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My Paranormal Investigation at the Berry Hill Resort

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
This thread is solely for the purpose of documenting my paranormal investigation at the Berry Hill Resort & Conference Center in South Boston, Virginia. For those who aren't familiar with who I am, I'm a firm believer in the paranormal, first as a sensitive and a medium, second as a paranormal investigator and researcher, and third as a first-hand eyewitness to poltergeist activity and other paranormal phenomena. In fact, I've spent a lot of my time and finances investigating and researching the paranormal.

Please note that my thread is not a debate thread for skeptics determined to prove that the paranormal is not real. My thread is not a preaching soapbox for Christians (and other Abrahamic theists) to fervently insist that it's wrong for people to believe that earthbound human spirits (a.k.a. ghosts) exist because it's demonic in nature and goes against what's taught in the Bible or some other holy book. I repeat, my thread isn't a debate thread or a soapbox to preach from. Debate and mocking members isn't allowed in this sub-forum. My thread is for paranormal enthusiasts and others who are genuinely interested in the paranormal.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Here's a recap of the terms that I often use in my posts relating to the paranormal.

EMF - Electromagnetic Fields

An EMF meter (detector) measures fluctuations in electromagnetic fields. It's a common theory among paranormal investigators that spirits have the ability to manipulate these fields. Unexplained EMF readings often indicate something paranormal.

- Electronic Voice Phenomena

An EVP is the voice of a spirit interacting with living people through an EVP recorder or a digital recorder. A spirit box (or ghost box) gives spirits the chance to speak in comprehensive sentences. A Class-A EVP is an intelligent answer to a question that everyone present can hear, whether it's a disembodied voice or it's heard through a spirit box, an EVP recorder, or a digital recorder.

SLS - Structured Light Sensor
An SLS camera can detect human shapes in absolute darkness or full light. It allows paranormal investigators to detect spirits that can't be seen with the naked eye, unless a spirit manifests. It gives paranormal investigators the ability to see a 3D image (like a skeleton) of a spirit. The green lines and white dots are spirits that have been mapped out by the camera through an infrared grid.

And now, with that all said and out of the way, I'll begin sharing what I personally experienced while I was at the Berry Hill Resort & Conference Center and the stories I was told by some of the hotel staff, including their own experiences with the paranormal and what other hotel guests have told them. I arrived at the resort early in the afternoon, and I started my paranormal investigation shortly after my husband and I got settled into our hotel room. I began my investigation in the hallway where our room was located, and I had my SLS camera and spirit box in hand as I walked up and down the hallway. I captured spirits on my SLS camera in the hallway (SLS images will be posted later in the proceeding posts) and there were several spirits speaking through the spirit box. There was quite a bit of commotion in the hallway from hotel staff and other hotel guests, so I wasn't able to record any EVPs.

I tried to record EVPs in the stairwell, but I couldn't get away from the outside noises (living people speaking, the sound of doors slamming, birds happily chirping outside in the yard). There are four floors in the hotel, and I walked the length of each one, capturing SLS images, speaking to the spirits through the spirit box, and attempting to record EVPs. I was getting flustered as I tried to record EVPs because there was always some commotion in my vicinity, whether I was in a hallway, in the stairwell, in my hotel room, or pretty much everywhere else on the property of the resort. It wasn't possible for me to get a proper recording of EVPs.

I personally experienced poltergeist activity: a television turning on as I walked into one of the hotel rooms; the button on the elevator lighting up and dinging as if someone had pressed it; a chair moving on its own in the foyer; a loud bang on the wall right beside me, and no other living person was near me at the time. I checked to see if I could debunk the bang; the door knob on my hotel room kept jiggling, and each time I opened the door, no one was anywhere near my room; I heard footsteps behind me, but when I turned around, no one was there; batteries in my iPhone going from 100% to zero in a matter of seconds; a heavy door closing on its own and then opening again. Hotel staff and I checked the door and tried to debunk it, but we weren't able to. There was no wind blowing from the outside and there wasn't an air conditioner vent near the door. I was told that has happened before.

I also personally witnessed two lamps turning on after asking the spirits to do something to show me and a hotel employee that they were there; a nightlight (that had to be manually switched on) turning on in a bathroom that was pitch black only a few seconds before. The lamps turning on and the nightlight turning on were also witnessed by the hotel employee. I asked, "How many spirits are here with us?" We heard "all around" on the spirit box, and then we heard, "bathroom." We walked back to the bathroom, and the nightlight was turned on. Several of the hotel employees told me about their personal experiences while working, such as hearing their name called and when they went to check out who called their name, no one else was around; hearing footsteps behind them and seeing no one behind them; the elevator door opening and shutting on its own. It had been recently checked and certified by the company who installed it. Housekeeping reported that they would make the bed in one of the suites, then go into the bathroom to clean it, and when they returned, the bed was completely messed up or there was an indent at the end of the bed like someone was sitting on it. I heard another guest tell hotel staff that he and his family were distressed about the noise they consistently heard in their room. He said it sounded like someone throwing pebbles and hitting the trash bin. He said this noise occurred every few minutes the entire time they were in the room. He brushed it off and made a joke about it.

Well, this is the end of my OP. I'm currently sitting at a cold McDonald's in a rural town in Alabama. My husband is currently working, and I'm waiting for him to call me so I can go pick him up. We're starting our very long journey home to Texas today. I'm not sure how much more time I have before he calls, so I'm typing as quickly as possible in order to finish this OP. I'm planning to post more later this evening when we reach the hotel in Louisiana where we're staying tonight. I'll try to post more of my SLS images the next time I post. I don't know when I'll have cellular data while we're driving because cellular data is often iffy on the road. So, I don't know if I'll be able to login to RF while I'm on the road or not. I must ask everyone reading my OP to please respect the boundaries I've set for my thread, and that means no debating against other people's beliefs in the paranormal or preaching on a soapbox. I'll be back later to read any comments and respond. I think I have a few minutes left to post a couple of SLS images.

Peace and Love,
Sgt. Pepper
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Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
These SLS images were captured at the hotel desk on the first day of my investigation.





Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
In my haste to finish my OP earlier this evening, I forgot to mention that the Berry Hill Resort was once the Berry Hill Plantation. I learned that it was a fairly large and prosperous plantation before the Civil War. The town of South Boston was also part of the plantation before much of the plantation land was sold. There is a slave cemetery approximately a mile from the hotel, and there are also ruins of what were once the slave quarters, about a quarter of a mile from the mansion. While I was investigating these ruins, I was able to communicate with a few spirits who were once slaves. I tried to encourage these spirits to crossover by telling them that they're no longer slaves and they're now free. I also expressed my sorrow that they had been slaves, and I told them that I hoped that they would choose to crossover. At these ruins, I managed to capture only one SLS image of a spirit because it was appearing and disappearing so quickly. I tried very hard to capture it in an image when I could see its full body with the SLS camera, but I wasn't successful. I asked the spirit if I could take its picture and it stood still for a split second, but then it was gone again. I politely explained why I was at these ruins and I told the spirits that I'd like to speak to them. I didn't feel like I was unwelcome at these ruins, but I didn't see any of the spirits with my own eyes. However, I did hear voices both audibly and through my spirit box.

Here is that image.


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Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
These SLS images were captured at a small cemetery for the family who had originally owned the plantation and for a few of their descendants. As I approached this cemetery, I heard "Don't! Don't! Don't!" both audibly and through my spirit box. I heeded the agitated warning and didn't enter the cemetery. I stayed at the border of the cemetery and communicated with the spirits from there. I asked for permission to enter, but I never received an answer. A smaller spirit did approach me as I stood on the hill looking down on the graves, but I wasn't able to capture its image. I assumed it was a child. It was standing in front of the tree stump.







Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
These SLS images were captured late at night inside the mansion while I was investigating the first floor of the mansion. I was accompanied by one of the hotel staff who gave me access to some of the rooms and suites that weren't currently available to other hotel guests. He was the hotel employee who witnessed the paranormal activity involving the two lamps and the nightlight that I mentioned in my OP. We investigated the mansion around 10:00 at night, and we were the only two living people inside the mansion at that time. A couple of rooms on the lower floor of the mansion now houses a fancy restaurant with a full bar.

The liquor wasn't the only spirits at the bar that night.








Advaita Vedanta, Theosophy, Spiritualism
Premium Member
Wow, @Sgt. Pepper that sounds like a lot of activity of various sorts. Thanks for sharing,

My question is 'do you think you are personally an attractor of spirits because of your psychic gifts? I suspect I could go myself to the very same hotel and not experience 5% of what you experienced (like I'd get one iffy experience if I'm lucky).

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
Wow, @Sgt. Pepper that sounds like a lot of activity of various sorts. Thanks for sharing,

My question is 'do you think you are personally an attractor of spirits because of your psychic gifts? I suspect I could go myself to the very same hotel and not experience 5% of what you experienced (like I'd get one iffy experience if I'm lucky).

Yes, I definitely attract spirits nearly everywhere I go. I will sometimes refer to myself as a "ghost radar" because I often attract spirits wherever I go. It doesn't bother me anymore, but I have to be discreet while I'm in public. I don't want other people to think I'm just standing there talking to myself. The level of poltergeist activity I mentioned in my OP usually happens to me whenever I'm in a haunted location, but it doesn't always happen like that because the paranormal can be tricky, and it's hardly ever predictable.

I've been to well-known haunted locations to investigate and I barely get any evidence or I don't pick up anything, in spite of the fact that I can sense that there are multiple spirits present. On the other hand, I've been to locations that aren't known to be haunted, and I was bombarded with EVPs, thermal images, and SLS images. I've also captured multiple spirits in pictures at these locations.

Spirits and other entities don't normally perform on command. I don't go into a haunted location and demand that the spirits show themselves, and I don't expect them to knock on the wall, open a door, turn on a light, or move something so I can document some good poltergeist activity. Spirits aren't there for my amusement. If there are other people with me while I'm investigating a location, I'll politely ask if the spirits will do something to make their presence known. If the spirits do something to verify their presence, like move something, turn on a light, knock on the wall, or open a closed door, then I will thank them for communicating with me and the other people there with me. If the spirits don't respond to my question, then I won't press the issue. I show the spirits respect because I'm in their personal space and in their home. I don't go in with the attitude that the spirits owe me anything in regard to paranormal evidence, and I most certainly don't provoke the spirits. I respect the spirits, and in return, they respect me and don't try to hurt me. Many paranormal investigators are arrogant and obnoxious and don't respect the dead. I don't disrespect the dead.
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Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
How does someone know if it's okay to communicate with them?

As a medium and a sensitive, I have the advantage of sensing whether a spirit is dangerous or not whenever I come into contact with one. If I feel like the spirit is malicious or it's an evil entity, then I won't try to make contact with it. Otherwise, I don't have a problem with communicating with the dead. Other paranormal investigators who don't have the same abilities as I have take their chances whenever they're investigating a haunted location. I'd like to mention that interacting with spirits isn't something that should be taken lightly when investigating a haunted location. I highly advise against provoking and offending a spirit. That's a really bad idea.
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Yes, I wouldn't take communication lightly, that's why I haven't tried to. Is it an intuition of knowing that it's good or evil, or judging by the activity?