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My Story

Id like to share something that happened to me when I was just 5 years old (20 years ago) with anyone that wants to read this. I havent shared this with many people in my life because, I admit, its very hard to believe. This is all from my own point of view and I was actually there. The only 3rd person views I will use is my own Fathers.

Im not particularly faithful towards a certain religion. And I wasnt raised around any certain one. I wouldnt say " I dont believe", but thats a whole different can of worms that I dont want to open right now.

I first remember all this when My dad took me out trick or treating on Halloween. I wasnt much for candy, never was, so he took me to the nearest Pizza Hut to calm me down. I can remember crying because i hated walking around with zombies and ghosts everywhere i looked.

After walking up to the counter we stood there for a minute. There was no customers at the tables and we couldnt see any of the people working, so we waited. Suddenly, while i was standing at the counter waiting, a employee popped up with a scary mask on. One of those Micheal Myers type masks. I screamed so loud the women wearing the mask ripped it off her face, and cried because I was so upset. I dont remember much right after that.

Right now it isnt very interesting but bear with me, youll understand soon.

I want to say it was about a week after that when things got strange. Very strange.
While I was sleeping in my bed one night, I heard a loud scream coming from my dad in his bedroom. It sounded like a mountain lion, if youve ever heard one. I ran to my dads room like i was going to save him from something. This was the point I can remember in my life when I became courageous, and I really dont know why. Im still very courageous compared to most people.

When I got to the door and opened it, the screaming stopped as soon as the the door opened. It was pitch black so I turn the light on while looking towards his bed. When the light came on, I saw him fall on the table next to his bed. Like he had been floating in mid air in a lying down position. I didnt scream or make a sound. My step mother, at the time, woke up as soon as she heard him fall and the table breaking. She jumped from a dead sleep and immediately looked at him on the ground. I could see him from the doorway.

She screamed "Help!" while looking at me in the scariest expression I have every seen on someone. Like she was more than scared, completely terrified. When I got to where i was able to see him, he was shaking his head and getting up. He didnt say a thing or make any kind of facial expression. Just stood up and looked at me.

He said " im okay, go back to bed". He sounded different though. He even looked a little different, I hadnt noticed it though. I went back to sleep. When I woke up in the morning, my step mother was already siting in my room. My dad had already gone to work. I can remember her looking at me and saying something about she saw his neck broke. she still looked scared.

This is the part that most people start to doubt any of this happening at all. I even doubt it sometimes. Unfortunately its burnt in my memory and scared in my fathers flesh. Now Im going to take it to his point of view. I cant say this exactly the same as his story. Its whats hes told me since this all happened.

He said he was dreaming he was in a jungle. There were deep drums banging a scary beat in the background. He said the beat made it seem like something was after him. Or he was being hunted by some sorts of animal. The sound got closer and closer. Suddenly and violently he was shot straight up into the air. He somehow ended up in a cage, where he could see darkness through a window and fire all around the cage. The fire got hotter and hotter so he was trying to bust the glass window to get out. When he was beating on it, it suddenly lit up. He said he could see everything that had happened when I walked into his room. He saw himself fall and my step mother screaming. He said it was like the window was the heat register in the base boards. Like his nose was in line with the floor of the bed room.

More to come. gotta rest my fingers. Someone please comment?
Later that day I was in my bedroom about to take a nap. I couldnt sleep because the light from outside was so bright. I looked out the window and saw something amazing. Far in the background I saw a huge fortress. Maybe it was a city. It had big pillars as far as the eye could see. Looked like it was made of pure marble with gold art all over it.

When I turned around, I saw someone. Or more felt the presence of someone. I could hear their voice in my head. Its hard to explain. Like just meeting your first imaginary friend. It said to me "Dont worry, you will be protected". Oddly enough I remember crawling in my bed and falling right asleep afterwards.

When I woke up I immediately told my step mom what had happened. She acted like she believed me, but now I understand she was just playing along with it. She was sitting on the couch reading a book when I grabbed a bible that was siting on the book shelf and handed it to her. She just looked at me weird.

Before she even had the book open, I was reciting parts from it. As if from memory although i had never read it before. She opened the book and read along with me, word for word. I still dont know what she thought when I was reading it. I dont know what I would think if my son did the same either.
That night I woke from my sleep to a sound in my room. I sensed the presence of someone in the room with me. I dont really remember too much but somehow I ended up playing with lego blocks with this "person" on the floor of my bedroom. I remember, vividly, it saying "No children need to worry, we watch out for the kids. Whenever you want to play or feel sad, we will be there". I remember sticking my hand out like I was catching sand in my palm. It said "You have a mission to do, so dont be afraid, I will be with you".

I ended up in my dads room. I remember sprinkling the sand on my dads face while he slept. my step mom woke up and asked what I was doing. I looked at her with a smile and said "Dont worry, I am putting blood on him and it will heal him". I still dont know why I called it blood, when I remember it being sand. Or what I needed to heal him for. After that i just walked into my bedroom and slept.
The next morning my dad woke me up and got me dressed. We headed straight to the truck and drove to a big parking lot. The whole time we were in the truck together he didnt say anything, he didnt even look at me. We sat in that parking lot for probably an hour. He drank beer and stared off into nowhere the whole time. Then we drove to a big church.

When we walked up to the church, and got to the door, he looked at me and smiled. We walked in and a preist greeted us. My dad said he had something to ask him in private. So we walked into the back of the church, in a big room with a desk. My dad basically explained to him what had happened, up to that point. The priest looked at him and said he had experience with the apartment we lived in at the time. He said the address, apt 9A, upside down is 6V. The mark of the devil and the v that was in jesus' forehead when the thorns were placed om his head.

Two years ago a guy came to the same church. He was babbling that he was seeing things and hearing things. I remember the priest calling it speaking in tounges. One night, the police got a call from the apt and heard screaming from multiple people on the phone. No one said anything to the police dispatcher. The police busted down the door and the guy was standing in the hallway with a shotgun. He ended up getting shot and killed by the police officers. There were fingernail scratches on the walls in the bathroom. They deemed him insane.
When we got back home there was a tension amongst us. They were scared, I wasnt so much. We deciding to sleep in the living room that night. We were leaving in the morning.My dad slept on the couch and we slept on the floor. there was a huge glass coffee table between us and him. It must have weighed 200 pounds, atleast.

I was awoken that night by a shattering of glass. I sat up and saw the most terrifying thing i have ever seen. It was a snake, a big snake, riding a unicycle, wearing the same mask I was afraid of halloween night. I heard sounds that I cant explain. Like tempting but scary sounds. Uniform sounds like a language. It rode this unicycle right to me, coming right at me. Somehow it turn and ran my step moms arm over, bruising it pretty battly. Then somehow the glass coffee table flew up to the cieling, and smashed down on my dads legs. cutting them fom ankle to thigh. He still has the scars.

Then the snake rode into the bathroom, slamming the door behind it. I saw figures on the wall. I cant explain them. They were like shadows of people looking at me. but they were shadows made of light, instead of darkness.
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We left right then. Didnt take anything with us just fleed. We headed to a buddies of my dads 300 miles away. My dad laid on the backseat and refused to go to the hospital until we got to where I would be safe. Mark would definately be the men. He was a generious and nice man. But he didnt hesitate to use his guns and he had alot of them. While my dad was at the hospital we fell asleep in the back room. All 3 of us in the same room. When my dad came back, thingd got scary. He ran in, bursting the door doen with his feet. He was screaming, at the top of his lungs, right in our faces. And laughing hysterically. He was beating on the walls and kicking the bed over and over.

Mark grabbed his shotgun that was leaning right next to him. He stuck it in his face and told him to calm down. He didnt even seem to know what a gun can do. He just screamed like a wild animal. I walked up between the gun and him and said " STOP!"
My dad turned right around and went into the living room and fell asleep on the couch. Early that morning, A police swat team busted in Marks door and stuck guns to his head.

The hospital he went to reported the cuts on his legs, thinking he was in a hit and run accident. Apperantly the neibors had called the police when we left the apt when they heard all the screaming. The police saw all our belongings in there and blood all over the walls. they thought he had murdered us and was on the run. When they realized we were alive, they took us all to the police station