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My Interpretations of Reality

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
The most basic truth, for me, is that existence is how it is and nothing will change that. It doesn't matter whether or not God exists, there is an afterlife, that the highest good is pleasure, or anything like that. There is only one known truth; take a look around you. This is the condition, and nothing will change that.

Philosophy's primary goal shouldn't be to change the world around someone according to their beliefs, but rather change someone according to the world around them.

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
In the toughest of situations, emotional or spiritual struggle, I always find that it is difficult to get around them because of how painful and agonizing the experience is. But you have to think of it like physical pain - the sooner you get through it, the easier it'll be. Going through the situation slow and carefully will multiply the quantity of its time.

Simply focusing on the situation makes it worse, the severity of its unpleasantness multiplies the quality of it.

When there is a negative occurrence, if you can change it, change it. If you can't, there is nothing to come out of stressing on it. Just as much, you must embrace the pain to prepare for it next time. But you also need to move alongside it to cut yourself some slack.

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
Understanding God is simple with the right interpretation. Comprehending God, on the other hand, is impossible. One can know God, but one cannot know God's nature.

When we make these claims, including myself, we are trying to make sense of God, but when we do so God always comes out on a very, very low level, anthropomorphic and a nearing infinite fraction of what God actually is.

This is why finding God is so hard - we look around the universe for him but do not realize it is the universe itself that is God. The physical universe and all abstract things that emerge from it. God, Ichi, is literally the Entirety, the All, the Sum of Everything.

Have you ever wondered how many "things" there are in the universe? Have you ever considered that there might be only one existing thing? And to get even more confusing, have you considered that but just as well considered that there is an infinite number of things?

The only one thing that exists is Ichi, this is God.

The infinite things comes from the illusion of separation - it is not only possible to separate Ichi into many bits and pieces (mentally wise), but it is inevitable for any being that has perception.

And so, with that, there could be countless of lesser gods in our very own universe - Perhaps Yahweh, starting out as a war god to the Canaanites and grew more powerful because it was in our nature to start wars, and after enough power he became corrupted, sociopathic, destroying or covering up the other gods of that pantheon.

There could be Krishna, Allah, Zeus, you name it!

Some lesser gods I have uncovered on my journey to mystical understanding include dividing Ichi into three parts: the creator, the keeper/preserver, and the destroyer. As well as separate each of those into two parts. It'd look something like this:


Alpha God​
Active universal forces​
Beta God​
God of Horns​

None of which are important unless we make them to be. If you're on the path to disillusionment, though, I highly recommend you do not have a relationship with them. This path should be personally constructed, and the gods are simply distractions.

Ichi, though, is impersonal and should be treated as a fact instead of a God. He does not get in the way, he sees no separation and thus no focus on individualize parts, only himself.

Qi, the worldsoul, too is important even though listed. Its importance is for spiritual leveling. If you can strengthen your spiritual self on your own, good. If you can't, Qi is very reliable and is actually personal and interactive.

Qi is omnipresent, awake, and attaching. Much like the holy spirit, it attaches itself to different "individuals", but unlike the holy spirit, there is only one Qi and we are it. From Qi's perspective, if it had one, there would be no difference in you and I, those words become meaningless.

Another thing about Qi - Qi is pure purity, putting it that way for a lack of a better explanation. What lies behind your consciousness is your self awareness, what lies behind your self awareness is perception, ad infinitum. At some point there is Qi, it cannot be separated and so it is the True Perceiver, the one that perceives the perception of perception of perception (ad infinitum)....

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
I thought I'd add this now that I remember holding this as a motivational one liner, it may serve as importance to some people:

If you want to go downhill, you must first go uphill. Whether or not if its worth it is up to you, but pleasure first requires pain.

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
Universal Reason: logos


Logos is the universal reason, the divine logic that our universe abides in its deterministic way. It is what makes everything set out the way it is, the way things happen. There is only one possible chain of events from the chaotic big bang, and that is what is happening. The very moment that the big bang took place was the only chaotic event to ever take place - it created spacetime, it created the laws of reality which created reality.

But is the very existence of logos chaotic itself? Even if it is what gives our universe its order and space's shape in time, itself is the only factor of determination, it is simply the Word, the only way, but its own existence is random in itself. Why this shape? Why this order? Why does the logos exist anyway if the logos is the reason for existence and for everything? What is the reason for the reason?

Straw Dog

Well-Known Member
But is the very existence of logos chaotic itself? Even if it is what gives our universe its order and space's shape in time, itself is the only factor of determination, it is simply the Word, the only way, but its own existence is random in itself. Why this shape? Why this order? Why does the logos exist anyway if the logos is the reason for existence and for everything? What is the reason for the reason?[/spoiler]

It seems that the logos has no choice but to eventually collapse back into pure chaos. The Word can be written as long as there is empty space to write upon.

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
It seems that the logos has no choice but to eventually collapse back into pure chaos. The Word can be written as long as there is empty space to write upon.

Indeed, eventually it will come to that. But I do not see it as unfortunate, because the chaos is more than just nothingness, it is an infinite amount of potential energy and self generated kinetic energy.

My guess is that a lack of logos would simply bring another logos into existence that may be exactly the same or completely different in that a universe isn't generated from it, but some other way existence can take form that we cannot comprehend.

Straw Dog

Well-Known Member
Indeed, eventually it will come to that. But I do not see it as unfortunate, because the chaos is more than just nothingness, it is an infinite amount of potential energy and self generated kinetic energy.

My guess is that a lack of logos would simply bring another logos into existence that may be exactly the same or completely different in that a universe isn't generated from it, but some other way existence can take form that we cannot comprehend.

I agree. We perceive the return to chaos as annihilation, but it is merely necessary for an original creation or order to take root. This is why the gods are doomed and the end is death.

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
I agree. We perceive the return to chaos as annihilation, but it is merely necessary for an original creation or order to take root. This is why the gods are doomed and the end is death.

Fortunately for the right minded, all shall end. Unfortunately for the addicted, all shall end. But perhaps it never even begins. That is, order is simply a transition of chaos rather than the other way around.