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My thoughts on the Romney’s Income Tax Returns and other points. Any rebuke


Veteran Member
Why do you want to see Obama's school papers and transcripts? Do you just want to have a Romney campaign talking point about something besides Romney's big government social micromanaging and abysmal budget plan ala Paul Ryan?

In the spirit of debate, I'll offer my reasons: I want Romney to be transparent as a candidate; providing tax returns has been a pretty standard thing for quite a while now. It's not like it's an extreme or unusual request; the only thing unusual is his refusal to release them. It makes me think that he's trying to hide something. I don't need to be a tax code expert; once he releases them, I'm sure that there will be plenty of tax code experts happy to peruse them on my behalf.

In addition, taxes, and how the burden should be distrubted, is an important and hot issue right now. This case simply highlights that relevant issue.

Question: Do you think that the people that write tax code laws should release their tax returns? It would seem to be a more realistic idea since they write the laws. So, how many tax returns have been released by congressional members? links

Nancy Pelosi Downplays Tax Return Demand : Roll Call News
Harry Reid not releasing his own tax returns - Darren Goode and Jonathan Allen - POLITICO.com
Surprise! Harry Reid Refuses to Release His Tax Returns - Katie Pavlich
Nancy Pelosi: I Will Release My Tax Returns When I Run For President | Mediaite


Earthbending Lemur
Premium Member
Question: Do you think that the people that write tax code laws should release their tax returns? It would seem to be a more realistic idea since they write the laws. So, how many tax returns have been released by congressional members? links

Nancy Pelosi Downplays Tax Return Demand : Roll Call News
Harry Reid not releasing his own tax returns - Darren Goode and Jonathan Allen - POLITICO.com
Surprise! Harry Reid Refuses to Release His Tax Returns - Katie Pavlich
Nancy Pelosi: I Will Release My Tax Returns When I Run For President | Mediaite
So you only find it a problem when democrats don't do it? That cake must be really good.


Veteran Member
So you only find it a problem when democrats don't do it? That cake must be really good.

Nope, that is the only information that I could find about congress and tax returns. I think all political figures should submit data.


Well-Known Member
I read a story about some ethnic Mexicans driving through Tennessee who had their money confiscated under the current asset forfeiture laws. Never mind that the State couldn't prove that the money they possess was involved in any illegal activity they took it anyway. The individuals involved are U.S. citizens. They had private property taken from them without due process.

Does anyone believe that Romney or Obama cares about this incident? I'll answer that for you. They don't. Never mind that the office of the Executive Branch is to uphold the Constitution of this United States and that they are to protect the rights of all citizens. This concept is forgotten in the modern day election system in which people hope to vote for the Despot in charge.

I'm just a little bit jaded..........


Earthbending Lemur
Premium Member
Nope, that is the only information that I could find about congress and tax returns. I think all political figures should submit data.
Then why were you arguing that Romney shouldn't have to?

Also, why did you only cite Pelosi and Reid for not releasing tax returns, when I'm sure there are plenty of top Republicans who haven't as well? (According to one journalist's attempt, only 17 of 535 congressional members have done so.)

Plus, it's standard practice that presidential candidates release their tax records, dating back to Ford (in the wake of Nixon and his tax woes). It hasn't become mainstream for congressman to release their records (though I wouldn't be opposed to that as well... frankly, it should be required.)

That last article you posted stated that Pelosi would release should she run for president. She's just maintaining the status quo: Right now, it's expected that presidential candidates release their taxes; it's not expected for congressmen.


Veteran Member
Then why were you arguing that Romney shouldn't have to?

Romney is releasing the "Required" number of tax returns. Look, the Obama campaign and his surrogates are running a strictly negative campaign. It is a known fact that Romney paid approx 13% taxes on his total income. There is nothing illegal about that, but the Obama campaign would make much ado about nothing. Do you think it is dumb or smart to retain as much of your income as the LAW allows. The idea many have put forward: I am more concerned with what the government does with MY money that what Romney LEGALLY did with his.


Not Religious
I am more concerned with what the government does with MY money that what Romney LEGALLY did with his.
That's your problem. Most people in the top 1% vote republican for the loopholes and LEGAL means of gaming the system.

I wouldn't expect a person running for the highest office in the land to take part in such ventures. Obama released over 10 years. Romney released 1 "edited" year? Not sufficient.


Veteran Member
That's your problem. Most people in the top 1% vote republican for the loopholes and LEGAL means of gaming the system.

If you believe that rich democrats don't do the same thing you also probably believe in the tooth fairy.

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
This is a dishonest question! No one who wants to see more tax returns are going to vote for Mitt anyway.

I don't believe anyone who wants to see BHO's transcripts would change their minds as well.

All anybody is trying to do is justify their prejudices
Last edited:


Not Religious
If you believe that rich democrats don't do the same thing you also probably believe in the tooth fairy.

Of course they do. At least they are humble and admit to wanting to pay more taxes than their secretary (see warren buffett).

One side does the ethical thing, the other does not.


Veteran Member
Of course they do. At least they are humble and admit to wanting to pay more taxes than their secretary (see warren buffett).

One side does the ethical thing, the other does not.

You are living in a fairy tail world. Politically they say this, but I am willing to wager they do not really want to pay more taxes. The rich will always find ways to decrease their tax burden, this includes Democrats, Republican, Independents, Libertarians, Communist, Socialist, a other political persuasions.


Not Religious
An aspiring President for the past decade will not win on his shady dealings. Unless Willard wants to be known as one of the most immoral President's in history.

What kind of Presidential "material" would stash cash offshores to avoid the American system? Obama is the better candidate bar-none.


Veteran Member
An aspiring President for the past decade will not win on his shady dealings. Unless Willard wants to be known as one of the most immoral President's in history.

What kind of Presidential "material" would stash cash offshores to avoid the American system? Obama is the better candidate bar-none.
First all of Romney's wealth is in a "blind trust fund" which he established in 2003 when he became Governor of Massachusetts. He has not control over how and where his money is invested. I suggest you read the following article before you make such Obama Campaign style remarks.


Not Religious
First all of Romney's wealth is in a "blind trust fund" which he established in 2003 when he became Governor of Massachusetts. He has not control over how and where his money is invested. I suggest you read the following article before you make such Obama Campaign style remarks.
Thanks for proving my point of someone who claims to be a businessman and wants to be a president. Willard has failed in his Presidential adventure and will NEVER be President. He's shady, he does things a President wouldn't. You can believe whatever 'flip-flop' your Messiah tells you, the fact of the matter is that Willard is the TeaParty nightmare.


Veteran Member
Thanks for proving my point of someone who claims to be a businessman and wants to be a president. Willard has failed in his Presidential adventure and will NEVER be President. He's shady, he does things a President wouldn't. You can believe whatever 'flip-flop' your Messiah tells you, the fact of the matter is that Willard is the TeaParty nightmare.

You will note in the article: caused Mr. Romney’s trustee. You sir or madam are blind to the obvious fact that Romney has no control over the trust fund.


Not Religious
You will note in the article: caused Mr. Romney’s trustee.You sir or madam are blind to the obvious fact that Romney has no control over the trust fund.
Is that what Willard told you? Not my problem you trust this man. Who completely flips on every issue depending on whether it will benefit him or not. You're just completely duped.

Let's see the tax returns. A new story out showed that Mittens claimed to be with Bain in 2010 to avoid taxes.


Veteran Member
Is that what Willard told you? Not my problem you trust this man. Who completely flips on every issue depending on whether it will benefit him or not. You're just completely duped.

Let's see the tax returns. A new story out showed that Mittens claimed to be with Bain in 2010 to avoid taxes.

So obviously all you do is spout palatitudes. Do you even know how a blind trust works? From your comment it appears that you don't. So I will attempt to help you improve your knowdledge.
Blind Trust


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
We keep hearing those supporting Obama complaining about Romney’s Tax Returns. Here are the facts as I see them.
1. Romney is very well off; rich would be a valid statement
2. Romney has reported his income to the IRS
3. The IRS has not taken any action against Romney, therefore there are no legal discrepancies related to his Income Tax filings.

For you out there that say that Romney is hiding something illegal in his tax returns is a non-truth, see #3 above.
Al Capone went to jail for tax evasion, not murder or anything else associated with being a gangster. Do you think he never committed murder and wasn't a gangster?

Just because someone isn't charged with something doesn't mean they didn't do it. Right now, there isn't evidence either way.

The Obama supporters say that he used loopholes in the Tax Code to pay less tax. Granted he probably did, I am not saying he did or did not. However, in my opinion, if a person was too stupid to use legal means to pay less income tax I do not want him or her as my President. Let me ask this question: if you were making say $750,000.00 a year in regular income and $250,000.00 in capital gains, dividends, and interest would you pay approximately 44% of $750000 and approximately 15% of $250000 in taxes to the Federal Government? Or, would you hire a very smart tax account and reduce your tax burden? If you said pay the maximum either you are very stupid or extremely liberal.
I'm not sure of how the law works in the US (American tax rules scare me), but here, actions that are taken solely to reduce income tax payable are considered tax evasion.


Veteran Member
Al Capone went to jail for tax evasion, not murder or anything else associated with being a gangster. Do you think he never committed murder and wasn't a gangster?
And your point sir/madam? Are you saying that Romney committed murder or is/was a gangster?

Just because someone isn't charged with something doesn't mean they didn't do it. Right now, there isn't evidence either way.
Again your point? I am sure that you are smart enough to realize that the IRS has examined Romney's tax returns to the nth degree. However, the tax laws in this country are so extremely complex that there is probably no one that completely understands them. Another point, Romney does not do his own taxes or has any control over his investments. All of his income comes from a blind trust that he has no control over. I am sure that he is delivered his tax papers and told to sign them. He is not a tax lawyer and has to trust his accountants to do the work.

I'm not sure of how the law works in the US (American tax rules scare me), but here, actions that are taken solely to reduce income tax payable are considered tax evasion.
First this is the United States and not the country you reside in. Yes I agree that there are too many tax loopholes that need to be fixed. Only the Congress can attempt to fix the tax code. The only problem is that we have too many politicians that are more concerned with getting re-elected than doing what is right for the Country. Until we figure out how to stop the blantent "me first" attituted in Congress nothing is going to get corrected.