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My satanic nature


Well-Known Member
I am very anti-christian as the lifestyle Jesus tried to convince people to lead, resulting in the "christian lifestyle" is opposite of the way I want to live my life
So, are you trying to find or define your religion to fit your lifestyle? Or would it be wiser to redifine your lifestyle to fit your religion?


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
***Mod Post***

Please note that this thread is in the Satanism DIR. Anyone who does not identify with the belief system represented in this DIR, please read rule 10 and post accordingly. Thank you.


Left Hand Path
I consider myself a Satanic Atheist as I don't believe in a literal god or satan but am willing to accept the fact that as per the christian religion I'm going to Hell.

If I'm wrong about my lack of belief in deities I would much rather accept Satan than Jesus and be willing to serve him by rebelling against christianity.

I know enough about Satanism (or the LHP in general) to understand that there are different beliefs but I seem to fall under the category of "other" Can someone clarify where I stand?

If you claim to know enough of the LHP, then you would not need any others to help "clarify" where you stand.

Here, we all stand to together.

Think of us as stars, there is so many of us, yet we are so distant.

Yet we are also the space, which is consistant with all things, because we are not only part of the universe, we are the universe, as our very nature is just that...everything. :D

Of course, it is Satanic to question things, to create things, to deny things, to follow things, and to simply be things.

My view is, all things are Satanic, even those silly Christians who deny even bash us out of ignorance. They are still in Opposition to what we are, therefore, making them Satanic. (The literal meaning of Satan is Opposition or Advesary if you didn't know).

Mr. Cage

LaVeyan Satanists are really just atheists with a flair for the dramatic. They don't really believe in anything supernatural. It's all just pageantry. :rolleyes:

Want "dramatic", attend a catholic service and try to look at the service as if you've never seen it before.

Better yet, try dressing four children for the service. Thats pretty dramatic too. A bunch of wise children running around half naked screeming how much they hate church!
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Midnight Pete

Well-Known Member
and you roll your eyes.... because.... ?

Because it's lame! As lame as organization that calls itselfs a church but does not conduct itself in that way. I do not prefer real satanists to fake ones. But are fake satanists less dangerous than real ones? I think so.



fake satanists, fake christians
real satanists, real christians.

What would we all do without you Pete
to let us all know who's real and fake. :rolleyes:
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Want "dramatic", attend a catholic service and try to look at the service as if you've never seen it before.

Better yet, try dressing four children for the service. Thats pretty dramatic too. A bunch of wise children running around half naked screeming how much they hate church!

It's true! And every christian denomination has its own style of drama.
It's fun to turn down the volume and watch christian drama/ritual/services with no sound.
From Roman catholic High Mass...to Filled with the Spirit Revival gyrations.
(and everything in between)
From the pious and stern stance of the sin and hellfire pulpit....
to the "happy clappy" "every'thing's peachy in jesus" sceene.
And all of the dressed up children who don't dig the drama,
and want to be-line it for the door.
(so they can go home and be real. ie "children")

The difference I guess to Pete, is that the adults in those churches
think their drama is ...mmmm.... not a drama? :shrug:
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Mr. Cage

Let me point out an interesting point here. Im sure you'll never see it seperate again.

When we think of Organized religion we think of " control". The church these days lack this control. Thanks to Machavelli seperating church from state. But did he?

I want you to walk into a church and look around. Then soon after walk into a court room. You will notice the set up is exactly the same in the hopes to impose control. Where there was a Priest, theres now a judge in robes. To his left theres not a decon but instead a clerk magistrate. Off to the right there no seating for the quire but rather a jury. They got rid of the organ and replaced it with a stenographer. Bench seating for the controled hasnt changed however. The sin has been replaced with law. Ect...ect..

So tell me pete, what is church?
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Left Hand Path
Because it's lame! As lame as organization that calls itselfs a church but does not conduct itself in that way. I do not prefer real satanists to fake ones. But are fake satanists less dangerous than real ones? I think so.

I'd prefer you not speak from your anus.

But if you will, I will too.

So the SD (Satan Desciples), are less dangerous than the common sense Satanist?

A gang that takes on the label Satan (to induce fear), that rapes, murders, pillages, and sells drugs is less dangerous than an actual "fake" (athiest) Satanists that is more of an introvert in perspective and despises such destructive activity? It is highly unlikely that these brainless morons actually know anything about being Satanic (of course that goes without the consideration that they are ignorantly Satanic, but still).

Please...I'd prefer you not confuse idiocy with being Satanic. If that were the case than every self deceitful, hypocritical Christian would be in the same boat.

As if they arn't already, all things Oppose, which makes all things Satanic.

So, fake and real? In reality, all things are real, even if they are fake.

Like smart Christians and dumb Christians, they may both exist, and worship separately (hence the 500+ different branches of Christianity), but it doesn't make them real or fake.

A Satanists is a Satanists, even if they are a moron.

You know how many times Christians have told me not to believe everything I hear?

Well now I can say this, believe everything you hear, but not in a timely fashion.
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