stuck and I find no reason to escape it. In my opinion, the results of nihilism are truly useful.

Well I am an atheist and more specifically and anti-theist and to be even more specific a theological noncognitivist. I have no use for gods based merely on the word alone and I have rid myself of useless words with no inherent meaning.

That is another thing; I recommend separation from God, non-attachment. Ichi is far beyond our comprehension anyways. Focusing in God is really just a distraction on the path to disillusionment.


رسول الآلهة
Still not sure why it worries you. My goal isn't to push my beliefs on anybody, but putting in my two cents so it could inspire their own beliefs. Sharing a thought so it doesn't have to be re-thought.

Oh I know your goal is not to push your beliefs on anybody I am just assuming you are a beginner and am just giving you helpful advice. If I am worried about something then usually you should not worry because I personally suffer from paranoia.
I am a total pessimist as well which does not help.

Far from the newbie stage. I've jumped around quite a bit for the past 6 years about in regards to philosophy and religion. I've been a materialist at one point, as well as an atheist. But I continue to grow. Now that you mention it, though, I do think I might be going in a circle. Whatever comes, whatever goes.

Well then sir, my words do not apply to you :D. If you have been an avid seeker for a couple of years then I should not worry, but as I said I am usually a pessimist. I assumed you were some idiot trying to wing a philosophical worldview with no knowledge. :D

I always dreamed of being like Plato, Socrates, Nietzsche, Rand, etc. ever since I was 14, the tripping hole was nihilism, and still sort of is. Nihilism has been in my head for the longest time but it did not show large peaks until later, and it sort of just stuck and I find no reason to escape it. In my opinion, the results of nihilism are truly useful.

If you understand the practical application of Nihilism then you are wise. Nietzsche was a major influence on me obviously.

That is another thing; I recommend separation from God, non-attachment. Ichi is far beyond our comprehension anyways. Focusing in God is really just a distraction on the path to disillusionment.

We share this then. I also believe religion is a delusion. This is why I say my philosophy is philosophy itself and avoid the trappings of taking a particular philosophical view.
Daoism, Dharma, Mimamsa, Sufism, Alevism and Buddhism have been major influences of mine but I discarded them very quickly. I do not even remember what they taught me I just recall finding them useful when I dove into them.

I shall give you a philosophical meow:


We share this then. I also believe religion is a delusion. This is why I say my philosophy is philosophy itself and avoid the trappings of taking a particular philosophical view.

I shall give you a philosophical meow:

Meeeeeow Philotech... why is religion a delusion?

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
Oh I know your goal is not to push your beliefs on anybody I am just assuming you are a beginner and am just giving you helpful advice. If I am worried about something then usually you should not worry because I personally suffer from paranoia.
I am a total pessimist as well which does not help.

I also think that way as a first reaction to many things, usually when the thing relates to a popular concept. Many concepts might seem mundane and simplistic at first glance, but what I've seen is that most of them have a very deep background.

Which is another reason I prefer "Qi" instead of "Universal Soul", Qi has a lot more philosophical details and is a conclusion that is commonly understood as complex. While a "soul" on the other hand is so common of a word that it lost its deeper meaning. Nowadays, when someone says soul they could mean anything - consciousness, ego, mind, true self, energy (often portrayed in the non-scientific concept of energy as somewhat concrete instead of abstract)

The same goes for god, mystical, plane of existence... etc. And outside of spirituality the same goes for dimension, universe, thermodynamics, etc.

If you understand the practical application of Nihilism then you are wise. Nietzsche was a major influence on me obviously.

Same here. I usually don't read his books (I own a compilation of them as well as a separate one), I prefer wiki or documentaries :D

I'm glad someone feels the same way about Nihilism as I do, as a path to wisdom. I personally feel that escaping nihilism is a waste. Not to mention, I can't imagine a true nihilist could ever escape it. I picture nihilism as a black hole in philosophy, and at event horizon it is pure nihilism.

We share this then. I also believe religion is a delusion. This is why I say my philosophy is philosophy itself and avoid the trappings of taking a particular philosophical view.
Daoism, Dharma, Mimamsa, Sufism, Alevism and Buddhism have been major influences of mine but I discarded them very quickly. I do not even remember what they taught me I just recall finding them useful when I dove into them.

Those are some pretty good influences :yes:

I shall give you a philosophical meow:



رسول الآلهة
I also think that way as a first reaction to many things, usually when the thing relates to a popular concept. Many concepts might seem mundane and simplistic at first glance, but what I've seen is that most of them have a very deep background.

I am just so simplistic of a person it hurts often times. I am trying to formulate a way I can tolerate mythical thinking but it is not working out right now. I really want to understand what theists and mythical thinkers like yourself feel but it is failing.
I honestly feel as if I am missing out even though mythical thinking has no benefits nor true negatives.

Which is another reason I prefer "Qi" instead of "Universal Soul", Qi has a lot more philosophical details and is a conclusion that is commonly understood as complex. While a "soul" on the other hand is so common of a word that it lost its deeper meaning. Nowadays, when someone says soul they could mean anything - consciousness, ego, mind, true self, energy (often portrayed in the non-scientific concept of energy as somewhat concrete instead of abstract)

The same goes for god, mystical, plane of existence... etc. And outside of spirituality the same goes for dimension, universe, thermodynamics, etc.

Now you understand my fascination with etymology and philology :D.

Same here. I usually don't read his books (I own a compilation of them as well as a separate one), I prefer wiki or documentaries :D

You have to get into Nietzsche then. His writing consist purely of Nihilism in most cases and making life sustainable despite it. This is his crowning achievement in philosophy, not his anti-theism.

I'm glad someone feels the same way about Nihilism as I do, as a path to wisdom. I personally feel that escaping nihilism is a waste. Not to mention, I can't imagine a true nihilist could ever escape it. I picture nihilism as a black hole in philosophy, and at event horizon it is pure nihilism.

It is all about the type of Nihilism. People generally use the term Nihilism in a very colloquial sense which never expands on about subjectivity and it's relation to living. A Nihilist just does not believe in objective or universal morals, religions or meanings in life. Nihilism is just a rejection of a false sense of universality or objectivity.

Those are some pretty good influences :yes:

Now you know why I cannot pick a label :D


The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
We all look at the world and wonder who is the master. Who is the creator? The man who looks at the mountains may come up with a different answer than the man who looks at the waters. The man who looks for orders will hold a different view of the world than the man who gives them.

But to unlock the truth you have to look outside yourself, and that means truly outside of yourself. The lack of opinions, the lack of speculations, the lack of questions, and the lack of answers. That in itself will be the only answer you'll need: Nothing.

Without yourself, there is no reality. Tell me why you perceive through your soul and not another. Why there is something rather than nothing. Why there is life composed of lifeless things. Why the laws of physics, as abstract as they are, are there. Why anything exists at all, including God.

What you'll find is that there are no answers, only speculations. There is no one God, there are many. But there is a oneness that exists, Ichi, that defines all that exists and perhaps is both at rest and is expanding. That all conditions are of one condition, all feelings are of one feeler, all people are of one person, all gods are of one God, and all things are of one Thing.

The only thing we can prove is that there is Something. Beyond that is speculation. No matter how much of reality is real, it doesn't matter even if this is all one Big Thought,m there is a Thinker, and that's all we need to know to know there is Ichi.