Seriously Ridiculous
Hey you Christian fundamentalists, did you ever think that homosexuality is natural? I have many gay friends and they all function well in society. And so Betty didn't have to see two men making out on tv at her son's age, do you think anyone really enjoys watching a woman and a man make out all the time ever? NO! Homosexuality is just as natural as heterosexuality and just like the latter, the former has been around since the beginning of the human race. The problem with Christianity is that you all refuse to believe that the earth has been in existence for its true lifetime. Maybe you should open your eyes and realize that there are people who are different from you, and that they, in no way threatening your precious existence in a bubble. Open your eyes are realize that it was close minded people like yourselves that allowed for slavery to continue and that it is wrong and unnatural to oppress a group of people because they behave differently. And further, no one has proof as to what happens after death. In all possibility, there is no eternal life and we're just like everything else on earth--we decompose and grow into weeds. Or there is eternal life, in which case all closet gays would be damned for lying so much in their lives. I hope Bobby can stand up to his mother, tell her to open her close-minded eyes and realize that her son is not filth.