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Myers Briggs Type Inventory

What is your Myers Briggs Personality Type?

  • Total voters


Veteran Member
I'd say the only thing I didn't agree with in my profile is that I have a tendency to change friends often which is totally not true. Once I make a genuine friend they stay in my life. I've had the same best friend for most of my life.

I'd say I fit the ENFJ more closely.

Did anyone else feel they were a combination of types? It's always fascinating to read everyone's personality types to see if they are close to what we gathered through text communication already.

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
lilithu said:
Woah, no way! :) Do you know how rare you are Maize, how special? :hug:

We did Myers Briggs at a work retreat a couple of weekends ago. 17 UUs together for three days! :help: Anyway, 17 UUs. 16 of us were Ns. Only one was S, and only slightly expressed, which I see you are too.

The reason why I gave you a hug is because we NEED UUs like you to keep the rest of us grounded in reality.

I take hugs! :D

One thing we talked about in class about this is that Ns and Ss can have a very difficult time in relationships with each other. Ss annoy Ns by being boring and too focused on facts. Ns annoys Ss by not paying attention to detail and are perceived by Ss as lacking common sense. That can be a recipe for disaster in a relationship.

I'm also an anomaly by being a female T, which I see you are too. 80% of females are Fs.


Harvey Wallbanger
FeathersinHair said:
I'll take the test again- the last few times I've taken it, I've been an INFP. Maybe it'll say something different this time. :)

INFP here, what do I win?


The Devil's Advocate
Buttercup said:
I'd say the only thing I didn't agree with in my profile is that I have a tendency to change friends often which is totally not true. Once I make a genuine friend they stay in my life. I've had the same best friend for most of my life.

I'd say I fit the ENFJ more closely.

Did anyone else feel they were a combination of types? It's always fascinating to read everyone's personality types to see if they are close to what we gathered through text communication already.
It sounds like you are right on the border between J and P.

The Myers Briggs people keep saying that there is no right or wrong, good or bad with these types. But I think while none are "bad" it seems like a good thing to be on the border. It seems to me that means you're not too skewed in any one dimension.

I otoh, am very N. Boy am I ever N. :rolleyes:

I am kinda borderline T/F, leaning more towards T. The last time that I took this test I scored as F. (I normally score as T) But after talking with the Myers Briggs facilitator, we decided that I am more T than F and that the F result reflected more what I desired to be than what I actually am.

The thing is, I value both T and F. I value the ability to Think in an impartial manor. But I also value the ability to Feel/empathize along with other people. And so I am often struggling between these two things because they sometimes clash. If you only think impartially, you fail to take people's feelings into account and become cold. If you only take people's feelings into account, you fail to see the bigger picture. Sometimes people have to suffer a little hurt for the sake of a larger goal.

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
lilithu said:
Feathers, you are exactly what I would have guessed you'd be based on my interactions with you. If anyone is an F on RF, it is you. :)

Feeling Characteristics
  • Instinctively employ personal feelings and impact on people in decision situations
  • Naturally sensitive to people's needs and reactions.
  • Naturally seek consensus and popular opinions.
  • Unsettled by conflict; have almost a toxic reaction to disharmony.

Eeeeek! Speaking of unsettling, those characteristics just gave me a chill. The last one, about disharmony, is quite true. Thanks for posting that, Lillithu!


Veteran Member
lilithu said:
I am kinda borderline T/F, leaning more towards T. The last time that I took this test I scored as F. (I normally score as T) But after talking with the Myers Briggs facilitator, we decided that I am more T than F and that the F result reflected more what I desired to be than what I actually am.
I can understand you scoring a T. But, the F makes sense as well so it seems the test is actually quite accurate to place you inbetween at times. Also, don't you think all of us can vary a bit depending on the mood we're in or how things have been going in our lives at the time of the test?

Something I find interesting is that most people fall into the I category. I would think we'd have more E's. :shrug:

Thanks for posting the test....it's always fun to see where everyone places.


Active Member
I'm an INFJ:
  • slightly expressed introvert
  • slightly expressed intuitive personality
  • moderately expressed feeling personality
  • moderately expressed judging personality


Fellowship of Reason
Hi, I'm on the borderline between INTJ and INTP, so I'm really INTx. However, I voted INTP simply because the description sounds a little more like how I am today.

I find it interesting, and not unexpected, to see a high proportion of iNtuitives posting here on abstract, philosophical subjects. I wonder if the NFs tend to be theists, and the NTs tend to be the nontheists.




Active Member
Eudaimonist said:
I find it interesting, and not unexpected, to see a high proportion of iNtuitives posting here on abstract, philosophical subjects. I wonder if the NFs tend to be theists, and the NTs tend to be the nontheists.
I'm sure there are plenty of Feeling atheists and Thinker theists. Tests like these are dangerous in some ways because they make a lot of generalities about people. Oh, well, sometimes it has to be done in order to study humanity and personalities as a whole. :shrug:


Fellowship of Reason
HopefulNikki said:
I'm sure there are plenty of Feeling atheists and Thinker theists.

I'm sure of that too. However, I wonder if strong trends exist.

For example, I know that the Libertarian Party has a huge and consistent leaning towards NTs. Not everyone in the LP is an NT, but the proportion of NTs to other types is vastly disproportionate to the percentage of NTs in society as a whole.




Active Member
Eudaimonist said:
I'm sure of that too. However, I wonder if strong trends exist.


I dunno...do you think it strenghtens the case for atheism if atheists tend to be Thinkers?


Fellowship of Reason
HopefulNikki said:
I dunno...do you think it strenghtens the case for atheism if atheists tend to be Thinkers?

It says absolutely nothing about cases. But it may say something about psychology.




Active Member
Eudaimonist said:
It says absolutely nothing about cases. But it may say something about psychology.


Oops, let me rephrase so that it may make more sense: Do you think atheism gains objective validity if atheists tend to be Thinkers?


although i don't have much confidence in tests or categorizations such as these, i admit that several descriptions were spot-on.

[SIZE=+1]Your Type is
Strength of the preferences %[/SIZE]
Introverted Intuitive Feeling Perceiving
44 38 38 44

You are:
  • moderately expressed introvert
  • moderately expressed intuitive personality
  • moderately expressed feeling personality
  • moderately expressed perceiving personality
which apparently makes me a 'healer idealist'. but i strongly refute the claim that i would have anything in common with princess di.:cover:

this description struck me as more serious, even if i'm a bit skeptic about its claims that the personality types of homer and the virgin mary have been established.:rolleyes:


divine said:
i admit that several descriptions were spot-on.

which, on the other hand, is also true for my horoscope - which doesn't mean i believe in astrology. :)


King of Parentheses
I'm INFJ. I've scored consistently N and consistently J whenever I've taken these types of tests. My T/F flip flops at times. Of all the written descriptions though, INFJ fits me the best I think.

You are:
  • moderately expressed introvert
  • slightly expressed intuitive personality
  • slightly expressed feeling personality
  • moderately expressed judging personality


Fellowship of Reason
HopefulNikki said:
Oops, let me rephrase so that it may make more sense: Do you think atheism gains objective validity if atheists tend to be Thinkers?

Actually, that's what I understood your question to mean. No, I don't think atheism gains objective validity if atheists tend to be Thinkers. Why would it? Thinkers can be mistaken about reality just like anyone else, even if it is thinking that properly leads to truth. Thinkers can also disagree with each other, and even a minority of Thinkers may have the truth. And, of course, Feelers can think too.




The Devil's Advocate
eudaimonia said:
Hi, I'm on the borderline between INTJ and INTP, so I'm really INTx. However, I voted INTP simply because the description sounds a little more like how I am today.

I find it interesting, and not unexpected, to see a high proportion of iNtuitives posting here on abstract, philosophical subjects. I wonder if the NFs tend to be theists, and the NTs tend to be the nontheists.


Hi Mark, :) Well youre fellow INTP is a theist (panentheist). So N=2, we're tied. ;)

I don't know if there's a correlation, wouldn't surprise me either way. But what I do think is that if one is too T one puts principles above people, and those could be religious principles or non-religous principles. The T/F dimension isn't just about which way one thinks will lead to the truth. It's about how you relate to the world. An F is naturally more empathetic to the suffering/needs of people. However, if one is too F, one is ruled by sentiment and likely to be ineffectual.